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"Chains" by Laurie Halse Anderson - Vocabulary

TermDefinitionSentence Example
Emancipation (noun) Freedom; The act of being freed Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, which freed the slaves and made slavery illegal in some parts of the USA.
Pestilent (adjective) Destructive to life; Related to a deadly disease The pestilent "Black Plague" spread quickly throughout almost all of Europe.
Pestilence (noun) A fatal epidemic disease like the Bubonic Plague or Scarlet Fever Measles is a pestilence where your glands swell.
Beseech (verb) To beg; To plead one's case "We beseech thee: hear us!" (Godspell)
Din (noun) Loud noise; A lot of noise; A lot of loud noise I cannot hear my friend talking over the din at the restaurant.
Melancholy (noun) Deep sadness After her husband, Bill, dies, Mary falls into a deep state of melancholy.
Melancholy (adjective) Deeply sad The melancholy man has a hard life.
Ague (noun) A sickness that involves a fever and/or shivering Bill dies shivering with an ague.
Noxious (adjective) Poisonous; Harmful; Unpleasent The noxious gas kills thousands of people in the stadium.
Purge (verb) To get rid of an unwanted feeling or memory Mary tries to purge the memory of Bill dying.
Elixir (noun) A combination of ingredients; A potion The witch makes an elixir which turns a rock into gold.
Marginalize (verb) To exclude; To treat someone as if they are insignificant; To isolate Frank marginalizes everyone who he is not friends with because he thinks they are not cool enough to be treated as a friend.
Autonomy (noun) 1.) A self-governing country or region 2.) Independence The US declared their autonomy on July Fourth, 1776.
Subjugate (verb) To enslave; To defeat People in the US used to subjugate Africans.
Heed (verb) To pay attention Heed my words.
Impudence (noun) Sassiness; A disrespectful attitude; Rudeness Nicole left the table with impudence, interrupting our conversation.
Taut (adjective) Pulled tightly; Tight Henry made sure the string was taut before he put his creation away.
Cistern (noun) Reservoir; Underground tank Look out! The cistern is overflowing!
Stoic (adjective) Enduring pain without showing one's feelings Mary tried to be stoic after Bill passed away.
Tyrannical (adjective) Using power in a cruel way Hitler was tyrannical.
Tyranny (noun) A cruel and oppressive Government The Holocaust was by the tyranny of the Third Reich.
Diminutive (adjective) Small; Little; Tiny Even though Bill was diminutive, compared to Mary, she still loved him anyway.
Diminution (noun) Reduction in the size or importance Germany underwent diminution after the Holocaust.
Beholden (adjective) Owing thanks to someone in return for their service Mary was beholden to Bill for saving her life.
Etiquette (noun) The rules of polite behavior Mary knows the proper etiquette for a funeral (such as Bill's).
Indentured Servant (noun) A person who came to America and was forced to work for another, receiving no pay Johnny Tremain was an indentured servant during the Revolutionary War.
Rebel (noun) Someone who resists control or authority I am a rebel: Disney Channel told me to ask my parents' permission before going online. But, I did not ask my parents.
Rebellion (noun) The act of resisting authority or control; A resistance against the government or an established ruler Katniss was part of the rebellion against the Capital.
Patriot (noun) A strong supporter and defender of their own country People in the army are patriots.
Tories (noun) Colonists who were loyal to King George III, King of England Tories wanted to always be a part of England.
Royalists (noun) Colonists who were loyal to King George III, King of England Royalists opposed the Revolution.
Chattel (noun) Human property; A slave Ronnie's mom treats her as if she is a chattel, and bosses her around.
Vermin (noun) A person who is considered despicable and causes problems for the rest of society; A creature that is considered harmful to plants, other animals, and that may carry diseases Often times in books and movies, rodents are referred to as "vermin."
Foolhardy (adjective) Reckless; Irresponsible Frank is a foolhardy young boy, who once dove into the Bermuda Triangle to prove to his friends that he was brave. That is the story of Frank's death.
Abolish (verb) To bring to an end; To remove; To terminate The Nazis attempted (but failed) to abolish the Jewish people.
Abolitionist (noun) A person who favors or supports abolition (especially slavery) The Quakers are abolitionists, and work very hard to achieve peace.
Clandestine (adjective) Secret; Kept secret; Done in secret The Ku Klux Klan have clandestine meetings
Created by: jordangreenbaum
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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