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Quiz 2

Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in each of the black spaces below before clicking on it to display the answer.

What is the goal of induction?   to safely intubate the patient  
How many stages of anesthesia are there?   4  
Stage 1   amnesia and analgesia  
Stage 2   Delirium and lack of inhibition ( excitement phase)  
Stage 3   Surgical anesthesia, characterized by progressive depression of respiration, circulation, reflexes, and muscle tone  
How many planes is stage 3 broken up into?   4  
Stage 3 plane 1   light surgical anesthesia  
Stage 3 plane 2   moderate surgical anesthesia  
Stage 3 plane 3   Deep surgical anesthesia  
Stage 3 plane 4   Very deep surgical anesthesia, Apnea  
Stage 4   Premortem, between apnea and circulatory collapse  
At what stage of anesthesia would the patients eye be in a central position?   Stage 1-3 plane 1  
At what stage of anesthesia would you see Nystagmus?   Stage 2-3 plane 1  
At what stage of anesthesia would your patients eyes be rotated ventrally??   Stage 3 plane 2-3  
At what stage of anesthesia would your patients return to a central position from a ventrally rotated position?   Stage 3 plane 3-4, Stage 4  
At what stage of anesthesia would you be able to intubate your patient?   Stage 3 plane 2  
At what stage of anesthesia are most spays performed?   Stage 3 plane 3  
At what stage of anesthesia are most neuters performed?   Stage 3 plane 2  
When will your patient have a pupil response to light??   Always unless too deep  
When will the patients muscle tone be good?   stage 1-3 plane 1  
When will the patients muscle tone be relaxed??   Stage 3 planes 2-3  
When will the patients muscle tone be unresponsive?   Stages 2-3 plane 4  
What is the palpebral reflex?   blink upon touching the lateral or medial canthus  
At what stage of anesthesia is the palpebral reflex lost?   stage 2-3 plane 1-2  
What is the pedal reflex?   Withdrawal of the limb in response to vigorous squeezing and twisting or pinching of a digit or paw pad  
At what stage of anesthesia is the pedal reflex lost??   Stage 3 plane 1-3  
What is the corneal reflex?   a retraction of the eyeball within the orbit and/ or a blink response to stimulation of the cornea  
What is the Auricular reflex?   flick of the ear in response to stimulation of the ear  
What is the laryngeal reflex?   an immediate closure of the epiglottis and vocal cords when the larynx is touched by any object  
What stage of anesthesia is the laryngeal response lost?   usually lost at stage 3, may still be seen during intubation,  
What species is the laryngeal reflex stronger in/   cats, pigs, and small ruminants  
What is the pharyngeal/ swallowing reflex?   response to food or saliva in the pharynx  
What stage of anesthesia is the pharyngeal reflex lost?   Stage 3 plane 1-3  
Does ketamine provide analgesia??   yes  
What are the side effects of ketamine?/   pain after injection, lowers the seizure threshold, increased salivation, respiratory depression, emesis, vocalization, spastic jerking movements, seizures/muscle tremors, cardiac arrest  
What is the reversal agent for ketamine   none  
What type of drug is diazepam?   Benzodiazepine  
What is the reversal agent for diazepam?   Flumazenil  
What type of drug is ketamine?   Dissociative  
What are the effects of diazepam?   anti-anxiety/calming, anti-convulsant, skeletal muscle relaxation,  
Does diazepam provide analgesia?   NO  
What are the contraindication for diazepam??   inject IV slowly, use with caution in animals with hepatic or renal disease/geriatrics/coma/shock/debilitated  
What type of drug is thiopental?   Barbiturate  
What type of barbiturate is thiopental?   ultra short acting barbiturate  
What is Telazol?   Tiletamine and zolazopam  
What type of drug is propofol?   Short acting hypnotic  
Does propofol provide any analgesia?   no  
What are the adverse effects of propofol?   significant respiratory depression (especially if given too fast IV), Can cause apnea, may cause histamine release, Hypotension, seizure like signs (paddling, Opisthotonos, myoclonic twitching during induction  
What does ophisthotonus mean?   throw the head back, front legs become rigid  
What is the reversal agent for propofol?   NONE  
What are the advantages of intubation?   creates a patent airway, allowing efficient delivery of oxygen anesthetic gas, and medications, helps prevent waste gas exposure, prevents aspiration of blood, saliva, vomit, allows control over ventilations, reduces dead space  
What are the disadvantages of intubation/??   stimulates vagus nerves ( leads to bradycardia), intubation of esophagus, laryngospasms, risk of bronchi insertion, over inflation of cuff causing pressure necrosis or tearing/ sub-Q emphysema, Hypothermia  
What is the normal respiratory rate of an anesthetized dog?   8-20 bpm  
What is the normal heart rate for an anesthetized dog???   60-150bpm  
What is the normal mucous membrane color for an anesthetized dog?   Normally pink but varies from patient to patient  
What is the normal CRT for an anesthetized dog?   <1 sec  
What color is an oxygen tank?   green  
What color is a nitrous oxide tank???   blue  
What is the color of a nitrogen tank?   Black  
What color is a carbon dioxide tank?   Grey  
What are the 2 sizes tanks come in??   Size H and size E  
What is the difference between an H tank and an E tank?   An H tank is large and usually attached to a central system, E tanks are smaller and affixed to the machine  
What is the Psi of a full tank?   2200  
What is the psi at the regulator?   50 psi  
What is the psi at the flow meter?   15 psi  
What is the criteria for use of a non-rebreather system?   less than 7kg or 15 lbs.  
How is tidal volume calculated?   10ml/kg  
How do you calculate the size of your reservoir bag you need to use?   tidal volume multiplied by 5 or 6  
What is the biggest difference between a precision and non-precision vaporizer?   The ability to know how much anesthetic gas the patient is receiving  
How can you prevent atelectasis?   sighing or "bagging" your patient every 5 mins while under anesthesia  
What is atelectasis?   collapsed alveoli  
What is the goal of asepsis??   To keep as much bacteria out of and away from the patients surgical incision, in order to avoid contaminating or infecting the otherwise healthy (hopefully) animal  
define sterile   free from all bacteria or other living microorganisms; totally clean  
Aseptic   free from contamination caused by harmful bacteria, viruses, or other microorganisms  
What is the difference between sterile and aseptic??   Only inanimate objects can be sterilized (either by way of steam, chemical, etc...) Aseptic is the closest a living thing can become to sterile by means of scrubbing with a bactericide/virucidal agents, properly donning sterile gown and gloves  
When "scrubbing in" What is the standard length of time and procedure?   scrub from hand to hand (starting on one side of the hand working your way over, remove any debris from under the nails), then arm to arm, drying the same,  
What is the difference between the duties of a sterile scrub nurse and a non-sterile tech?   "scrub tech" implies that you are surgically scrubbed and in sterile gown and gloves, a scrub tech can then assist the surgeon in any way needed including touching any part of the sterile field. A non-sterile tech must never invade the sterile field  
What are the different types of needles used for suturing?   tapered and cutting  
What are taper needles used for???   internal/visceral suture such as bowl, bladder, etc.. delicate tissue  
What are cutting needles used for??   external sutures  
What type of needle leaves a pyramid shaped hole??   cutting  
What type of needle leaves and upside down pyramid shaped hole?   reverse cutting  
What type of needle leave a circular/round hole?   taper  
How is suture material characterized?   tensile strength, memory, flexibility, absorbability, structure, knot security, origin of material, sizing, color, packaging  
What is monofilament suture?   suture made up of 1 single fiber  
What is multifilament suture?   Suture made up of multiple fibers braided together to make one line of suture material  
What is the brand name for nylon?   Ethilon, Dermalon  
Is nylon absorbable?   NO  
What is the brand name for polyester?   Ethibond  
is polyester absorbable?   NO  
What is the brand name for Polyglactin 910?   Vicryl  
Is Vicryl absorbable?   yes 50-70 days  
What is the brand name for polyglycolic acid?   Dexon  
is Dexon absorbable?   YES 120 days  
What is the brand name for polypropylene?   Surgilene, Prolene  
Is Surgilene, Prolene absorbable?   NO  
What is the brand name for polidioxanone?   PDS  
Is PDS absorbable?   Yes, 180 days  
What is the brand name for silk?   Silk  
Is silk absorbable?   NO  
What is the brand name for chromic gut?   Chromic gut  
Is chromic gut absorbable?   YES 60 days  
in regards to suture what does chromic mean?   treated with acid salts to delay absorption time  
In regards to suture what does capillary mean?   The ability of the suture to draw in liquid  
In regards to suture, what is memory?   The ability of the suture to retain the shape it was in the package  
when talking able suture sizes, the larger the number the ________ the suture is.   smaller  
When talking about suture needles, the lower the number the ________ the needle is?   larger  
What are the 2 types of suture patterns?   continuous and interrupted  
What are the advantages of interrupted patterns?   if 1 suture breaks the rest are still secure, minimizes the travel of bacteria,  
What are the disadvantages of interrupted?   more operator time, more suture material used, more knots  
What are the advantages of continuous suture patterns?   minimal use of suture material and knots, less operator time, strong  
What are the disadvantages of continuous suture?   If the line breaks the whole suture is broken, bacteria can travel up the entire length of the suture,  
Name 2 continuous patterns   simple continuous, ford interlocking blanket stitch  
Name 4 interrupted suture patterns   simple interrupted, vertical mattress, horizontal mattress, cross mattress/ cruciate  
What are the complications of suturing??   Dehiscence,(may be due to tension) infection, suture reaction  
What color is an isoflurane gas cylinder?   purple  
What color is a sevoflurane gas cylinder?   yellow  
What color is a desflurane gas cylinder?   blue  
When should you change the Co2 granules??   When they become come crumbly, they may or may not retain a purple color  
When should oxygen tanks be changed??   100-200 Psi  
What is the optimal flow rate for a patient less than 7kg ?   30 mL/kg/min  
What is the optimal flow rate for a patient more than 7kg?   200mL/kg/min never less than 1L  
How is active scavenging different than passive scavenging?   active uses suction from a vacuum pump to draw gas into the scavenger. Passive discharges waste gasses to the outside through a hole in the canister  
What are the disadvantages of active scavenging systems?   more expensive, more maintenance involved, must remember to turn it on!!!  
Hypercapnia   excessive carbon dioxide int eh blood stream often caused by inadequate respiration  
What are the risks associated with under inflation of the endotracheal tube cuff   patient may be too light, or even wake despite high anesthetic gas levels, anesthetic gas may be expelled into the room,  
What are the three parts of induction/   preparation of the patient, preparation of supplies, restrain the patient and administer the anesthetic agent ( begin monitoring immediately)  


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Created by: Adeprey4311
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