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Invented the steam engine. Newcomen
Invented the spinning jenny. James Hargreave
With the ___________ ______ it was possible to make only one spool of thread at a time. Spinning Wheel
The inventor of the cotton gin and replaceable parts of guns. Eli Whitney
The developed the telegraph. Samuel Morse
The inventor of the telephone. Alexander Graham Bell
The inventor of the first successful incandescent light bulb. Thomas Edision
These brothers had their first successful airplane flight in 1903. Wright Brothers
Developed the assembly in in 1908 to produce automobile quickly and inexpensively. Henry Ford
The concentration of people within a specific portion of a defined area population density
the pattern of the distribution of people over a defined area population distribution
Built the first steam locomotive for railways George Stephenson
The transcontinental railroad encouraged settlement in the ___________. west
Who signed the Pacific Railway Act for the construction of a transcontinental railroad? Abraham Lincoln
The date the Transcontinental Railroad was completed. May 10, 1869
In 1900, _____% of all American workers were under the age of 16. 18%
The Fair Labor Standard Act was declared constitutional in ________. 1941
The Fair Labor Standards Act prohibited child labor under the age of _____. 16
The Fair Labor Standards Act set _____ as the age for work in industries classified as hazardous. 18
The year Napolean Bonaparte was born. 1769
Napolean was born on the island of _________. Corsica
Napolean conquered ____________ ______ _______ in an attempt to strike at British trade routes with India. Ottoman Ruled Egypt
Napolean's first wife was ________________ __ __________. Josephine de Beauharnais
Napolean tried to attack __________, but the result was disastrous retreat. Russia
Napolean was placed in exile on the island of ___________. Elba
____________ ____ ________ ended Napolean's sencond reign. The Battle of Waterloo
Napolean's last words "France....Army...Head of the Army...Josephine"
Created by: jschroeder4



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