Realidades I.iv. Vocabulary Words
Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in
each of the black spaces below before clicking
on it to display the answer.
ir de compras | to go shopping
ver una película | to see a movie
la lección de piano | piano lesson (class)
Me quedo en casa. | I stay at home.
la biblioteca | library
el café | café
el campo | countryside
la casa | home, house
en casa | at home
el centro comercial | mall
el cine | movie theater
el gimnasio | gym
la iglesia | church
la mezquita | mosque
las montañas | mountains
el parque | park
la piscina | swimming pool
la playa | beach
el restaurante | restaurant
la sinagoga | synagogue
el templo | temple, Protestant church
el trabajo | work, job
a | to (prep.)
a la, al (a + el) | to the
¿Adónde? (To) | Where?
a casa (to) | home
¿Con quién? | With whom?
con mis / tus amigos | with my / your friends
solo, -a | alone
¿Cuándo? | When?
después | afterwards
después (de) | after
los fines de semana | on weekends
los lunes, los martes . . . | on Mondays, on Tuesdays . . .
tiempo libre | free time
¿De dónde eres? | Where are you from?
de | from, of
generalmente | generally
¡No me digas! | You don’t say!
para + infinitive | in order to + infinitive
el baile | dance
el concierto | concert
la fiesta | party
ir + a + infinitive | to be going to + verb
ir de cámping | to go camping
ir de pesca | to go fishing
jugar al básquetbol | to play basketball
jugar al béisbol | to play baseball
jugar al fútbol | to play soccer
jugar al fútbol americano | to play football
jugar al golf | to play golf
jugar al tenis | to play tennis
jugar al vóleibol | to play volleyball
el partido | game, match
(yo) sé | I know (how)
(tú) sabes | you know (how)
cansado, -a | tired
contento, -a | happy
enfermo, -a | sick
mal | bad, badly
ocupado, -a | busy
triste | sad
¿A qué hora? | (At) what time?
a la una | at one (o’clock)
a las ocho | at eight (o’clock)
de la mañana | in the morning
de la noche | in the evening,at night
de la tarde | in the afternoon
esta noche | this evening
esta tarde | this afternoon
este fin de semana | this weekend
conmigo | with me
contigo | with you
(yo) puedo | I can
(tú) puedes | you can
¡Ay! ¡Qué pena! | Oh! What a shame!
¡Genial! | Great!
lo siento | I’m sorry
¡Oye! | Hey!
¡Qué buena idea! | What a good / niceidea!
(yo) quiero | I want
(tú) quieres | you want
¿Te gustaría? | Would you like?
Me gustaría | I would like
Tengo que . | I have to .
demasiado | too
entonces | then
un poco (de) | a little
Review the information in the table. When you are ready to quiz yourself you can hide individual columns or the entire table. Then you can click on the empty cells to reveal the answer. Try to recall what will be displayed before clicking the empty cell.
To hide a column, click on the column name.
To hide the entire table, click on the "Hide All" button.
You may also shuffle the rows of the table by clicking on the "Shuffle" button.
Or sort by any of the columns using the down arrow next to any column heading.
If you know all the data on any row, you can temporarily remove it by tapping the trash can to the right of the row.
To hide a column, click on the column name.
To hide the entire table, click on the "Hide All" button.
You may also shuffle the rows of the table by clicking on the "Shuffle" button.
Or sort by any of the columns using the down arrow next to any column heading.
If you know all the data on any row, you can temporarily remove it by tapping the trash can to the right of the row.
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