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GRE Words from Kaplan

pedagogy tthe art or profession of training, teaching, or instructing; the profession of teaching
penury poverty, destruction; a state of extreme poverty or destitution
probity adherence to the highest principles; uprightness; complete and confirmed
perspicacious acutely perceptive; having keen discernment; clear-sighted, sagacious, sapient
mercurial quick; fleeting; erratic; fickle; quicksilver
esoteric intended for or understood by a small group
salubrious promoting health or well being
perfunctory cursory; done without care or interest; hasty and without attention to detail not thorough
vituperate to use harsh, condemnatory language; curse; vilify; revile; rail
incipient beginning to come into being or to become apparent; only partly in existence; imperfectly formed; inchoate
arduous strenuous, taxing
adulation excessive praise; idolization; idolisation
lissome nimble; gracefully slender; moving and bending with ease; lithe; lithesome; slender; supple; svelte; sylplike
gaffe social blunder
aberrant deviating from normal
abscond to leave secretly and hide; often to avoid the law
advocate to speak,plead, or argue for a cause or in another's behalf
obdurate unyielding;hardhearted; intractable impossible to change; stubborn resistant to persuasion or softening ; influences; hardened and unrepentant; stubborn inflexible; stubbornly persistent in wrongdoing; cussed; obstinate; unrepentant; showing unfeeling r
obfuscate to deliberately obscure or unclear; to make obscure or unclear; to darken, make obscure, muddle; make obscure or unclear; to darken, make obscure, muddle
obsequious exhibiting a fawning attentiveness; characterized by or showing servile complaisance or deference; fawning; (to somebody) too willing to obey or serve; too respectful; attempting to win favor from influential people by flattery; fawning; sycophantic; toad
ingenuous unsophisticated; artless; straightforward; candid; lacking in sophistication or worldliness; innocent; characterized by an inability to mask your feelings; not devious; artless
ingenious clever
innocuous harmless; having no adverse affect; not likely to provoke strong emotion; not causing disapproval; unobjectionable; not injurious to physical or mental health; unlikely to harm or disturb anyone
obtuse lacking sharpness of intellect; not clear or precise in thought or expression; slow to understand; stupid/blunt; purblind
obviate to anticipate and make unnecessary; remove (something); get rid of; to anticipate and prevent (as a situation) or make unnecessary (as an action); to make unnecessary; get rid of; prevent the occurrence of; prevent from happening; ward off; debar; deflect
ionoclast one who attacks or undermines traditional conventions or institutions; a breaker or destroyer of images, esp. those set up for religious veneration; person who attacks cherished beliefs, traditional institutions etc, as being based on error or superstitio
idolatrous given to intense or excessive devotion to something; whorshiping idols
imminent about to happen; impending; about to happen; likely to happen very soon; ready to take place; especially; hanging threateningly over one's head; likely to come very soon
immutable not capable of change; that cannot be changed; that will never change; not capable of or susceptible to change; that cannot be changed
impassive revealing no emotion; showing no sign of feeling; unsusceptible to or destitute of emotionl unmoved; feeling no sign of passion
impecunious lacking funds; without money; having little or money; having very little or no money usually habitually; penniless
imperturbable marked by extreme calm; impassivity and steadiness; not eaisly troubled or worried calm; marked by extreme calm, impassivity and steadiness; serene; calm; not capable of being excitied
impetuous hastily or rashly energetic; impulsive and vehement; acting or done quickly and with little thought or care; rash or impuslive; marked by impulsive vehemence or passion; having sudden energy, impulsive, thrusting ahead, forceful
implacable not capable of being appeased or significnalty changed; not to be appeased, mollified, or pacified, inexorable, that cannot be changed or satisfied; not placable, not capable of being appeased, significantly changed or mitigated; incapable of being placac
impunity immunity from punishment or penalty; with impunity with freedom from punishment or injury
inchoate in an initial stage; not fully formed; just begun and therefore not fully formed or developed; being onlyu partly in existence or operation; especially imperfectly fromed or formulated; formless; not yet fully formed, rudimentary, elementary
incipient beginning to come into being or to become apparent; in its early stages; beginning to happen; beginning; only partly in existence; imperfectly formed; inchoate
indifferent having no interest or concern; showing no bias or prejudice; apathetic
inert unmoving; lethargic; sluggish; without power to move or act; deficient in active properties; especially; lacking a usual or anticipated chemical or biological action
infelicitous unfortunate; inappropriate; not approrpitae in application or expression
ingenuous artless; frank; candid; lacking in sophistication; not attempting to deceive or conceal; open; innocent; free from reserve, restraint, or dissimulation; candid; sincere; showing innocent or childlike simplicity and candidness; naive, young artless, frank,
inimical damaging; harmful; malevolent; unfriendly; hostile; having the disposition of an enemy; hostile; reflecting or indicating hostility; unfriendly
innocuous harmless; causing no damage; causing no harm; not likely to give offense or to arouse strong feelings or hostility; causing no harm
insipid without taste or flavor; lacking in spirit; bland; having almost no taste or flavor; lacking in qualities that interest, stimulate, or challenge; dull flat
intractable not easily managed or directed; stubborn; obstinate; not easily controlled or dealt with; hard to image; unruly, refractory, stubborn
intransigent refusing to compromise; refusing to compromise or to abandon an extreme position or attitude; uncompromising; uncompromising
intrepid steadfast and courageous; fearless; brave; characterized by resolute fearlessness; fortitude and endurance; fearless brave; undaunted
inured accustomed to accepting something undesirable; accustomed to; adapted; made tough by habitual exposure; hardened
inveigle to obtain by deception or flattery; persuade somebody to go somewhere or do something by using flattery and deception; to win over by wiles; entice
irascible easily angered; prone to temperamental outburst; (of a person) easily made anger; marked by hot temper and easily provoked anger
laconic using few words; terse; using or involving the use of a minimum of words; concise to the point of seeming rude or mysterious; brief, to the point terse
laud to praise highly; praise somebody/something; glorify
loquacious extremely talkative; fond of talking; talkative; given to fluent or excessive talk; garrulous; talkative; garrulous
lucid clear; easily understood; clearly expressed; easy to understand; clear to the understanding; intelligible
luminous characterized by brightness and the emission of light; giving out light; bright
magnanimity the quality of being generously noble in mind and heart, especially in forgiving; being magnanimous
imperious commanding
improvidence an absence of foresight; a failure to provide for future needs or events
incorrigble not capable of being corrected
indelible permanent, un erasable, strong
ineffable indescribable, inexpressible in words, unspeakable
insensible numb, unconscious
insular of or pertaining ot an island, thus, excessively exclusive
leviathan giant whale, therefore, something very large
malevolent malicious, evil, having or sohwing ill will
misogynist one who hates women
mitigate to make less forceful; to become more moderate; to make less harsh or undesirable; to make or become less severe or intense; to moderate; make (something) less severe, violent or painful; moderate; to make less severe or painful; alleviate
nefarious wicked, evil
noisome harmful, offensive, destructive
obdurate hardened against influence or feeling
obviate to prevent by anticipatory measure; to make unnecessary
occlude to close or shut off; to obstruct
opaque not transparent or translucent; dense; diffiult to comprehend as inopaque reasoning
ossified turned to bone; hardened like bone; inflexible
panegyric a writing or speech in praise of a person or thing
peccadillo a small sin or fault
pedantic showing a narrow concern for rules or formal book learning; making an excessive display of one's own learning
perfidious deliberately treacherous, dishonest; tending to betray,
phlegmatic not easily excised; cool slugish
philanthropy tendency or action for the benefit of others as in donating money or property to a charitable orgaization
placate to calm or reduce anger by making concessions
precipice cliff with a vertical or nearly vertical face; a dangerous place from which one is likelty o fall; metaphorically, a very risky circumstance
prevaricate to stray from or evade the truth
prodigal rashly wasteful
pulchritudinous beautiufl
pusillanimous cowardly, timid, or irresolute, pretty
quiescence inactivity, stillness; dormancy
cogent having power to compel or constrain; appealing forcibly to the mind or reason; convincing
spurious false; forged; bastard
sagacious skillful in statecraft and management; acutely insightful and wise; perspicacious; sapient
sapient acutely insightful and wise, perspicacious; sagacious
quicksilver liable to sudden unpredictable change; erratic; fickle; mercurial
cursory hasty and without attention to detail; not thorough; perfunctory; causal; passing
pro forma as a formality only; perfunctory
supple readily adaptable; gracefully slender; moving and bending with ease; capable of moving or bending freely; limber; lissom; lithe; lithesome; sleder; svelte; sylphlike
malleable capable of being shaped or formed; tractable; pilable; that can be beaten or pressed into different shapes easily; capable of being altered or controlled by outside forces; yielding; easily shaped; modlable; adapting
martial associated with war and the armed forces; of or associated with war; brave, of associated with war
maverick an independent individual who does not go along with a group or party; unbranded calf; unorthodox person; rebel nonconformits
mercurial characterized by rapid and unpredictable change in mood; quick; changeable in character, fleeting
meticulous characterized by extreme care and precision; attentive to detail; giving great attention to details
misanthrope one who hates all other humans; a person who hates or distrusts mankind; person who hates mankind
capricious changeable; determined by chance or impulse or whim rather than by necessity or reason; changing quickly; mercurial; volatile
compendium a brief treatment or account of a subject esp. an extensive subject; concise treatment; abridge; terse; synopsis
cursory performed with haste and scant attention to detail; perfunctory
mollify to calm or soothe; to reduce in emotional intensity; lessen the anger of (somebody); make calmer; soothe; to soothe in temper or disposition; appease; make calmer or quieter
mundane of the world; typical or concerned with the ordinary; ordinary and typically unexciting; characterized by the practical transitory and ordinary; commonplace; banal; fatuous; hackneyed; insipid; mundane; pedestrian; platitude; prosaic; quotidian; trite
nebulous vague, cloudy; lacking clearly defined form; cloud like, hazy; indistinct, vague
neologism a new word, expression or usage; the creation or use of new words or senses; newly-invented word
neophyte a recent convert; a beginner; novice; person recently converted to some belief or religion; a new convert; proselyte; person who has been converted to a belief
noxious harmful; injurious, poisonous, physically harmful or destructive to living beings
obdurate unyielding; hardhearted; intractable; impossible to change; stubborn; resistant to persuasion or softening influences
obstinate stubborn, hardheaded; uncompromising; refusing to change one's opinion or chosen course of action; stubborn; perversely adhering to an opinion, purpose, or course in spite of reason, arguments or persuasion
occlude to obstruct or block; to close up or block off; obstruct
odious evoking intense aversion or dislike; deserving or causing hatred; hateful detestable highly offensive repugnant
onerous troubling, burdensome, needing effort, burdensome
opprobrium disgrace, contempt; scorn, public disgrace and shame
ostentatious characterized by pretentiousness; intended to attract notice
paen a song or hymn of praise and thanksgiving
pedantic the parading of learning; excessive attention to minutiae and formal rules; ostentatious in one's learning; overly concerned with minute details or formalisms esp. in teaching
penurious penny-pinching; excessively thrifty; ungenerous; very poor; poor stingy
perfunctory cursory; done without care or interest; done as duty without care
perspicacious acutely perceptive; having keen discernment; having or showing great insight or judgment; discerning; of acute mental vision or
peruse to examine with great care; read something especially carefully or thoroughly; to examine or consider with attention and in detail; study
phlegmatic calm; sluggish; unemotional; calm and even-tempered; showing the quality of phlegm
pious extremely reverent or devout; showing strong religious devotion; having or showing a deep devotion to religion
pith the essential or central part; soft spongy substance that fills the stems of certain plants, essential part, force, soft liquid substance
pithy precise and brief; concise and full of meaning; terse; having substance and point; tersely cogent
cogent relevant; to drive together;
placate to appease; to calm by making concessions; make less angry; soothe or pacify; to sooth or mollify especially by concessions; soothe, pacify, calm
platitude a superficial remark, especially one offered as meaning; commonplace remark or statment, esp when it is sad new or interesting; a banal, trite, or stale remark, a trite or banal statement un-originality
polemical controversial; arguementative
prattle to babble meaninglessly; to talk in an empty and ideal
precipiate acting with excessive haste or impulse; to cause or to happen before anticipated or required; to bring about especially abruptly
predilection a disposition in favor of something; preference; special liking (For something); preference
preen to dress up/ to primp; to groom oneself with elaborate care; clean or something (its feathers or itself) with its beak; show self-satisfaction; tidy
prescience foreknowledge of events; knowing of events prior to their occurring; foresight
presumptuous overstepping due bounds; too bold or self-confident
prevaricate to deliberately avoid the truth; to mislead; try to avoid telling the (whole) truth by speaking in an evasive or misleading way; equivocate; to speak falsely or misleadingly; deliberately misstate or create an incorrect impression; lie
proclivity a natural predisposition or inclination; natural inclination to do something; tendency
prodigal recklessly wasteful; extravagant; profuse; lavish; spending money or resources too freely; characterized by wasteful expenditure; lavish; wasteful, reckless with money
prodigious abundant in size, force or extent; extraordinary; enormous, wonderful
profligate excessively wasteful; recklessly extravagant; wildly extravagant; prodigal; licentious
profuse given or coming forth abundantly; extravagant; abundant; lvasih
proliferate to grow or increase swiftly and abundantly; produce new growth or offspring rapidly; multiply
prolific producing large volumes or amounts; productive; producing much fruit or many flowers or offspring
propensity a natural inclination or tendency; penchant
prosaic dull; unimaginative; uninspired; dull; everyday; ordinary; mundane; commonplace; trite; pedestrian
pungent characterized by a strong, sharp smell of taste; causing a sharp or irritating sensation; especially, acrid
putrefy to rot; to decay and give off a foul odor; become or make putrid
quaff to drink deeply; drink (something) by swallowing large amounts at a time
qualm misgiving; reservation; cause for hesitancy; a sudden feeling of sickness or nausea; feeling of doubt, temporary feeling of sickenss
querulous prone to complaining or grumbling; quarrelsome; complaining; irritable; fretful; whining
query question; inquiry; doubt in the mind; reservation; question
quiescence stillness; motionlessness; quality of being at rest; state of being passive/motionless
quixotic foolishly impractical; marked by lofty romantic ideals; noble, unselfish or gallant in an extravagant or impractical way; generous unselfish
quotidian occurring or recurring daily; commonplace; everyday; commonplace; banal everyday
rancorous characterized by bitter, long-lasting resentment; feeling bitterness; spitefulness
rarefy to make or become thin, less dense; to refine
recalcitrant obstinately defiant of authority; difficult to manage; resisting authority or discipline; disobedient
recant to retract especially a previously held belief; formally reject (a former opinion, belief etc,) as being wrong; to withdraw or repudiate formally and publicly renounce take back as being false; give up
recondite hidden; concealed; difficult to understand; obscure; little known; abstruse
redoubtable awe-inspiring; worthy of honor
impugned To attack as false or questionable; challenge in argument
veracity Adherence to the truth; truthfulness.
hallmark a distinctive characteristic or attribute; trademark
scintilla spark, trace; smidge
controvert to dispute or oppose by reasoning
erudition extensive knowledge acquired chiefly from books; profound, recondite, or bookish learning; scholarship
bemused To cause to be bewildered; confuse; daze
boorishness means lack of manners
impress force into surface; to affect strongly, often favorable
pluck which means courage or audacity; the trait of showing courage and determination in spite of possible loss or injury; pull off
vim vitality; vigor
humility humble; meek
Gaucherie social awkwardness
brusque blunt; curt
apostate someone who abandons a religious, political, or other belief; rebellious
excoriate express strong disapproval of
donnybrook is an obscure word for an uproar, a free for all, or a brawl
timorous timid
brazen insolently bold or forward
pernicious extremely harmful
licentious immoral
sybarite a person who is devoted to the enjoyment of worldly pleasures
chauvinist is someone who believes in the superior of his own kind
incumbent is the person currently holding a position
ascetic practicing strict self-denial as a measure of personal and especially spiritual discipline
incumbent is the person currently holding a position
megalomaniac a person who has delusional fantasies about wealth or power
abate to lessen in intensity or degree; make or become less; to reduce in degree or intensity; to lessen, to subside
accolade an expression of praise; approval; any award, honor, or laudatory notice
acumen quick, keen, or accurate knowledge or insight; ability to understand and judge things quickly and clearly; shrewdness; mental keenness; sharpness of judgment;
adulation excessive praise; intense adoration; flattery; admiration that is more than is necessary
aggrandize to increase in intensity, power or prestige; to make appear great or greater; praise highly
alacrity eager and enthusiastic willingness; prompt and eager readiness, promptness in response; cheerful readiness
amalgamamte to combine several elements into a whole; to merge into a single body; mix, combine, unite societies
ameliorate to make better or more tolerable; improve, make better
amenable agreeable, responsive to suggestion, readily managed, willing to be led
approbation an expression of approval or praise; approval; consent; commendation; praise
arduous strenuous, taxing, requiring significant effort
ascetic one who practices rigid self-denial, especially as an act of religious devotion; not allowing oneself pleasures and comforts
astringent having a tightening effort on living tissue; harsh, severe; binding; causing contraction; substance that shrinks
austere without adornment; bare; severely simple; ascetic; markedly simple or unadorned; severely and strictly moral; having no pleasures or comfort
avarice greed, especially for wealth
aver to state as a fact; to confirm or support; to assert or affirm with confidence; declare in a positive manner
axiom a universally recognized principle; taken as a given; possessing self-evident truth
bucolic rustic and pastoral; characteristic of rural area and their inhabitants; of country life or the countryside; rustic
cacophony harsh, jarring, discordant sound; dissonance; loud unpleasant mixture of discordant sounds
acnon as established set of principles or code of laws, often religious in nature
canonical following or in agreement with orthodox requirements; appearing in a biblical canon of or relating to or required by canon law
capricious inclined to change one's mind impulsively; erratic; unpredictable; fickle; whimsical; given to change; unpredictable
castigation severe criticism or punishment
censure to criticize severely; to officially rebuke; to find fault with and criticize as blameworthy
chary wary; cautious; shy; timid; fastidious; choosy
chicanery trickery or subterfuge; use of clever but misleading talk in order to trick somebody especially in legal matters; dishonest practice
cogent appealing forcibly to the mind or reason; convincing; convincing; strong
complaisance the willingness to comply with the wishes of others; disposition to please or comply; affability
connoisseur an informed and astute judge in matters of taste; expert; a discerning judge of the best in any field; a person who is especially competent to pass critical judgments in an art
contentious argumentative; quarrelsome; causing controversy or disagreement; pugnacious; combative
contrite regretful; penitent; seeking forgiveness; filled with or showing deep regret for having done wrong; repentant; grieving and penitent for sin or shortcoming
convention a generally agreed upon practice or attitude; conference of members of a profession, political party, usage or custom especially in social matters
culpable deserving blame; blameworthy
cynicism an attitude or quality or belief that all people are motivated by selfishness
dearth smallness of quantity or number; scarcity ; a lack; shortage; scarcity; an inadequate supply; lack
decorum polite or appropriate conduct or behavior; dignified and socially acceptable behavior; propriety and good taste in conduct or appeareance
demur to question or oppose; to make objection esp. on the grounds of scruples; take exception; to hesitate, raise objections
derision scorn, ridicule, contemptuous treatment, ridicule or mockery, deriding
desiccate to dry out or dehydrate; to make dry or dull; remove all the moisture from to preserve it
diatribe a harsh denunciation; lengthy and bitter attack in words; a bitter and abusive speech or writing; bitter and violent attack in words
didactic intended to teach or instruct; intended to teach; designed or intended to teach
dilettante one with an amateurish or superficial interest in the arts of a branch of knowledge
disabuse to undeceive; to set right; to free from error, fallacy, or misconception; to undeceive, correct a false impression
discordant conflicting; dissonant or harsh in sound; not in agreement; conflicting; inharmonious; conflicting
discretion cautious reserve in speech; ability to make responsible decisions; quality of being discreet; good judgment;
disparage to slight or belittle; suggest; especially un faily; that is of little value or importance; to depreciate by indirect means; speak slighlty about
disparate fundamentally distinct or dissimilar; essentially different; so different in kind or degree that they cannot be compared
dissemble to disguise or conceal; to mislead; hide or disguise (one's true thoughts and feelings); dissimulate; speak or behave so as to hide something (in mind)
divulge to disclose something secret; to make known (as confidence or secret)
dogmatic stubbornly opinionated; of or based on dogma; positive, certain, arbitrary, without room for discussion
ebullience the quality of lively or enthusiastic expression of thoughts and feelings; high spirits; exhilaration; exuberance
eclectic composed of elements drawn from various sources
effrontery extreme boldness; presumptuousness; boldness or rudeness without shame; impertience
elegy a mournful poem, especially one lamenting the dead
eloquent well spoken, expressive, articulate
emollient soothing, especially to the skin; making less harsh; mollifying
empirical based on observation or experiment; not on theory; relying on the experiment
endemic characteristic of or often found in a particular locality, region, or people
enervate to weaken; to reduce in vitality; cause to lose strength of energy; weaken, deprive of strength, attenuate
enigmatic mysterious, obscure, difficult to understand
ennui dissatisfaction and restlessness resulting from boredom or apathy; a feeling of utter weariness and discontent resulting from satiety or lack of interest; boredom
ephemeral brief; fleeting; living lasting etc for a very short time; short lived; fleeting
equivocate to use ambiguous language with a deceptive intent; speak in an ambiguous way to hide the truth or mislead people; try to deceive by equivocal language
erudite very learned; scholarly; having or showing great learning
esoteric intended for or understood by a small, specific group; abstruse
eulogy a speech honoring the dead
evanescent tending to disappear like vapor; vanishing; quickly fading; soon disappearing from memory; tending to vanish like vapor; fleeting
exacerbate to make worse or more severe; aggravate; to make more violet, bitter, or severe
exculpate exonerate; to clear of blame
exigent urgent; pressing; requiring immediate action or attention
extemporaneous improvised; done without preparation; spoken or done without preparation; extempore
facetious playful, humorous; intended to be amusing; often inappropriately; joking or jesting often inappropriately; waggish; jocular
fallacy an invalid or incorrect notion; a mistaken belief; a false or mistaken idea; erroneous character; false or mistaken belief
fawn to flatter or praise excessively
fervent greatly emotional or zealous; ardent, hot; showing warmth and sincerity of feeling; enthusiastic; passionate
filibuster intentional obstruction, especially using prolonged speech making to delay legislative action
flout to demonstrate contempt for; as in a rule or convention; to treat with disdain, scorn, or contempt; scoff at; mock
fortuitous happening by fortunate accident or chance; happening by chance or coincidence
fulminate to loudly attach or denounce; protest strongly and loudly; to send forth censures or invectives; berate; vituperate
furtive marked by stealth; covert; surreptitious; done secretly and quietly so as not to be noticed
germane relevant to the subject at hand; appropriate in subject matter
glib marked by ease or informality; nonchalant; lacking in depth; superficial
grandiloquence pompous speech or expression
gregarious sociable; outgoing; enjoying the company of other people; liking to be with other people; living in societies; liking the company
hackneed rendered trite or commonplace by frequent usage; used so often that it has become trite and dull; lacking in freshness or originality
halcyon calm; peaceful; happy
harangue to deliver a pompous speech or tirade; to address in a ranting way; long, loud, serious and use angry speech; a long passionate speech
hedonism devotion to pleasurable pursuits, especially to the pleasures of the senses
hegemony the consistent dominance of one state or ideology over others; leadership esp by one state in a group of states
heretical violating accepted dogma or convention
hubris arrogant presumption or pride; arrogant pride
reflugent radiant, shiny, brillant
relegate to forcibly assign, especially to a lower place or position; banish; consign to inferior position
renege to fail or honor a commitment; to go back on a promise
repudiate to refuse to have anything to do with; disown
rescind to invalidate; to repeal; to retract;cancel or repeal (a law, contract) annul
refulgent radiant, shiny, brilliant, gloriously bright; shining
choleric easily angered, short-tempered
churlish rude
cistern tank for rainwater
coalesce to grow together; cause to unit as one
coffer strongbox, large chest for money
cognomen family name; any name, especially a nickname
comeliness physical grace and beauty
commodious roomy, spacious
compunctious feeling guilty or having misgivings
conciliatory overcoming distrust or hostility
conflagration big, destructive fire
congenial similar in tastes and habits
consanguineous of the same origin; related by blood
contentious quarrelsome, disagreeable, belligerent
contumacious rebellious
corpulence obesity, fatness, bulkiness
corrugate to mold in shape with parallel grooves and ridges
cosset to pamper, treat with great care
coterie small group of persons with a similar purpose
coven group of witches
curmudgeon cranky person
decliivty downward slop
deleterious harmful, destructive, detrimental
deluge flood
demagogue leader or rabble rouser who usually appeal to emotion or prejudice
denigrate to lsur or blacken someone's reputation
descry to discover or reveal
diaphanous allowing light to show through; delicate
dictum authoritative statement; popular saying
didactic excessively instructive
diluvial relating to the flood
diminutive small
discomfit to cause perplexity and embarrassment
distaff the female branch of the family
dither to move or act confusedly or without clear purpose
doctrinaire rigidly devoted to theories
dolor sadness
doughty courageous
droll amusing in a wry, subtle way
dyspeptic suffering from indigestion; gloomy and irritable
ebullient exhilarated, full of enthusiasm and high spirits
effluvia outpouring of gases or vapors
effulgent brilliantly shining
egregious onspicuously bad
emend to correct a text
emoillient having soothing qualities, esp. for skin
encomium warm praise
endemic belonging to a particular area, inherent
cajole to flatter, coax, persuade
calamitous disastrous, catastrophic
calumny false and malicious accusation, misrepresentation, slander
canard lie
carom to strike and rebound
cavalcade a procession
chagrin shame, embarrassment, humiliation
charlatan quack, fake
chattel piece of personal property
chimerical fanciful, imaginary, visionary, impossible
bacchanalian drunkenly festive
balk to refuse, shirk; prevent
beatific saintly, angelic
behemoth huge creature
belie to misrepresent; expose as false
benison blessing
bifurcate divide into two parts
bilious easily irritated, relating to bile
bonhomie good-natured geniality; atmosphere of good cheer
bulwark defense wall; anything serving as defense
cajole to flatter, coax, persuade
calamitous disastrous, catastrophic
calumny false and malicious accusation, misrepresentation, slander
canard lie
carom to shake and rebound
cavalcade a processesion
chagring shame, embarrassment, humiliation
charlatan quack, fake
chattel piece of personal property
chimerical forceful, imaginary, visionary, impossible
itinerant wandering from place to place; unsettled
invidious likely to provoke ill will; offensive
obfuscate to confuse, to bewilder, to stupefy
allay to lessen or relieve, mitigate, to alleviate
perquisite a reward over and above one's salary
quixotic romantic, unrealistic, visionary, impractical
whitewash is to misrepresent a bad thing to make it look better
apt appropriate
ineluctable inescapable, doomed
dissipated dissolute, fast, gay, incontinent, licentious, profligate, rakish, unbridled, uncontrolled, uninhibited, wanton; indulging in or characterized by excessive devotion to pleasure; intemperate; dissolute
levity lightness of mind; silliness; frivolity; amusement; buoyancy; festivity; flippancy; absurdity; hilarity
disseminate to spread widely, circulate, diffuse, disperse, distribute, radiate, scatter, blaze, blazon, promulgate, broadcast
syncopated cut short; abbreviated; refers to a pattern or rhythm in which stress is shifted onto normally unaccented beats
saturnine sluggish in temperament; gloomy; taciturn
belie to show to be false; contradict; slander; to misrepresent
culpable deserving blame or censure; blameworthy; fault, guilt; onus
anathematize damn, curse
contrition compunction, remorse, repentance, rue, attrition, humiliation, penance, penitence, ruth, sorrow, sincere penitence or remorse
pique dudgeon, huff, miff, resentment, umbrage, offend, affront, egg on, foment, galvanize
mawkish maudlin, romantic, soft, mushy, nauseous
temerity recklessness, audacity, gall, effrontery, reckless boldness
jejune bland, innocuous, immature, childish (callow), dull, empty flat,
vitiate impair the quality of, blemish, distract, canker, impair, mar
Created by: MaggieKovach
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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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