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An Overall View of Construction from Development to Structure Finish

Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in each of the black spaces below before clicking on it to display the answer.

Who are the first people to be involved in a typical construction project? (housing project)   The real estate developer and community planners.  
Who does the developer work with?   The developer identifies where they would like to build and must work with city planners to ensure plans are acceptable to the city.  
What is the city planner responsible for?   The city planner is responsible for ensuring that the plans of the developer meets and fits the city's overall development plan and zoning ordinances.  
Developers can bring in civil engineers, there job is to do what?   Help develop the infrastructure. Where to put the streets, their widths, drainage, provisions for storm water run off.  
If a street is 1-mile long and 32 feet wide, and an inch of rain falls on that street, how much water will be produced for run-off on this street?   105,000 gallons! This is why civil engineers are crucial, they consider the soil conditions expected traffic on the road, this helps them design a foundation for the roadway.  
What does an architect do?   Architects specialize in the use of size, space, aesthetics, and livability features.  
What does an engineer do?   Construction engineers analyze the structural requirements to ensure a structure will adequately support the architectural features.  
End products of the architect and engineer add to_______________, drawings.   Architectural drawings. They include work done by architects,engineers and technicians.  
Building codes require a _________________, on the drawings before work can be done.   A seal, from the architect.  
The architect requires the_____________to certify certain aspects of the drawings before the architect will put a seal on them.   Engineer  
Most towns, cities and counties have___________________codes.   Building codes.  
A building code is a set of________________________that ensure that the buildings in that jurisdiction are safe for construction.   Regulations  
Bulding codes specify such things a minimum size, spacing for lumber,_______________,and_______________________.   steepness of stairs, and fire rating of critical components.  
Most small cities adopt the ____________code.   State. State usually require have their own building codes, and state codes require local building codes to be at least as strict as the state code.  
There are many codes that govern a structure, such as____________,__________________,___________, to name a few.   Plumbing codes, fire protection codes,electrical codes.  
Plumbers and Electricians often have to refer to_________,during construction.   Building codes.  
Architects and Engineers who design the building usually see that the code requirements are covered in their design? True or False?   True.  
In residential construction it is common for for plans to indicate where fixtures and outlets are to be located, but__________________,and____________________must calculate loads, and plan their work accordingly, to meet codes.   Plumbers and Electricians.  
Electrical and Plumbing codes are updated frequently, so workers must spend time________________________.   Learning new codes to be in compliance.  
Technicians provide a link between, ___________________,and________________________.   Skilled trades and professions.  
Technicians use mathematics, computer skills, and specialized equipment, and knowledge of construction to preform a variety of jobs. Some of those careersare_____________,______________,_____________,___________.   Surveyor, Estimator, Drafter, Inspector,Planner. Surveyor, measures the land,draws maps, lays out building lines.  
Surveyor does_____________________________________________.   Measures the land,draws maps, lays out building lines, and lays out roadways.  
Estimator does______________.___________________________________.   Calculates time and materials necessary for a project.  
Drafter does_____________________________________________________.   Draws plans and construction details in conjunction with architects and engineers.  
Planner does___________________________________________________________.   Plans the best land and community development.  


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Created by: Justice.Casey
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