Turkish -4
Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in
each of the black spaces below before clicking
on it to display the answer.
Ev /araba almak | to buy a house/car
kariyer yapmak | to make a career
okul takımına girmek | to join the school team
üniversiteye gitmek | to go to university
dünya turuna çıkmak | to travel around the world
para kazanmak | to make money
kendi işini kurmak | to start own business
çocuk sahibi olmak | to have kids
evlenmek | to get married
meşhur olmak | to become famous
Dil öğrenmek | to learn a language
kitap yazmak | to write a book
Enstrüman çalmayı öğrenmek | to learn how to play instrument
başarılı olmak | to be successful
istiyorum | I want
düşünüyorum | I am thinking
planlıyorum | I am planning
gelecek yıl | next year
üç yıl sonra | 3 years later
mutlu olmak | to be happy
Review the information in the table. When you are ready to quiz yourself you can hide individual columns or the entire table. Then you can click on the empty cells to reveal the answer. Try to recall what will be displayed before clicking the empty cell.
To hide a column, click on the column name.
To hide the entire table, click on the "Hide All" button.
You may also shuffle the rows of the table by clicking on the "Shuffle" button.
Or sort by any of the columns using the down arrow next to any column heading.
If you know all the data on any row, you can temporarily remove it by tapping the trash can to the right of the row.
To hide a column, click on the column name.
To hide the entire table, click on the "Hide All" button.
You may also shuffle the rows of the table by clicking on the "Shuffle" button.
Or sort by any of the columns using the down arrow next to any column heading.
If you know all the data on any row, you can temporarily remove it by tapping the trash can to the right of the row.
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Created by:
PRO Teacher
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