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science test

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What is diffusion? The movement of material from high concentration to low concentration.
What is Osmosis? The movement of liquid and material through a membrane. During osmosis, water moves from an area of more water, to an area of less water.
What is asexual cell reproduction? A single cell producing an offspring exactly like the parent cell.
How is asexual cell reproduction used in single celled organisms? It is used for reproduction.
How is asexual cell reproduction used in multicellular organisms? It is used for growth, development and healing.
What is 2 advantages of asexual cell reproduction? It's fast. It only requires one parent.
What is a disadvantage of asexual cell reproduction? There is no diversity.
What are 3 kinds of asexual reproduction? Fission, budding, and vegetative propagation.
What is fission? A single cell splits into two.
What is the simplest form of reproduction? Fission
What is an example of an organism that uses fission? bacteria
What is budding? A new organism grows from a parent and breaks off. Parent may form several buds, parent remains intact.
What is an example of an organism that uses budding? Hydra
What is vegetative propagation? Growing a new plant from a parent plant. Faster than growing from seeds. Identical plants can be grown with desirable characteristics
What are 2 examples of plant that use vegetative propagation? Potatoes, spider plant
What is Sexual reproduction? The making of a new cell from the joing of a male and female reproductive cell. The new cell has characteristics of both parent cells.
What are the advantages of Sexual reproduction? It creates diversity because each new cell inherits different combinations of genes from the parents.
What are the 2 disadvantages of Sexual Reproduction? Requires 2 cells to occur. Slower process than asexual reproduction.
What type of reproduction is mitosis? asexual reproduction.
What is asexual reproduction? One cell divides and forms 2 new identical cells
What is the dividing cell in Mitosis or asexual reproduction? Parent cell
What are the new cells called in Mitosis or asexual reproduction? daughter cells
What are chromosomes made of? Genes
What do genes contain? DNA
What does 10x mean? a magnification of 10 times
What do microscopes do to objects? Magnify
What shape is the field of vision in a microscope? circle
What is the field of vision? What is seen through a microscope
What happens as the magnification increases in a microscope? the field of vision decreases
How do you determine the total magnification seen? Multiply the magnification of the eyepiece by the magnification of the objective lens.
What is the function of the Lysosome? small round structures that break down large food molecules
What is the function of the ribosomes? Protein making sites
What is the function of the nucleolus? where the ribosomes are produced
What is the nickname for the Nucleolus? The little nucleus.
What is the function of the Nucleus? the control center of the cell
What is the function of the endoplasmic reticulum? transportation system of the cell
What is the endoplasmic reticulum made up of? Tube-like passages
What is the function of thge chloroplast? contain chlorophyll
What is chlorophyll necessary for? photosynthesis
What is the function of the Nuclear membrane? protects the nucleus and allows material to pass in and out.
What is a Prokaryote? a cell with no nucleus. Genetic material is spread throughout the cell.
What is the function of Mitochondria? Provides energy for the cell
What is the function of the cell wall supports and protects the cell. Found only in plants
What is the function of the chromosome? responsible for passing traits of a cell to a new cell
What is the function of the cell membrane? Controls movement of liquid in and out of the cell
What is cytoplasm? Clear, thick, jelly-like substance
What is the vacuole? large, round, water-filled sacs in the cytoplasm
what is the function of Vacuole? for storage
What is a Eukaryote? cell with a nucleus
What are the 3 types of body systems? Cirulatory, Skeletal, muscular
What is the function of the circulatory system? to carry nutrients and oxygen to all the cells in the body
What are the main organs in the circulatory system? Heart, veins, arteries
What are healthy practices for the circulatory system? Healthy diet, exercise
What is the function of the skeletal system? To provide support and protect organs.
What are the main organs of the skeletal system? Skull, ribs, pelvis, femur
What are the diseases of the circulatory system? High blood pressure, stroke, heart disease
What are the diseases of the skeletal system Osteoporosis, scurvey
What are healthy practices for the skeletal system? Healthy diet, exercise, wear helmet
What is the function of the muscular system? To allow movement in the body
What are the main organs of the muscular system? skeletal muscles-connect bones. smooth muscles-no control over these: stomach, intestines. Cardiac muscles: heart.
What are the diseases of the muscular system? Multiple sclerosis, tetanus
What are healthy practices of the muscular system? Exercise, healthy diet
Created by: Partaina.20
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