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Suture Material

Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in each of the black spaces below before clicking on it to display the answer.

Advantages of Cat Gut   Good Handling; Minimal Capillary Action; Good Knot Security When Dry; Inexpensive (Reel)  
Disadvantages of Cat Gut   Reactive; Poor Knot Security When Wet; Not Autoclavable; Irritation From Packaging Liquids; Loss of Tensile Strength > Infected Wounds;  
Advantages of Chomic Gut over Cat Gut   Decreased Tissue Reaction; Increased Tensile Strength; Increased Resistance to Degradation;  
Advantages of Polyglactin 910   Minimal Reactivity; Good Handling and Knot Security; Stable in Contaminated Wounds; Absorbed Predictably; Soft, Easy to Bury  
Classification of Surgical Gut   Abs/Nat/Multi  
Classification of Polyglactin 910   Abs/Syn/Multi  
Brand Name of of Polyglactin 910   Vicryl  
Disadvantages of Polyglactin 910   Tissue Drag; Nidus For Urinary Calculi; Rapidly degraded in infected urine; rapidly hydrolyzed in alkaline environments  
Classification of Polyglycolic Acid   Abs/Syn/Multi(Braid)  
Advantages of Polyglycolic Acid   Minimal Reactivity; Good Handling and Knot Security; Stable in Contaminated Wounds; Absorbed Predictably; Soft, Easy to Bury  
Disadvantages of Polyglycolic Acid   Tissue Drag; Nidus For Urinary Calculi; Rapidly degraded in infected urine; rapidly hydrolyzed in alkaline environments  
Brand Name of Polyglycolic Acid   Dexon  
Common name of Vicryl   Polglactin 910  
Common name of Dexon   Polyglycolic Acid  
Classification of Poliglecaprone   Abs/Syn/Mono  
Brand Name of Poliglecaprone   Monocryl  
Common name of Monocryl   Poliglecaprone  
Advantages of Poliglecaprone   Monofilament; Good Handling (Most Pliable); Little memory; Good Strength; Predicable Absorption; Minimally Reactive; Can Use in Contaminated Wounds  
Disadvantaged of Poliglecaprone   Expensive  
Brand name of Polydioxanone   PDS  
Common name of PDS   Polydioxanone  
Classification of Polydioxanone   Abs/Syn/Mono  
Advantages of Polydioxanone   Minimally Reactive; No Capillarity or Drag; Good Handling and Knot Security; Predictable Absorption; Good in Contaminated Sites  
Disadvantages of Polydioxanone   Expensive; Tendency to Kink; Clear Product = Difficult to See  
Brand name of Polyglyconate   Maxon  
Common Name of Maxon   Polyglyconate  
Classification of Polyglyconate   Abs/Syn/Mono  
Advantages of Polyglyconate   Minimally Reactive; No Capillarity or Drag; Good Handling and Knot Security; Predictable Absorption; Good in Contaminated Sites  
Disadvantages of Polyglyconate   Expensive; Tendency to Kink; Clear Product = Difficult to See  
Classification of Silk   NonAbs/Nat/Multi(Braided)  
Advantages of Silk   Excellent Handling Properties; Inexpensive; Individual Strands; Good Initial Tensile Strength  
Disadvantages of Silk   Moderate Tissue Reaction and Capillarity; Potentiate Infection; Poor to Fair Knot Security; Loses Tensile Strength When Wet  
Brand name of Nylon   Dermalon  
Common name of Dermalon   Nylon  
Classification of Nylon   NonAbs/Syn/Mono  
Advantages of Nylon   Minimal Reactivity; Biologically Inert; Non-capillarity; By-Products = Antibacterial; Inexpensive  
Disadvantages of Nylon   “Memory”; Poor Handling; Poor Knot Security (Low Coefficient Of Friction); Suture Ends Can Cause Irritation  
Brand Names (2) of Plypropylene   Prolene & Surgilene  
Common name of Prolene   Polypropylene  
Common name of Surgilene   Polypropylene  
Classification of Polypropylene   NonAbs/Syn/Mono  
Advantages of Polypropylene   Inert -Minimal Tissue Reaction; Excellent Knot Security; Contaminated Wounds  
Disadvantages of Polypropylene   “Slippery” Handling; “Memory”  
Brand Name of Polymerized Caprolactum   Braunamid  
Common name of Braunamid   Polymerized Caprolactum  
Classification of Polymerized Caprolactum   NonAbs/Syn/Multi  
Advantages of Polymerized Caprolactum   Good Handling; Inexpensive; Good Tensile Strength  
Disadvantages of Polymerized Caprolactum   Extremely Tissue Reactive; Not Sterile  
List the absorbable suture materials from shortest to longest tensile strength retention.   Momocryl (Poliglecaprone); Surgical Gut; Vicryl (Polyglactin 910); Dexon (Polyglycolic Acid); PDS (Polydioxanone) & Maxon (Polyglyconate)  
Advantages of Cryanoacrylate adhesives   Ease of Use; Rapid Polymerization; Strong Bond; Nontoxic; Good tissue apposition  
Disadvantages of Cryanoacrylate adhesives   Slow biodegredation; Potential foreign body reaction; poor adhesive action in wet tissue; poor in contaminated or infected wounds  


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Popular Veterinary sets