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Equine internal parasite scientific names, key points

Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in each of the black spaces below before clicking on it to display the answer.

Roundworm   Parascaris equorum Defin host = horses Intermediate " = none Site of migrating larvae = liver + lungs Site of adults = sm intestines Common in = foals 2=6 mo Clincal signs = coughing, nasal d/c, growth stunted Tmt = ivermectin, benzimidoles, pyrant  
Lg strongyles   Strongylus vulgaris defin host = horses intermediate "= none Site larvae = mesenteric artery site adult = cecum + lg intestine Primary dmg caused by larvae Signs = colic, anemia, torsion Tmt = larvicidal anthelmintic by 2 mo  
Sm strongyles   Cythastomes defin host = horses intermediate = none site = cecum & lg intestine Plug feeders, larvae more pathogenic more immune Tmt = ivermectin, moxidectin (larvae), fenbendazole (adults)  
Pinworm   Oxyuris equi OPERCULATED defin host = horse intermediate = none site = cecum, lg intestine, rectum, perineal area Females lay eggs around the anus → pruritis Dx = scratch behavior, scotch tape, gross exam Tmt = ivermectin, pyrantel, moxi, fenbenazol  
Threadworm   Strongyloides westeri ZOONOTIC defin host = most animals intermediate = none site adult = sm intestine site larvae = skin lungs right conditions, L3 parasitic → transdermal penetration, ingestion OR transmammary Signs = "foal heat diarrhea" 9-13 d o  
Horse bot/Stomach bot   Gasterophilus defin host = horse intermediate = horse botfly 1 gen/year INTESTINALIS - eggs laid on forelegs/shoulders NASALIS - eggs around jaws/lips Signs = rare, irritation, interfere w/digestion, obstruction "worry factor" Ivermectin Inactive@  
Stomach worm   Habronema defin host = horse intermediate = house&stable flies site larvae = cutaneous habronemiasis site adult = stomach L3 must be ingested & reach stomach to mature or else cutaneous infection occurs on legs, medial canthus, lower abdomen, prepuc  
Tapeworm   Anoplocephala perfoliata defin host = equids intermediate = orbatid mite site = sm/lg intestine, cecum Mississippi Passed in feces → ingested by mites, cysticercoid stage in 2-4 mo Horses 3-4 yr Signs = Colic Dx = ELISA 54% horse exposed, eggs not  
Babesia equi   Equine piroplasm intermediate = dermacentor & rhipicephalus tick site = RBC Signs = anemia, icteric, hemoglobinuria dx = blood smears Tmt = slaughter, vector control, imidocarb  
Causes EPM   Sarcocystis neurona Equine protozoal myeloencephalitis defin host = opossum intermediate = armadillo, cat, skunk, raccoon accidental = equine Site = CNS signs = ataxia, paralysis, abnormal gait Tmt = Marquis  


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Popular Veterinary sets