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Common OT conditions

NBCOT flashcard

Reflex sympathetic dystrophy is AKA? Complex regional pain syndrome
Neuroma An unorganized mass of nerve fibers resulting from a laceration or amputation in which the nerve regrows in unorganized bundles -- results in sharp, radiating pain.
Apraxia Loss of ability to execute or carry out learned (familiar) movements -- despite having the desire & physical ability to perform the mvmts
Oral Apraxia Difficulty in forming and organizing intelligible words, though the musculature is intact. Differs from DYSARTHRIA because no muscles are affected and speech is not slurred
Constructional Apraxia Unable to produce designs in 2 or 3 dimensions by copying, drawing, or constructing
Ideational Apraxia Disability of carrying out complex sequential motor acts spontaneously or on request -- caused by disruption of the conception, rather than the execution -- loss of tool function knowledge
Ideomotor Apraxia Inability to imitate gestures or perform a purposeful motor task on command -- even though the patient is able to fully understand the idea or concept of a task -- this often assc. with left hemisphere damage
Visual Agnosia Lack of ability to recognize common objects and demonstrate their use in an activity
Auditory Agnosia Inability to recognize sounds, words, and non-words
Visual-spacial Agnosia Affects perception of spatial relationship between objects, or between objects and self
Prosopagnosia Face blindness -- inability to ID an individual by their face
Anosognosia Transient, severe form of neglect -- patient does not recognize the presence or severity of his paralysis
Valgus Stress Syndrome Medial elbow overstress -- occurs as a result of repetitive throwing motions
Brachial Plexus Injury Traumatic (falling) & Obstetrics -- weakness in the arm, diminished reflexes, corresponding sensory deficits
Pulled Elbow Syndrome Dislocation by a sudden jerk upwards of the arm -- common injury in children under 5 years
Chorea Irregular, purposeless, involuntary, quick, jerky, & dysrhythmic mvmts
Huntington's Disease Gentic disease - progressive breakdown (degeneration) of nerve cells in the brain, usually results in jerky movement, dementia and psychiatric disorders -- type of chorea
Tardive Dyskinesia Involuntary movements of the tongue, lips, face, trunk, and extremities that occur in patients treated with long-term dopaminergic antagonist medications -- type of chorea
Cerebral palsy Permanent impairment affecting automatic postural control and movement as a result of a non-progressive brain disorder
Types of CP Spastic, athetoid, flaccid, ataxic
Spastic CP - severe Severe increased tone -- flex/ext cocontraction -- high tone, always -- more proximal than distal
Spastic CP - moderate Near normal tone @ rest -- tone increases w/ excitement, mvmt, emotion, and speech -- more distal than proximal
Spastic CP - mild Normal tone @ rest -- tone increases w/ effort & movement
Athethoid CP - pure Tone fluctuates from low to normal -- no or little spasticity -- no coactivation
Athetoid CP w/ spasticity Tone fluctates from normal to high -- proximal spasticity -- distal athetosis (slow writhing, continuous and involuntary mvmt of extremities
Athetoid CP w/ tonic spasms Unpredictable tone -- changes from low to very high -- all flexion or all extension
Choreoathetosis CP Constant fluctuation from low to high tone -- no co-contraction -- jerky, involuntary mvmt -- more proximal than distal
Flaccid CP Markedly low tone -- seen at birth/toddler -- later classified as spastic, athetoid, or ataxic
Ataxic CP Normal to near normal tone -- increased tone usually involves LE flexion -- most functional form of CP
Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PPD) Autism, Asperger's Syndrome, Rett's Syndrome
Autism Impairments of social interaction, social communication, social behavior -- inability to relate to others -- echolia -- flat affect & poor eye contact -- aversion to physical contact -- intolerance to changes in routine
Asperger's Syndrome Similar characteristics to autism -- sometimes referred to as high functioning autism
Resting tremors Occurs at rest, subsides when voluntary movement is attempted -- seen in Parkinson's
Ballism Produced by continuous, abrupt contractions of the axial and proximal musculature of the extremity
Dysarthria Explosive or slurred speech caused by in-coordination of muscles involved in speech -- a neuromotor problem -- often a symptom of Friedreich's ataxia
Nystagmus Involuntary mvmt of eyeballs in up/down, back/forth motion -- interferes with head control
Dysmetria Inability to estimate ROM necessary to meet target -- evident when person tries to reach nose -- often a symptom of Friedreich's ataxia
Intention tremors Occurs w/ voluntary mvmt -- intensified at the termination of the mvmt -- often assc. w/ MS
Bradykinesia Slow movement
Adiadochokinesis Inability to perform rapid alternating mvmts such as pronation/supination
Dystonia Neurologic mvmt disorder characterized by sustained muscle contractions, usually producing twisting & repetitive mvmts or abnormal postures or positions
Choreoathetosis Movement of intermediate speed, fluctuating between the quick, flitting movements of chorea and the slower, writhing movements of athetosis
Pes varus Club foot -- supinated foot
Pes valgus Pronated foot
Rotator Cuff Muscles Supraspinatus - Infraspinatus - Subscapularis - Teres Minor
Ataxia Describes a lack of coordination while performing voluntary movements -- it may appear as clumsiness, inaccuracy, or instability
Guillain-Barre Syndrome Auto-immunue disease in which the peripheral nerves become inflammed -- results in numbness and paralysis in the legs, upper body, and face -- level of I depends on extent of paralysis
Agnosia Lack of recognition of familiar objects as perceived by the senses -- manifests w/ problems in body scheme such as somatognosia & anosgonosia
Somatognosia Unawareness of body parts
Anasognosia Unawareness or denial of a neurological deficit, such as hemiplegia
Displacement Occurs when an individual redirects an emotion from one object (progression of disease) to another (adaptive equipment)
Acting-out Describes behaviors that violate societal norms (sexually provocative behavior, physically assaultive behavior)
Passive-aggressive behavior Characterized by indirect or unassertive aggression (being chronically late when meeting someone you argued with years ago)
Reaction formation Switching of an unacceptable impulse into its opposite (hugging someone you would like to hit)
Standard Adult Wheelchair Measurements Width=18" -- Depth=16" -- Height=20"
Measuring for Wheelchair Width Add 2" to widest point of hips/thighs
Measuring for Wheelchair Depth Subtract 2" from greatest length
MAO inhibitors - medication names Parnate, Nardil, Marplan, Emsam
MAO inhibitors - foods to avoid aged cheese, smoked/pickled meats (pepperoni/salami/corned beef), wine-sherry-beer-hard liquor, liver, avocados, bananas, raisins, saurkraut
MAO inhibitors used to treat? Depression
Anti-psychotic - older medication names Haldol, Loxitane, Thorazine
Older anti-psychotic medications are AKA? Neuroleptics
Newer anti-psychotic medications are AKA? Pyschotropics
Newer anti-psychotic medication names clozapine (Clozaril), risperidone (Risperdal), aripiprazole (Abilify), quetiapine (Seroquel), and olanzapine (Zyprexa)
Common side-effects of older anti-psychotic meds Tardive Dyskinesia, photosensitivity, orthostatic hypotension
Common side-effects of newer anti-psychotic meds Metabolic syndrome - can cause weight gain and Type II diabetes, tardive dyskinesia
Created by: msmaus
Popular Occupational Therapy sets




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