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ch13 reptile and amp

Chapter 13 Reptile and Amphibian Breed Identification and Production Management

algae plant based source of food that grows spontaneously in water when left in sunlight
amphibian animal with smooth skin and spends part of its life on land and part of its life in the water
aquatic animal that lives in the water
arboreal animal that lives in trees
brood a group of reptiles or amphibians
brumation process in reptiles similar to hibernation when their body temperature decreases
chelonians veterinary term for turtles
cloaca rectum in reptiles, also called the vent
clutch group of eggs
coccidia fugal disease
concave inward appearance
crest top of an animal's head
dewlap flap of skin under the chin
dimorphism the occurance of having both male and female body parts and appearances
ecdysis process of snakes shedding their skin
ectothermic the body temperature of an animal controlled externally by the environment
evert to turn inside out
filtration system water system that cleans the water source
gravid term in reptiles meaning pregnant
hemipenis the male reproductive organ in reptiles and amphibians
herpetology the study of reptiles and amphibians
incubated the process of keeping eggs warm for hatching
juvenile young stage of growth
nonvenomous not poisonous
omnivores animals that eat a meat and plant based diet source
probe method process of passing an instrument into the cloaca to determine the sex of a reptile or amphibian
quarentine to isolate
reptile animal with dry, scaly skin that uses the outside temperature and environment to adjust body temperature
salmonella infection bacterial infection that causes severe diarrhea
salmonellosis bacterial infection that occurs from touching reptiles and amphibians
semi aquatic living part of the time in water and part of the time on land
serpents the veterinary term for snakes
substrate the type of material on the bottom of the cage
tadpoles young newborn frogs or toads
terrapins the veterinary term for turtles
terrariums plant sourced housing for reptiles and amphibians
terrestrial living on land
urates the urine water materials of reptiles and amphibians
venonmous poisonous
vent the rectum in reptiles, also called the cloaca
Created by: tromanczak
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