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Chinese Clothes

Learn how to say different clothes in Chinese

一顶帽子 One hat
一副太阳眼镜 A pair of sunglasses
一根项链 One necklace
一件T恤衫 One T-shirt
一件短袖格子衬衫 One short-sleeved check shirt
一条短裤 One shorts
一根皮带 One leather belt
一双凉鞋 One pair of sandals
一双拖鞋 Slippers
游泳裤 Swimming shorts
沙滩裤 Beach shorts
一个手提包 One hand bag
一副耳环 Earrings
一根手链 Bracelets
一件短袖衬衫 A short sleeved shirt
一条短裙子 short skirt
一条连衣裙 one dress
一根皮带 A belt
一根腰带 A waist belt (for girls)
游泳衣 swimming suits
比基尼 Bikinis
服装 Clothing
一件小背心 One tank top
长袖衬衫 Long sleeved shirt
长袖T恤衫 Long sleeved T-shirt
夹克衫 Jacket
一套西装 A tuxedo
一条领带 A tie
一个/只男式手表 A manly styled watch
一条长裤 Long pants
牛仔裤 Jeans
一双袜子 A pair of socks
一双鞋子 A pair of shoes
一件/套运动衣 Exercising clothes
一双运动鞋 Sports shoes
一件风衣 A trench coat
女式手表 Girly styled watch
一条长裙 Long dress
一双长统/筒袜 A pair of long socks
一双高跟鞋 High-heeled shoes
毛衣 Woolen sweater
薄外套 Thin outer garment
厚外套 Thick outer garment
呢子 Woolen cloth
丝绸 Silk
棉布 Cotton fabric
羊毛 Wool/ cashmere
大衣 Big coat
围巾 Scarf
手套 Gloves
羽绒衣 Down Jacket; Feather jacket
靴子 Boot
内衣 Undergarment
睡衣 Pajamas
Created by: clchristian
Popular Chinese sets




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