What does ‘exercise’ mean and what is ‘physical fitness’?
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Explain structured exercise has a wide variety of activities name some | a wide variety of gym, classes, pool & outdoor activities.
Structured or planned activity that requires physical effort, with the aim of sustaining or improving physical fitness is known as | Structured exercise
physical activity/fitness can defined as | A state of wellbeing that provides optimal performance
A state of wellbeing that provides optimal performance is known as | Physical Fitness
Muscular Endurance, cardio fitness, Flexibility, Strength & body composition are all known as which components | Health related components
Name the 5 "Health related" components | Muscular Endurance, cardio fitness, Flexibility, Strength & body composition
Name the 6 "Skill related" components | speed, power, agility, balance, coordination, reaction time
speed, power, agility, balance, coordination, reaction time are all known as which components (MOTOR SKILLS) | Skill related components (MOTOR SKILLS)
A potential outcome from taking part in regular physical activity and exercise should lead to what | Physical Fitness
the volume of exercise needed to attain specific fitness goals & imrpove/,maintain specific componenets of tiness (health or skill related) is known as what | "FITT" Frequency, Intensity, Time & Type
Frequency, Intensity, Time & Type is known as ? | FITT
FITT means | Frequency, Intensity, Time & Type
The ability of the heart, lungs & muscles to take in, transport & utilise oxygen during exercise is known as what type of fitness | Cardiovascular (CV) Fitness
Cardiovascular (CV) Fitness - describe | The ability of the heart, lungs & muscles to take in, transport & utilise oxygen during exercise
Cardiovascular (CV) Fitness is also referred to as what other 3 names | cardiorespiratory fitness, stamina & aerobic fitness
cardiorespiratory fitness, stamina & aerobic fitness is also referred to as what | Cardiovascular (CV) Fitness
name some goals that train health related components of fitness | climbing stairs (muscular endurance) - Gaining 5k in muscle (body composition) - Running/cycling 2K (CV Fitness) - Bench pressing 20K x 20 reps ( Muscular Strength)
climbing stairs (Muscular Endurance) would it be a "health or skill related component of fitness ? | Health related component
Gaining 5k in muscle (body composition) would it be a "health or skill related component of fitness ? | Health related component
Running/cycling 2K (CV Fitness) would it be a "health or skill related component of fitness ? | Health related component
Bench pressing 20K x 20 reps ( Muscular Strength) would it be a "health or skill related component of fitness ? | Health related component
A full turn on a balance beam (balance/coordination) would it be a "health or skill related component of fitness ? | Skill related component (MOTOR SKILL)
Improving a sprint start time (power/reaction time) would it be a "health or skill related component of fitness ? | Skill related component (MOTOR SKILL)
Improving personal best by 2 secs (Speed) would it be a "health or skill related component of fitness ? | Skill related component (MOTOR SKILL)
what two rates do CV activities increase | Heart & Breathing
what knock on effect during CV activity does increased breathing /heart rate have on blood & oxygen | blood flow is sped up to deliver more oxygen to the body to produce energy aerobically
activities that use the larger muscles in a continuous & rhythmic way would improve which kind of fitness | Cardiovascular (CV) Fitness
activities that elevate the heart rate to an appropriate intensity would improve which kind of fitness | Cardiovascular (CV) Fitness
activities that include walking, running, swimming, rowing, cycling & dancing would improve which kind of fitness | Cardiovascular (CV) Fitness
"muscular fitness" is know as a combination of what | Muscular endurance & Muscular Strength
the ability of the muscles to work continuously under "low-to-moderate" resistance is known as | Muscular endurance
Muscular endurance - definition | the ability of the muscles to work continuously under low-to-moderate resistance
name some Daily activities that require "muscular endurance" | carrying shopping, climbing stairs, maintaining optimal posture, gardening
exercise sessions involving (high-repetition / low resistance) is known as | muscular endurance
The definition of "muscular strength" is | the ability of the muscles to exert maximal force against a high resistance
the ability of the muscles to exert maximal force against a high resistance is known as | muscular strength
exercise sessions involving (low-repetition / hig resistance) is known as | muscular strength
Examples of daily activities requiring "muscular strength" | Moving heavy objects eg furniture
Examples of exercise activities requiring "muscular strength" | Lifting heavy weights
Muscular strength is useful for two key reasons | enabling people to produce a greater maximal force when required & minimising the amount of effort required to perform everyday sub-maximal tasks by enhancing an individual’s level of strength.
The definition of flexibility ? | the range of movement at a joint or series of joints
the range of movement at a joint or series of joints is known as | flexibility
what is determined by the shape of the bones and cartilage and by the length of the muscles and connective tissues (ligaments and tendons) that cross over the joint in question | flexibility
in regard to Flexibility what system affects the amount of muscle tension & tone | the nervous system
why is it important for individuals to develop and maintain appropriate levels of flexibility | ensure an appropriate range of motion (ROM) and freedom of movement at all joints
Inactivity can lead to muscle shortening and a loss of ? | flexibility
A significant lack of flexibility can dramatically affect a persons what | posture
Certain sports may reduce flexibility, e.g. jogging, football, boxing and hockey, why ? | all involve movements where muscles are not worked through
their full range
what happens when muscles are not worked through their full range | lead to muscle tightness and adaptive shortening
A high degree of flexibility or ‘hypermobility is know as | double jointed
The definition of body composition is | the proportion of "fat" and "fat-free mass".
the proportion of "fat" and "fat-free mass" on an individual is known as | body compositions
Body composition is normally measured as a percentage of what | body fat
what takes up "more" space in the body "fat" or "muscle tissue" | FAT !!
Performance in many "sports" will be enhanced when body fat percentages IN MEN reach ? | 7 TO 19 %
Performance in many "sports" will be enhanced when body fat percentages IN WOMEN reach ? | 10 TO 25%
Body fat percentages viewed as satisfactory for optimal health IN MEN are | 8 TO 25%
Body fat percentages viewed as satisfactory for optimal health IN WOMEN are | 21 TO 36%
Why do women naturally carry more body fat than men | hormonal responses in puberty that prepare them for child bearing
Why do men naturally carry less body fat than women | Higher levels of testosterone which increase lean muscle tissue hence lowering body fat %
losing 2K to fit in a dress (body composition) would it be a "health or skill related component of fitness ? | Health related component
Completing 20 reps with a 15kg barbell (muscular strength) would it be a "health or skill related component of fitness ? | Health related component
Training to complete a charity marathon (cardiovascular fitness) would it be a "health or skill related component of fitness ? | Health related component
Yoga poses like the pigeon pose (flexibility) would it be a "health or skill related component of fitness ? | Health related component
‘Speed’ defines how quickly a movement can be performed in a short space of time "health or skill related component of fitness ? | Skill related component (MOTOR SKILL) - sprinting throwing etc
Power is the ability to exert maximum muscular contraction instantly in an explosive burst of movement (within a short time frame) "health or skill related component of fitness ? | Skill related component (MOTOR SKILL) - lomg or high jump - shot put - javelin
The two components of power "skill related component of fitness" are | Strength & speed
Reaction time is the ability to respond quickly to a stimulus "health or skill related component of fitness ? | Skill related component (MOTOR SKILL) - eg sprint start
Agility is the ability to change the position of the body and move in different directions quickly "health or skill related component of fitness ? | Skill related component (MOTOR SKILL) - eg zig zagging in and out of players eg rugby
Balance is the ability to control the body’s position when stationary or moving "health or skill related component of fitness ? | Skill related component (MOTOR SKILL) - eg gymnastics, or while moving could be diving
Coordination is the ability to smoothly move two or more body parts under control, accurately and efficiently "health or skill related component of fitness ? | Skill related component (MOTOR SKILL) eg dancing kicking or hitting
Coordination the "skill related component of fitness" also involves uses two senses what are they ? | eyes & ears - eg catching (eye-to-ball coordination)
what Skill related component (MOTOR SKILL) would use power balance & coordination give an example | tennis serve
the point at which body fat becomes a health risk varies between which two groups ? | ethnic & age
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