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UCI Physio Test 1

Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in each of the black spaces below before clicking on it to display the answer.

half life of thrombocytes   5 days  
platelet adhesion binding proteins   GPIaIIa binds collagen; GPIbIX binds von Willebrand factor; GPIIbIIIa binds fibrinogen to other platelets  
when are GPIIbIIa receptors exposed on platelets   during activation  
action of serotonin   vasoconstriction  
action of ADP   activates other platelets  
pathway of which COX 1 is part   phospholipid (phospholipase A2) arachodonic acid (COX1) prostoglandin H2 (thromboxane synthase) thromboxane A2 which activates other platelets  
pathway of which COX 2 is part   arachidonic acid (COX2) prostaglandin G2 (protocyclin synthase [PGI]) prostocyclin I2 [PGI2] which leads to inflammation and oppose platelet activation  
blood clotting factors I, II, III, IV, and XIII   fibrinogen, prothrombin, tissue factor, calcium, and transglutaminase  
where are blood clotting factors which are proteases and protease cofactors produced   liver  
hemophilia A lacks what   clotting factor VIII  
hemophilia B lacks what   clotting factor IX  
which clotting cascade and which clotting factors are essential for life   extrinsic path, tissue factor, and VII/VIIa  
what activates the intrinsic pathway   negative surfaces (contact)  
do you know the clotting cascades?   if not, go check the notes  
what does cofactor V do of note   increase rxn speed of prothrombin to thrombin by 10,000  
what does vitamin K do, to what, and where   add a CO2 to factors II, VII, IX, C, and S; liver  
what is Calcium's role in clotting   binds some factors (same that need vit K) to platelets  
antithrombin   inhibits thrombin (duh) and factors IXa, Xa, and XIa  
heparin   activates antithrombin  
thrombomodulin location and activity   surface of intact vascular endothelial cells; binds thrombin and inhibits normal thrombin activity; activates thrombin toward protein C  
protein C activity   activated by thrombin and thrombomodulin; inactivates factors V and VIII; protein C is essential  
plasmin action and plasmin activator   clot lysis by hydrolyzing fibrin; TPA activates it  
TPA   tissue-type plasminogen activator  
bernard soulier syndrome   defective vWf receptor (GPIb-IX)  
Glanzmann's disease   defective fibrinogen receptor (GPIIb-IIIa)  
APC stands for what and does what?   activated protein C; inactivates VIII and V  
factor V Leiden   single pt mutation that resists APC inactivation leading to V always being active (thrombosis risk)  
disfibrinogenemias   rare cause of bleeding from mutation in fibrinogen  
acquired bleeding disorders (two types)   autoantibodies and Vit K dependent  
anti-coagulants   calcium chelators (citrate, oxalate) and heparin  
heparin action and duration   antithrombin activation, fast acting, lasts for hours  
vit K antagonists and action   dicoumarol, warfarin, coumadin (stops vit K from being regenerated which is needed to modify clotting factors)  
PT is what   prothrombin time; a clinical lab test to measure extrinsic and common pathways; use INR (international normalized ratio) test/normal: .5 clotting risk, 1 normal, 5 bleeding risk, 10 high bleeding risk  
PTT or aPTT is what   (activated) partial thromboplastin time; a measure of the Intrnsic and common pathways; more sensative to heparin than PT; less sensative to vit K than PT  
natural anticoagulants are produced by   ticks, hookworms, vampire bats, snakes, leaches  
coumodin acts like what   VIKORCI  
vit K required enzyme   glutamyl carboxylase  


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Created by: droid
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