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Convergent Plate Boundary Plates move toward each other. (Ex. Himalayan Mountains)
Peach, Hard boiled egg, or baseball Examples of things that can be used to model the major layers of the Earth.
Crust, Lithosphere, Asthenosphere, Mantle, Outer Core, Inner Core The present layers of the interior Earth.
Crust The thin solid outermost layer of Earth; made of less dense silicates and is continental (landmasses) or oceanic (ocean bottoms)
Inner Core is the sphere of solid nickel and iron at the center of Earth; surrounded by the liquid outer core.
Mantle The solid layer of the Earth between the curst and the core; made of dense silicates
Plasticity The condition of material in the Asthenosphere, existing in a solid state yet having the ability to flow without being a liquid.
Lithosphere is the cool, rigid, outermost layer of Earth that consists of the crust and the uppermost part of the mantle; pieces of this layer are called ___________ic plates.
Divergent Plate Boundary The plates move away from each other. (Ex. African Rift Valley)
Transform Plate Boundary The plates slide past each other can also be a fault line. (Ex. San Andreas / New Madrid)
The Major Tectonic Plates North American, South American, Eurasian, African, Indo-Australian, Antarctic, and Pacific (must be able to recognize what these plates look like)
Convergent Mountain building usually occurs at this type of plate boundary
The 3 types of rocks sedimentary, igneous, metamorphic
sediments is broken bit of rock. This can be rock fragments, minerals, or organic material (ex. bark or leaves from a tree.)
magma melted rock or crust under the Earth's surface
rock cycle the process in which a rock changes and forms into other rocks.
lava melted rock or crust on or outside the earth's surface. (ex.volcanoes erupt this)
meteoroid a small, rocky particle that moves through space.
meteorite is a meteoroid that strikes a planet or moon
meteor is a streak of light in Earth's atmosphere made by a glowing meteoroid (it burns up in the atmosphere). "falling or shooting star"
Venus the planet that is about the size of Earth
gravity Mercury does not have an atmosphere because there is not enough_____________.
False Humans have landed on Mars.
Revolution when a planet completes it's orbit around the sun (a year)
Space Shuttle an important part of the U.S. Space program for over 20 years.
Rotation when a planet turns on its axis (day and night)
N.A.S.A. National Aeronautics Space Administration
Venus the hottest planet
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars inner planets
International Space Station the earth orbiting research laboratory where astronauts work and live. It is being built by several nations.
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune outer planets
Mar and Jupiter the asteroid belt is located between the planets _______ and __________.
Eris, Pluto, MakeMake, Ceres The four dwarf planets
Helium and Hydrogen The two gases that make up most of the outer planets
rock and metal The inner planets are made of ______ and ______ and have a solid outer layer
gravity the force that controls the orbit of all objects in the Solar System.
comets made of rock, ice, and dust
Io, Europa, Ganymede, Callisto the four Galilean Moons
Sputnik 1 the first satellite to enter Earth's orbit
Mercury the smallest planet
Gas Gaints the outer planets are called _______ ______.
Mars the planet with the volcano higher than Mt. Everest
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune the 8 planets in order from the sun. (know these from Neptune back to the Sun...and which planet comes before or after each other. Ex. What planet comes between Jupiter and Uranus?
eukaryote a cell that has a nucleus and other membrane bound organelles.
Protista the only kingdom in the Eukarya Domain that are unicellular
cells the building blocks, foundation, or basic unit of all living things
reproduction when organisms produce more of their own kind
prokaryote a cell that DOES NOT have a nucleus or other membrane bound organelles.
Protista, Fungi, Plantea, Animalia the 4 kingdoms under the Eukarya domain
Nucleus where the genetic materials that controls the eukaryotic cell are stored
Archaea and Bacteria the 2 kingdoms that have the same name as the domain they are classified in
Plant and Animal the two types of eukaryotic cells
Archaea, Bacteria, Protista, Fungi, Plantea, Animalia The 6 kingdoms
Cell Wall NOT ALL eukaryotic cell are surrounded by a __________ ______.
Cell Membrane ALL cells are surrounded by a ________ _______.
Eukarya the domain that contains all eukaryotic cells
Cytoplasm the liquid part of the cell
Archaea live in extreme environments such as "high temperature" (heat vents in bottom of the ocean), geysers, salty (Dead Sea), acidic, or alkaline and Bacteria do not. How scientist determine the difference between Domains Archaea and Bacteria
Cell Membrane the guard or doorman of the cell. It controls what enters and leaves the cell.
Archaea and Bacteria the 2 domains that have prokaryotic cells
Mitochandria is the energy converter of the cell. "the powerhouse"
Archaea, Bacteria, Eukarya the 3 domains
Taxonomy the branch of science that classifies organisms
Domain the broadest category that classifies living things
Domains - Archaea, Bacteria, Eukarya Kingdoms - Archaea, Bacteria, Protista, Fungi, Plantea, Animalia The diagram illustrated the groupings of Domain s and Kingdoms (Know this well enough to know what is missing or in the wrong Domain.)
Heterotrophic is an organism that has to obtain its nutrients (food) from other sources.
Sexual reproduction is reproduction that occurs when the genetic information from two parent cells join together to form a new offspring
Autotrophic is an organism that CAN produce its own food
Asexual when one parent cell divides its genetic information to form a new offspring
unicellular an organism made up of only one cell.
What type of cell? Prokaryotic/Eukaryotic How many cells? unicellular/multicellular How does it obtain nutrients? autotroph/hetertroph How does it reproduce? asexual/sexual the questions scientists asks and the characteristics they use to determine what kingdoms organisms are placed in
multicellular an organism made up of MORE THAN ONE cell.
organism a living thing
speed the distance an object travels in respect the the time it takes to travel that distance. (distance divided by time - formula)
x-axis the horizontal line on a graph (always locate this label first)
y-axis the vertical line on a graph (locate this after locating the point on the x-axis)
time is always located on the x-axis on a distance-time graph or a speed-time graph
distance and speed are located on the y-axis on a distance-time graph or a speed-time graph
D/T=S Distance divided by Time Formula for speed. Be able to calculate speed in a word problem. See your old journal.
Created by: jschroeder4



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