TEMA 1. Las Familias Word Scramble
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criar | to raise (a child) |
mimar, consentir | to spoil |
parecerse (a) | to look alike, resemble |
fortalecer | to strengthen |
la crianza | upbringing |
el proveedor | provider |
el vínculo | bond, tie, link |
los gemelos, los mellizos | twins |
el parentesco | relationship, kinship |
el pariente, el familiar | relative |
el/la hermanastro/a | stepbrother/ sister |
el/la bisabuelo/a | great-grandfather/ mother |
el padrino, la madrina | godfather, godmother |
el huérfano | orphan |
el viudo, la viuda | widower, widow |
imponer | to impose |
rebelarse | to rebel against |
discutir | to argue |
valorar(se) | to value (oneself) |
soler | to usually/ be accustomed to |
concertar | to arrange, coordinate |
contradecir | to contradict |
inculcar | to instill |
castigar | to punish |
(des)obedecer | to (dis)obey |
exponer | to show, expose |
tutear | address informally (tú) |
la pertenencia | belonging |
el acuerdo | agreement, understanding |
los lazos familiares | family ties |
la sobreprotección | overprotection |
el legado | legacy |
incongruente | illogical |
fastidiado/a | fed up, bored |
inscribir(se) | to sign up, register |
solicitar | to request, appply |
titularse | obtain a degree |
analfabeto/a | illiterate |
alfabetizado/a | literate |
resistente | tough, resilient |
sobresaliente | outstanding (distinction) |
culto/a | educated, cultured |
la escolaridad | education, schooling |
el aprendizaje | learning |
el propósito | intent, intention, purpose |
el liderazgo | leadership |
el entrenamiento | training |
la destreza | skill, ability |
el título | degree |
la carrera, la especialización | major |
la asignatura | subject, course |
la beca, la subvención | scholarship, grant |
el/la licenciado/a, el/la egresado/a | graduate |
donar | to donate |
promover | to promote |
invertir | to invest |
aportar | to contribute, provide |
concientizar | to raise awareness |
sin fines de lucro | non-profit |
imprescindible | essential, indispensable |
el negocio, la empresa | business |
una organización de beneficencia | charity |
la aportación | assistance, contribution |
el compromiso | commitment |
el anfitrión, la anfitriona | host, hostess |
el acontecimiento | event, occurrence |
la campaña | campaign |
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