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Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in each of the black spaces below before clicking on it to display the answer.

What are the color of the runway markings and runway hold lines   White runway markings and yellow runway hold lines  
____ are the portion of the airfield where aircraft or helicopters are parked before or between flights, and for servicing and maintenance   Aprons  
Which of the following is required when parking a vehicle at the side of any aircraft   Both A and B : vehicle must be clear of wingtips and vehicle must be visible to personnel in the cockpit  
Prior to entering or crossing a runway drivers will____   Stop at the runway hold line, contact the tower via two-way radio and ask for permission to enter or cross  
The speed limit (max) when driving a general purpose vehicle within 25 ft of a parked aircraft is   5 MpH  
What is the speed limit for a designated traffic lane within 200 ft of a designated parking area   15 mph  
When are vehicles responding to red ball incidents allowed to exceed speed limits?   They are not allowed to exceed limits  
Where would this sign be located [4-22] (Red sign with white letter)   At the bar holdline for Runway 4-22  
Pick correct statement   Runway numbers represent  
Crossing the runway hold lines and entering a runway without ATC approval will result in   All the above  
What is depicted below and what must a driver do when approaching it   Instrument hold line  
Which of the following statements are true for chocking parked vehicles on the airfield   Both a and b  
When parking a vehicle with a manual transmission in close proximity to an aircraft what gear is the transmission left in?   Reverse  
Which of the following actions are required when parking a vehicle in the airfield   All the above  
When a n aircrafts engines are being operated, vehicles will not be parked less than ____/____ of an aircraft   25 Ft in front / 200 fr rear  
A flashing red light from the control tower means___   Clear active runway  
A flashing green light and white light gun signal form the control tower cab means   General warning  
What must an operator do when approaching an active runway   Stop: contact tower to ask permission to cross runway  
Personnel operating within the controlled movement area will have two way radio contact with the control tower or___   Have an escort with two way radio contact  
When approaching and aircraft at night vehicle operators should do which of the following   Turn off headlights and leave parking lights on  
Excerpt when an aircraft is being serviced, loaded or unloaded vehicles should not be driven within ___ ft of the aircraft   10 ft  
When entering the airfield, vehicle operators must perform which of the following   All the above  
What are the leading causes of runway incursions   All the above  
Before entering the controller area l, vehicle operators must do which of the following   All the above  
All vehicles must approach parked aircraft   With drivers side of vehicle toward aircraft  
Which is a correct statement concerning communications   All the above  
When communicating with the tower, which communication is correct   Tower, maintenance one at taxiway alpha, request permission to cross runway 12  
If a portion of the control tower transmission is garbled or stepped on what do you do   Ask them to repeat  
During inclement whether or at night what must a vehicle temp parked on any part of the aircraft apron do with their vehicle lights   Turn on flashers  


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Created by: PaxNastyy