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Stack #123099

a MCPHS- Provider I- Ch 36 Gastrointestinal Intubation & Special Nutritional(TS)

Small intestine sections in which a GI tube will be placed Duodenum, Jejunum
Peristalsis causes tube to pass from stomach to intestines in 24 hours
Length added after xiphoid process r/t NG tube measurement 6 inches for stomach placement, 8-10 inches for intestinal placement
Pt instruction r/t NG tube reaching nasopharynx Lower head, Swallow as tube is advanced/Sip water through a straw
3 methods to confirm placement r/t NG tube Measure tube length, Visual assessment of aspirate, pH of aspirate
Gastric vs. Intestinal vs. Respiratory aspirate r/t pH G:acidic 1-5, I:6 or higher, R:Alkaline 7+
Liquids that can declog tubes Cola, Cranberry juice, Mix of pancreatic enzymes
Tube irrigation schedule Every 4-6 hours to maintain patency
Measures to relieve discomfort r/t NG tubes Lozenges, Gum, Sucking on hard candy, Limited talking
Sx r/t fluid volume deficit Dry skin/mucous membranes, Decreased urinary output, Lethargy, Increased HR
Measure taken b/f NG tube is removed Flushed w/10 mL of water/NS to ensure it is free of debris and away from gastric lining
Amino acids vs. CHO vs. Proteins vs. Fats vs. Electrolytes r/t Osmotic effects AA, CHO, Electrolytes:great effect, Proteins:less effect, Fats:no effect
Dumping syndrome concentrated solution w/high osmolality moves water to stomach/intestines from surrounding organs/vessels
Manifestations r/t Dumping syndrome Feeling of fullness, N/V, Dehydration, Hypotension, Tachycardia
Intermittent bolus feeding administration Administered to stomach, Large amounts(300-400 mL) at designated intervals
Continuous infustion method administration Administered to small intestine, Decreases abd distention, gastric residuals & risk of aspiration
Method used to wean Pt from tube feedings to oral diet Cyclic feeding
Residual gastric content measurement Measured b/f each feeding/ Every 4-8 hours during continuous feedings
Overall goal r/t Tube feedings Positive nitrogen balance & weight maintenance/gain
NG tube flushing indications B/f & after medication/tube feeding, 2x daily when tube is not being used
Medication mixing r/t Feeding formula They are not mixed w/each other or w/feeding formulas
Formula temp Room temp, Not cold
Prevention methods r/t Dumping syndrome Slow formula instillation rate, Room temp feedings, Administer continuous drip feeding
Upright position duration post-feeding Maintained for at least 1 hour
Water administration r/t Tube feedings During and 4-6 hours after feedings to prevent hypertonic dehydration
Created by: rpclothier
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