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Personal dictionary

Barren A wide usually level tract with stunted or scrub trees
Aborigine An indigenous inhabitant especially as cotrasted with colonizing people
Alleviate Relieve; reduce
Canopy The uppermost spreeding branchy layer of a forest
Detonated To explode
Confrontation Face to face meeting between opposing sides
ferocity fierceness;extreme intensity
Foliage Mass of leaves of a plant
frail Morally weak
Heedless not understanding
Goaded Pushed or driven
Imposing Impressive because of size, bearing,dignity, and grandeur
Immigrant a person who goes to a country to become a permant resident
Imminemt About to happen
15.Lingered To continue to stay; delay leaving
Mistrust To lack confidence
Megalopoiis A very large city
Mariner One who navigates or assists in navigating a ship
Portly Stout or overweight
Personification The act of personifying an object
Presentable capable of being present
perturbed Troubled
Quiver To shake with a slight, rapid movement
Revert To return to former condition
Sheepishly with a bashful or embrassed look
Synchronize To happen at the same time
Susurrus Rustling sound
Spherical To have the 3-D shape of a circle
Translucent light passing through
30.Simultaneously at the same time
Unison harmony or agreement, as one voice
Nazi member of hitler's political party
Holocaust total destruction
Anti-semitism hatred and persecution of the jews
Evolution A change in species over time
Darwin The naturalist who proposed the theory of evolution by natural selection
Lamarck The scientist who proposed the Theory of Acquired Characteristics
Population All of the individuals of a species living in the same area
Species A group of organisms that share similar traits and can reproduce fertile offspring
Competition A struggle between individuals and species for resources such as food, living space, mates, and other resources
Adaptation Any variation that makes an organism better suited to its environment
Variation An inherited trait that makes an individual different from other member of its species
Natural Selection The mechanism of evolution where organisms with the traits best suited to the in environment survive and reproduce
Mutation Permanent changes in an organism's genes
45.Navajo Code Talkers Indian marines who sent messages for U.S. forces in their own language
Internment Camp Prison-like camps in isolated areas used to house Japanese-Americans during the war
Nisei Children born in the U.S. to Japanese immigrant parents
Kamikaze Japanese suicide pilots
Rationing Government decides allowances of food and other vital goods
Resistance Movement In every country occupied by Nazi Germany there were people who fought back
Sabotage Destruction of property by enemy agents during a war
Swastike Bent cross symbol associated with Nazi Germany
Monopoly When one company controls an entire industry
Philanthropist Someone who gives gifts of to benefit the community
Iron curtain Invisible dividing line between Democrtic Western Europe and Communist Eastern Europe
Warsaw Pact Alliance between the Soviet Union and the Communist Governments of Eastern Europe
Democratic Policy that allows the citizens to be free
Comunist Policy where a dictator has power over everything
Escalate Step up
60.Dove people who believe the Vietnam War could not be won
Hawk People who support the Vietnam War
Vietnamization A policy where we withdraw from the Vietnam War but South Vietnam keeps on fighting
Agent Orange destroies crops and vegitation where the enemy may be hiding
Conscientious Objecter People who did not join the Vietnam War
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution A statement that means Congress aproves to take all necessary measures to repel all attacks
Censure Condemn
Beatnik people who believe inrebelling againest society
Materialism Concern with only physical changes
Ghetto A poor run down neighborhood
Affluence The state of having wealth
Sudversion Attempt to over throw a government secretly
Airlift cargo planes deliever tons of supplies
Homologous Structures Body parts of similar origin and structure but found in different organisms
geographic isolation when a new species develops from a population that is separated bya mountain or an ocean
vestigial structure body parts that have no apparent function
radioactive dating using the amount of radioactive element to determine the age of a fossil
embryology the study of developing organisms as evidence for evolution
relative dating using rock layers to determine the age of fossils
gene pool all of the genes in a population that are available for reproduction
fossils the remains of prehistoric organisms found in stone
the fossil record evidence of living organisms found in layers of sedimentary rock
evidence evidence for evolution found in by comparing the genes of two different organisms
Created by: Reginald
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