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Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in each of the black spaces below before clicking on it to display the answer.

el baloncesto   basketball  
el béisbol   baseball  
el ciclismo   cycling  
el equipo   team  
el esquí (acuático)   (water) skiing  
el fútbol   soccer  
el fútbol americano   American football  
el golf   golf  
el hockey   hockey  
el/la jugador/a   player  
la natación   swimming  
el partido   match; game  
la pelota   ball  
el tenis   tennis  
el vóleibol   volleyball  
almorzar (o:ue)   to have lunch  
cerrar (e:ie)   to close  
comenzar (e:ie)   to begin  
conseguir (e:i)   to get; to obtain  
contar (o:ue)   to count; to tell  
decir (e:i)   to say; to tell  
dormir (o:ue)   to sleep  
empezar (e:ie)   to begin  
encontrar (o:ue)   to find  
entender (e:ie)   to understand  
hacer   to make; to do  
ir   to go  
jugar (u:ue)   to play (sport or game)  
mostrar (o:ue)   to show  
oír   to hear  
pedir (e:i)   to ask for; to request  
pensar (e:ie)   to think  
pensar (+ inf.)   to intend  
pensar en   to think about  
perder (e:ie)   to lose  
poder (o:ue)   to be able to; can  
poner   to place; to put  
preferir (e:ie)   to prefer  
querer (e:ie)   to want  
recordar (o:ue)   to remember  
repetir (e:i)   to repeat  
salir   to leave  
seguir (e:i)   to follow; to continue  
suponer   to suppose  
traer   to bring  
ver   to see  
volver (o:ue)   to return  
favorito/a   favorite  
el café   café  
el centro   downtown  
el cine   movie theatre  
el gimnasio   gymnasium  
la iglesia   church  
el lugar   place  
el museo   museum  
el parque   park  
la piscina   pool  
la plaza   city or town square  
el restaurante   restaurant  
deportivo/a   sports-related  
andar en patineta   to skateboard  
bucear   to scuba dive  
escalar montañas   to mountain climb  
escribir una carta   to write a letter  
escribir un mensaje electrónico   to write an email  
leer un periódico   to read a newspaper  
leer una revista   to read a magazine  
esquiar   to ski  
ganar   to win  
ir de excursión   to go on a hike  
nadar   to swim  
pasear   to go for a walk/ to take a stroll  
pasear en bicicleta   to ride a bicycle  
patinar (en linea)   to (inline) skate  
practicar deportes   to play sports  
ver peliculas   to watch movies  
visitar monumentos   to visit monuments  
la diversión   entertainment/ recreation/ fun activities  
el fin de semana   weekend  
el pasatiempo   pastime/ hobby  
los ratos libres   (spare) free time  
el videojuego   videogame  
andar en patineta   to skateboard  
decir la verdad   to tell the truth  
decir mentiras   to tell lies  
decir que   to say that  
decir la respuesta   to say the answer  
el/la aficionado/a   fan  
la cartera   wallet  
el hueco   hole  
un montón de   a lot of  


Review the information in the table. When you are ready to quiz yourself you can hide individual columns or the entire table. Then you can click on the empty cells to reveal the answer. Try to recall what will be displayed before clicking the empty cell.
To hide a column, click on the column name.
To hide the entire table, click on the "Hide All" button.
You may also shuffle the rows of the table by clicking on the "Shuffle" button.
Or sort by any of the columns using the down arrow next to any column heading.
If you know all the data on any row, you can temporarily remove it by tapping the trash can to the right of the row.

Embed Code - If you would like this activity on your web page, copy the script below and paste it into your web page.

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Created by: vschwarz
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