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CH. 4 Microbiology BSP

Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in each of the black spaces below before clicking on it to display the answer.

acquired immunodeficiency syndrome AIDS   the onset of life-threatening illnesses that compromise the immune system as a result of the HIV infection and disease  
acquired immunity   an immunity that the body develops after it overcomes a disease or through inoculation.  
active (vegetative) stage   the stage in which bacteria grow and reproduce  
aseptic   free of disease and germs  
bacilli   rod-shaped bacteria that produce disease such as tetanus, typhoid fever, tuberculosis, and diohtheria  
bacteria   one-celled microorganisms, also known as germs or microbes  
bloodborne pathogens   disease causing bacteria or viruses that are carried through the body in the blood or body fluids  
cocci   round-shaped bacteria that appears singly or in grooups  
contagious (communicable)   a disease that may be transmitted by contact  
diplococci   round-shaped bacteria that cause diseases such as pneumonia  
flagella   hair-like extensions that propel bacteria through liquid  
fungi   plant parasites such as molds, mildew, yeasts, and rusts that can cause ringworm and favus.  
general infection   an infection that results when the bloodstream carries bacteria or viruses to all parts of the body  
hepatitis   a bloodborne disease marked by inflammation of the liver  
human disease carrier   a person who is immune to a disease, but harbors germs that can infect others  
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)   the virus that causes AIDS  
immunity   the ability of the body to resist invasion by bacteria and to destroy bacteria once they have entered the body  
inactive stage   the stage in which bacteria do not grow or reproduce  
infection   the result when the body is unable to cope with the invasion of bacteria and their harmful toxins  
local infection   an infection that is limited to a specific area of the body  
mitosis   the division of cells during reproduction  
MRSA   acronym for methicilln-resistant; Staphylococcus aureus, a type of staph infection resistant to certain antibiotics.  
natural immunity   natural resistance to disease that is partially inherited and partially developed  
nonpathogenic   beneficial or harmless bacteria that perform many useful function  
objective symptoms   symptoms that can be seen by anyone  
parasites   plant or animal organisms that live on other living organisms without giving anything in return  
pathogen   harmful, disease-producing bacteria  
pediculosis   a contagious infestation caused by the head or body louse  
pus   a fluid that contains white blood cells, dead and living bacteria, waste matter, tissue elements, and body cells, a sign of infection  
scabies   a contagious disorder caused by the itch mite  
sepis   a poisoned state caused by the absorption of pathogenic microorganisms into the bloodstream  
spirilla   curved or corkscrew-shaped bacteria that can cause syphilis and Lyme disease  
spore-forming bacteria   certain bacteria that have the ability to form protective spores to survive an inactive stage  
staphylococci   pus-forming bacteria that cause abscesses, pustules, pimples, and boils  
streptococci   pus-forming bacteria that cause infections such as strep throat, tonsillitis, other lung and throat diseases, and blood poisoning  
subjective syptoms   symptoms that can be felt or experienced only by the person infected  
virus   an infectious agent that lives only by penetrating cells and becoming a part of them.  
What are bacteria?   One-celled microorganisms also known as germs or microbes  
What are two types of bacteria?   Nonpathogenic, which are benefi cial or harmless bacteria that perform many useful functions; and pathogenic, which are harmful, disease-producing bacteria  
What are three forms of pathogenic bacteria and what are their shapes?   Cocci-round; Bacillli-rod-shaped; Spirilla-spiral/corkscrew-shaped  
How do bacteria move about?   By means of hair-like projections called flagella or cilia  
How do bacteria multiply?   By dividing in half through a process called mitosis  
What are the characteristics of the active stage of bacteria?   It is also known as the vegetative stage and is the reproduction stage of bacteria.  
What are the characteristics of the inactive stage of bacteria?   The stage in which bacteria do not grow or reproduce. Some bacteria lie dormant and others die off.  
What are two types of pathogenic bacteria that can form spores?   Anthrax and tetanus bacilli  
What is the name of the most common pus-forming human bacteria?   Staphylococci  
How can infections be controlled or prevented?   Through personal hygiene, effective sanitation, and public-sanitation procedures.  
What is a local infection?   An infection in one spot or area of the body  
What is a general infection?   One that carries pathogenic bacteria through the bloodstream to all parts of the body  
What are the differences between bacteria and viruses?   Bacteria are organisms that can live on their own; viruses live only by penetrating cells and becoming a part of them.  
What is the definition of natural immunity? Acquired immunity?   Natural immunity is a natural resistance to disease that is partially inherited and partially developed through hygienic living; acquired immunity is developed after the body has overcome a disease or through inoculations.  
Why is hepatitis more easily contracted than HIV?   Because it is present in all body fluids  
What is the name of the virus that causes AIDS?   Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)  
What is AIDS?   It is the onset of life-threatening illnesses that compromise the immune system as a result of HIV infection and disease.  
What are some methods that can be used to destroy bacteria   Disinfectants, intense heat (boiling, steaming, baking, or burning), and ultraviolet-rays  
Identify the type of bacteria that causes MRSA.   Staphylococcus aureus  
Why might a MRSA infection be difficult to cure?   Because it is is resistant to antibiotics such as methicillin, oxacillin, amoxicillin, and penicillin.  
How might bloodborne pathogens be transmitted during barbering services?   Through contaminated tools or implements that have come into contact with infected blood or body fluids, and through blood-to-blood contact.  
Name two types of parasites and the conditions they cause.   Plant parasites or fungi produce contagious skin diseases such as ringworm or favus. Animal parasites cause contagious infestations like scabies (itch mite) and pediculosis (lice).  
What is a contagious or communicable disease?   A disease that can be spread from one person to another by contact.  


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Created by: BSPittsburgh
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