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Gilded Age
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STAAR US History

TEKS for USH - Texas

Andrew Carnegie founder of the US Steel corporation and promoted philanthropy among wealthy industrialists known as the Gospel of Wealth
Gilded Age Coined by Mark Twain and used to describe the era where things look good on the outside but have many problems after the Civil War
Transcontinental Railroad Completed in 1869 and connected the East to the West. It led to better communication, trade and the closing of the frontier
Cattle Industry that supported the growth of the Texas economy and the railroads because of increased demand in Eastern cities
Dawes Act Part of the Americanization movement of Native American tribe. Each family given 160 acres of reservation land
Political Machines These sought control of the cities by offering incentives in exchange for political support
Labor Unions formed in response to poor working conditions and low wages (ie. Knights of Labor, American Federation of Labor)
Klondike In 1896 a discover near this river in Alaska caused a rush for gold that brought miners to the west.
Free Enterprise Economic system that allows people to expand their business as they choose and leads to the development of new industries
Chinese Exclusion Act This was the first (1882) to limit the immigration of a specific group. It also eased job competition by forcing the Chinese into Railroads.
Populism Idea that developed because of the issues of the farmers including lower crop prices, overcharging railroad costs and supporting bimetallism
Rural Americans move from this to the urban areas because of increased job opportunities in the cities.
Entrepreneurs Individuals who brought new innovations and capital to expand American industry
Laissez-Faire theory that refers to a lack of government interference in American business through regulations.
Big Business During the Gilded Age, the economy saw a rise in this, often seen as more efficient but also an unfair competition.
Gospel of Wealth This was written by Andrew Carnegie, encouraging philanthropy among wealthy industrialists, to use their money to give back to society.
Urbanization This caused by the increase on immigrants and individuals locating to the cities and can lead to overcrowding tenements, poor sanitation
Immigrants This group of people who came to America were opposed by Nativists and attributed to urbanization.
Civil Service This type of reform required government jobs be granted on merit and example is the Pendleton Act.
Railroads The growth of this industry allowed for increased movement of goods to markets, westward settlement and better communication
Interstate Commerce Act This Act was created to regulation shipping rates and other railroads abuses in the government's attempt to begin regulating big business
Standard of Living The new technological innovations in both transportation and communication saw an improvement in this for Americans
Manifest Destiny Westward expansion was driven by this belief that Americans were destined to settle across the continent
Social Gospel The religious revival that focused on the problems in the urban areas, people could gain salvation by serving the poor.
Homestead Act This act motivated more Americans to settle in the west by promising 160 acres in exchange for cultivating land for 5 years
Americanization Process by which immigrants and children of immigrants adopt to cultural and political norms of the land they have moved to.
Susan B. Anthony She was one of the leaders of the women's rights movement and temperance movements, advocated the 19th amendment and arrested for trying to vote.
Frances Willard Early education advocate and suffragette, and led the move to end the consumption of alcohol, called Temperance.
Sixteenth Amendment Ratified in 1913 and created the Income Tax
Jane Addams Created Hull House in Chicago, a settlement house designed to provide sum neighborhoods with education, child care and services
Populists The political party represents the "common man," supported government intervention in business. In the 1896 election they supported William Jennings Bryan.
Upton Sinclair Author of The Jungle exposing the horrible conditions of the meat-packing industry
Meat Inspection Act This act was passed in 1906 to require truthful labelling products to protect consumers
Progressives This party included mostly middle class citizens and intellectuals who felt threatened by Big Business. Platform included political reforms, worker conditions and women's rights.
Referendum This is a progressive era reform that allows a citizen to reject or accept a law passed by the legislature
Nineteenth Amendment Granted women the vote
Anti-Trust Laws Acts led by Teddy Roosevelt focused on dissolving unfair business consolidations or monopolies
Federal Reserve Act Established a central banking system in 1913 and controls the nation's money supply
National Parks System Established by Teddy Roosevelt under the Newlands Reclamation Act to preserve the natural scenery and wildlife for the American people.
Seventeenth Amendment This amendment was passed to fight corruption at the state level through the direct election of senators by the people.
Recall This progressive era reform gave voters the ability to remove an elected official from office in a special election
Eighteenth Amendment Amendment that eliminated the legal manufacture and consumption of alcohol
Muckrakers Name for those who exposed abuses of industry, corrupt government, and unregulated business and demanded reform
Initiative Progressive era reform gives voters the right to introduce a bill in the state legislature.
John J. Pershing Led the Am. Expeditionary Force, trained US Troops in Europe and helped with the victory in the Battle of Argonne Forest
Submarine Warfare After the sinking of the Lusitania, Germans promised to stop this unrestricted action. When they resumed it prompted US entry into WWI.
Dollar Diplomacy Taft's economic policy of encouraging investment by US banks and businesses to maintain US world power.
Neutrality When the war broke out in 1914 the US declared this policy until events push American to enter the war.
Fourteen Points Woodrow Wilson's plan to reorganize Europe, establish self-determination, and create the League of Nations
Missionaries Supported imperialism as an opportunity to spread Christianity to other countries
Expansionism Americans supported this policy to spread US influence abroad through colonies that would provide raw materials, markets, and naval bases.
Sanford Dole He forced the taking of Hawaii to increase profits and get rid of tariffs
Isolationism American foreign policy return to this after WWI, separating themselves from other countries' affairs
Teddy Roosevelt He initiated the Rough Rides during the Spanish American War, the construction of the Panama Canal, and Big Stick diplomacy
Great Migration during WWI when hundreds of thousands of African Americans migrated to northern US cities for jobs and opportunities
Trench Warfare Ended WWI and took away all land holdings from Germany and forced them to accept blame for the war.
Spanish American War Fought in 1898, the US defeated the Spanish forces in the Philippines proving the strength of the US military
Philippines along with Guam and Puerto Rico were acquired after the Spanish American War
Henry Cabot Lodge He strongly supported the idea of expansionism for moral reasons, major opponent to the League of Nations
Hawaii This territory was annexed in 1898 by President McKinley after sugar farmers ousted Queen Lilioukalani
Panama Canal This was dug through jungle and mountains to create a passage from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean
Open Door Policy The economic policy of President McKinley and Secretary John Hay in China promoting equal trading for all nations.
Nationalism belief that each nationality is entitled to its own government and homeland and was one of the causes of World War I
Alfred Thayer Mahan Wrote The Influence of Sea Power Upon History, arguing that to become a world power the US needed a powerful navy
Machine Guns New mechanized weapons used during WWI increased loss of life from previous wars.
Alvin York American soldier in World War I; Most highly decorated American soldier in that war.
Tin Pan Alley This section of New York City where musicians and song-writers formed the beginnings of American music including blues, jazz, and ragtime
Prohibition This movement against the sale of alcohol resulted in a disrespect for the law and a rise in organized crime
Red Scare fear of Communists, anarchists and immigrants after the end of World War I. Led to the Palmer Raids.
Glenn Curtiss the first person to fly a publicly viewed flight. also manufactured airplanes, built the largest fleet during World War I
American Indians This group gained citizenship with an act in 1924 in large part from their contributions during World War I.
Charles Lindbergh famous for the first non-stop flight across the Atlantic Ocean
Flappers This term was used to describe women who rejected traditional female clothing and behaviors exercising their independence, smoking in public and wearing shorter dresses.
National Origins This act established a maximum number of immigrants who cold enter the US from each country. Eastern and southern European were discriminated against.
Great Migration This movement of African Americans who lost their jobs in the south and followed the promise of jobs in the North
Henry Ford Engineer and early automobile manufacture. His goal was to build an automobile that everyone could afford.
Ku Klux Klan The increasingly tense race relations in the country saw a resurgence of this group, formerly focused on racial prejudice now included hostility towards immigrants.
Nativism The term for a dislike or distrust of foreigners. Belief that new immigration cold drastically change the dominant culture.
Clarence Darrow Defended Scopes during the Scopes Trial. challenging William Jennings Bryan's testimony in 1925.
Harlem Renaissance Term for the development of African American art, literature and music. Key people included Langston Hughes, Alain Locke and Zora Neale Hurston.
William Jennings Bryan Helped prosecute John Scopes during the Scopes "monkey" trail for teaching evolution
Return to Normalcy the name for Warren Harding's plan that included reducing government intervention in the government, high tariffs and an isolationist foreign policy.
Social Darwinism This is the belief that different human races competed for survival like plants and animals in the natural world.
Eugenics Policy led to the sterilization of over 64,000 Americans in order to keep the US a superior race. It specifically targeted the mentally ill.
Marcus Garvey Advocated racial pride and supported a Back to Africa movement for African Americans
Dorthea Lange photographer of migrant workers and displayed the living conditions during the Great Depression
Hoovervilles describes the makeshift shantytowns where many unemployed and homeless lived during the Great Depression
Federal Reserve system controlled the banks of their ability to loan money and reduced the supply of money.
Woody Guthrie Country Music artist during the 1930's that sang about he hardships of farmers.
Court Packing Plans FDR's proposal to allow the president to appoint an additional Justice for every member of the Supreme Court over 70.
Stock Market Crash Speculation and Buying on Margin caused this to crash in 1929 causing a chain reaction in the economy.
Banks By 1933 many of these closed due to the increase of people withdrawing their money. This crisis was one of the first to be addressed by FDR
Dust Bowl This was the result of severe drought conditions and led to a mass exodus of farmers from the plains.
New Deal Program was created by FDR and consisted of Relief, Recovery and Reform. It focused on the Banking Crisis, unemployment and restoring the economy.
Hundred Days This is the term referring to the initial part of FDR's presidency when he pushed through many of is programs including the Bank Holiday.
Great Plains region affected by the Dust Bowl. Many left and headed to California in search of employment.
Social Security This program was part of the New Deal creating a pension for the retired, disabled and unemployed
Okies This is the term used to refer to the population that set out for California from the Great Plains
Hawley Smoot Tariff passed in 1930 was created to protect American business from foreign competition
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Created by FDR to oversee and protect bank deposits
Securities and Exchange Oversees the day to day operations in the stock market and prevent fraud.
Eleanor Roosevelt Was a First Lady and worked for social reform, supported youth employment, helped the poor and addressed the needs of women in her book It's Up to Women
John Steinbeck Author of the Grapes of Wrath, a story of the migration during the Great Depression
Office of War Administration created to encourage Americans to work for the war effort, photograph the war to use as propaganda to promote patriotism
Benito Mussolini dictator of Italy during WWII, formed the Fascist Party and invaded Albania and Ethiopia
Rationing This policy regulated the amount of goods that a consumer could obtain during the war. Exercising this policy was to work against anger over shortages
Adolf Hitler Leader of Nazi Germany and led the attempted genocide known as the "Final Solution"
Rock and Roll This was a new type of music that blended traditional blues and electronic instruments to become "American Music," and included Elvis Presley and Chuck Berry.
WAAC Acronym for the women's organization that volunteered during the war. Many of them served as nurses, radio operators, drivers, etc.
Japan military faction in this country invaded Manchuria, allied with Germany and Italy and led the attack on Pearl Harbor
Internment Term for detaining Germans, Italians, and Japanese during World War II.
Bataan Death March This was the 60 mile march of US and Filipino POWs by the Japanese. They suffered starvation, disease, physical abuse and murder.
War Bonds Americans were encouraged to buy these to finance the war effort. They reduced the currency in circulation and curbed inflation.
Holocaust Hitler's mass extermination of people during @@II, totaling over 11 million. Many were kept in concentration camps.
Victory Gardens These were also called War Gardens, grown by Americans to help with the food supply during a period of rations.
Enlistment The military saw an increase of this in the aftermath of Pearl Harbor. Over 5 million Americans volunteered for military service
Normandy The invasion at this location is also referred to as D Day, June 6, 1944,. This began the effort to liberate Western Europe.
Pearl Harbor Japanese forces attacked this military base on December 7, 1941. As a result of this attack, the US officially entered the war
Baby Boom During this time over 30 million babies were born in the US during the postwar era of prosperity
Tuskegee Airmen group of African American fighter pilots in the US army Air Corps. They escorted pilots on bombing missions.
Harry Truman President after FDR. He approved the bombings of Nagasaki and Hiroshima
Midway This battle is considered the turning point of the Pacific Theater. Americans broke the Japanese code and resulted in destroying 4 Japanese aircraft carriers.
Manhattan Project name for the development of the atomic bomb. The first successful test took place in New Mexico, 1945.
Eisenhower This general commanded the Allied Expeditionary Forces in Europe. He is known for successes during Operation Torch and D-Day.
Vernon Baker This First Lieutenant was awarded the Medal of Honor by Bill Clinton for his efforts in WWII. He was in the all-black 92nd Infantry.
MacArthur This general commanded the US forces in the Pacific Theater. He later was in charge of the US occupation of Japan and early days of the Korean War.
Executive Order 9066 permitted the military to require Japanese Americans to relocate to internment camps in the US.
Flying Tigers These were the volunteer American flyers supplying the Chinese with war materials. They destroyed over 300 enemy planes and raise morale
GI Bill Law passed in 1944 to provide returning servicemen educational opportunities, low interest loans and unemployment insurance
Navajo Cod Talkers These Native Americans devised a code for transmitting messages in their language on the front lines of the Pacific Theater.
Island Hopping This was the term for the military strategy for US military advancement through the Pacific Islands through Japanese territory to the mainland
Baby boom Largest generation in history, a product of post WW2 prosperity and younger marriages
Truman Doctrine US will assist economically and militarily countries resisting Communist takeover by armed minorities, like Greece and Turkey
Marshall Plan Economic aid to Western Europe to provide funds to rebuild and to discourage an acceptance of Communism (named for Secretary of State General George C. Marshall).
North Atlantic Treaty Organization Mutual defense treaty between the US and Western European nations in opposition to the USSR; an attack on one is an attack on all.
Berlin Airlift US action to provide resources for Berlin, which was blockaded by USSR in 1948; lasted 15 months.
Cuban Missile Crisis USSR placed nuclear missiles in Cuba; Pres. John F. Kennedy through diplomacy and threat of force, was instrumental in getting the missiles removed.
McCarthyism Unsubstantiated accusations of Communist sympathies toward members of the US government and army; No proof. Bully tactics.
House Un-American Affairs Committee Investigated communist sympathies in the Hollywood movie industry; members included future president Richard M. Nixon.
Venona Papers Declassified report on Communist and Communist sympathizers in America during the 1940s and 1950s.
Korean War UN action led by US to prevent Communist North Korea from conquering Nationalist South Korea (an example of Containment)
Great Society President Lyndon B. Johnson's domestic program including the War on Poverty, Medicare, and civil rights legislation.
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution Authorization of escalation of forces in Vietnam after what was believed to be an attack on a US warship by North Vietnam
War Powers Act President can only deploy US soldiers for so long without Congressional approval or declaration of war.
Domino Theory Belief that if South Vietnam fell to Communism, other Southeast Asian nations would as well, such as Cambodia and Laos.
Vietnamazation Nixon's plan to hand over the war to the South Vietnamese army (ARVN) and end USA involvement in the war.
Tet Offensive Vietcong guerrilla attack on South Vietnamese cities in violation of a ceasefire. While a US victory, televised reports turned the American people more against the war and fueled the Anti-War movement.
26th Amendment Lowered voting age to 18 yo.
Draft Conscription; forced military service
Credibility Gap The distance between what the government reports about the war, and what the American people perceive from media reports.
Silent Majority Those Americans, who Nixon said made up most of America, whose views were overshadowed by a more vocal minority.
Anti-War Movement Those opposed to the war in Vietnam; produced many rock and roll and folk songs of the 1960s and 1970s.
Counterculture The "hippy" movement of the 1960s and 1970s.
Martin Luther King Jr. African American leader of the Civil Rights movement and promoted non-violence as a means of achieving the movement's goals
Cesar Chavez Activist who fought for better working conditions for migrant farm workers in California
Rosa Parks Sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott when she refused to give up her seat to a white man on a segregated city bus.
Hector P. Garcia Hispanic soldier who after WW2, started the American GI Forum as an agent to bring about better conditions for veterans
Betty Friedan Wrote "The Feminine Mystique," describing the unique struggles of women an began the modern Feminist Movement.
Black Panthers Paramilitary group who used show of violence and open carry of guns to promote their demand for equal Civil Rights
"I Have A Dream" MLK's speech that told what he hoped the Civil Rights fight would produce; a world which all are judged not "by the cold of their skin but by the content of their character"
"Letter from a Birmingham Jail" Letter by MLK which explained his view that Blacks could no longer wait for Civil Rights, but should fight for it not through violence but through non-violence and civil disobedience.
Civil Rights Act of 1957 and 1964 Legislation that prohibited discrimination on account of race in hiring and the workplace
Title IX Prohibited discrimination based on gender in schools and education programs, especially sports
Voting Rights Act of 1965 Prohibited the use of literacy tests when registering citizens to vote
Affirmative Action Kennedy's plan to increase minority representation in colleges, professions, and businesses.
George Wallace Alabama governor and segregationist who opposed the integration of the University of Alabama
Orval Faubus Arkansas governor and segregationist who opposed the integration of Little Rock's Central High School
Little Rock Nine 9 African American students who was to enroll and attend Central High; President Eisenhower ordered the 101st Airborne Division to escort these students to school for a year. Event may be referred to as "The Little Rock Crisis."
Lester Maddox Georgia governor and segregationist
Congressional block of Southern Democrats Democrats in the House of Representatives who opposed Civil Rights legislation during the 50s and 60s.
Plessy vs. Ferguson Court ruling that "separate but equal" is okay; legalized segregation
Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas Overturned Plessy vs. Ferguson, and established that "separate is not equal." Began school integration.
Mendez vs. Westminster Decided that the segregation of Mexican American children without specific law is unconstitutional.
Hernandez vs. Texas Mexican Americans cannot be excluded from the jury commission that selects juries
Delgado vs. Bastrop ISD Declared segregation of Mexican American children in Texas schools illegal
Edgewood ISD vs. Kirby States must revise their school funding system to be equitable in some cases taking from the wealthy districts adn giving to property poor districts
Sweat vs. Painter ruled the 14th amendment's equal protection clause allowed African American Herman Sweat to attend UT Law School, which was all-White.
Tinker vs. DesMaoines defined the constitutional rights of students in US public schools. The Tinker test is still used by courts to determine whether a school's disciplinary actions violate students' first amendment rights
Wisconsin vs. Yoder the case in which the US Supreme Court found that Amish children could not be placed under compulsory education past 8th grade. The parents' fundamental right to freedom of religion outweighed the state's interest in educating its children
White vs. regester Representation districts cannot be intentionally drawn to exclude certain demographic populations
Detente Nixon's foreign policy meaning a relaxation of tensions and peaceful competition with the Soviet Union
Reaganomics Economic theory that through smaller government and lower taxes economic stimulation will occur, and jobs produced.
Peace through Strength Through the maintenance of a strong military force and a clear stance on position war or conflict is avoided. President Reagan's diplomacy position during the last years of the Cold War
Israel Traditional Jewish homeland restored to them by the United Nations in 1948, partly inspired by the tragedy of the Holocaust.
Camp David Accords Peace treaty between Egypt and Israel (Helped by President Carter) to resolve long-term disputes
Iran-Contra Affair Arms sales to Iran in exchange for the release of US hostages. Arms were later sold to Nicaraguan Contras
Marines in Lebanon Reagan sent these to oversee the evacuation of the Palestinian Liberation Organization forces in Lebanon. During the mission their barracks were bombed
Iran Hostage Crisis In 1979, militants held the US Embassy hostage for 444 days. Carter's greatest challenge and led to his defeat in 1980.
Conservative Movement of the 1980s and 1990s Movement of candidates for office committed to smaller government and lower taxes. Ronald Reagan is an example of this
Phyllis Schafly Outspoken critic of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) and Women's Liberation Movement. She believed it threatened the rights of wives and harmed family life.
Contract with America a document released by the US Republican Party during the 1994 Congressional election campaign. The contract detailed the actions the Republicans promised to take if they became the majority party for the first time in 40 years
Heritage Foundation Political think tank during the Reagan presidency that sought ot promote conservative ideas
Moral Majorty Highly influential conservative group of evangelical Christians successful in pushing social issues into presidential politics. Founded by Jerry Falwell.
National Rifle Association Largest political lobbying organization that sought to secure 2nd amendment rights
End of the Cold War marked by the fall of the Berlin Wall (1989) and the fall of the USSR (1991)
Persian Gulf War American military action in 1990 to drive Saddam Hussein's Iraqi army out of neighboring oil-producing Kuwait
Balkans Crisis US military action to stop the Serbian attack on Kosovo, and the related genocide
9/11 Attack on the US World Trade Center and Pentagon by Al Qaida; Began the global War on Terror
Global War on Terror Struggle against radical Islamic fundamental groups that resort to terrorism against "Western" targets. Began during GW Bush's Presidency
2008 Presidential election saw election of the nation's first Black president, Barack H. Obama
Solvency of Medicare and Social Security By current figures, with growing elderly population and fewer working, without reforms SSI and Medicare will run out of money within 30 years.
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) Group of oil producing nations, mostly Middle East that imposed an oil embargo on the US in the 1970s in response to America's support of Israel.
General Agreement on Tariff and Trade (GATT) Multilateral agreement regulating international trade. Purpose: "the substantial reduction of tariffs, and other trade barriers and the elimination of preferences, on a reciprocal and mutually advantageous basis."
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Agreement signed by Canada, Mexico, and the US, creating a trilateral rules-based trade bloc in North America
Bill Gates Founder of Microsoft
Sam Walton Changed the discount store market with the founding of Walmart
Estee Lauder created a multi-million dollar cosmetic industry with use of celebrities and free gifts
Robert Johnson Entrepreneur and found of Black Entertainment Television (BET)
Lionel Sosa Hispanic artist and advertiser who worked with Geo. W. Bush's 2004 presidential campaign
Watergate Presidential scandal in which Nixon sought to cover up his involvement in a break in at the Democratic Party's headquarters
Bill Clinton's Impeachment Charged with perjury and obstruction of justice in an investigation of several sex scandals involving the President. He was acquitted and not removed from office.
Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 Law designed to encourage commercial banks and savings associations to help meet the needs of borrowers in all segments of their communities, including low and moderate income neighborhoods.
USA PATRIOT ACT of 2001 Law passed after 9/11 to combat global terrorism and its ties in the US. Among its provisions was wiretapping with limited checks and balances. Many questioned the laws effects on privacy of citizens.
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Economic stimulus program to combat the economic recession of 2008 by providing funds for infrastructure repair/upgrade, etc.
Lobbying any attempt by individuals, or private interest groups to influence the decisions of government; in its original meaning it referred to efforts to influence the votes of legislators, generally in the lobby outside the legislative chamber.
Non-Violent Protest Method used by MLK and others during the Civil Rights movement; protests to not become violent, while forcing opponents to take the aggressive stance. Practiced also by Ghandi
Litigation Decision on laws made through the courts, such as lawsuits, etc. Ex. Brown's desegregation order
24th Amendment Outlawed poll takes to qualify to vote
26th Amendment Lowered voting age to 18
American Indian Citizenship Act of 1924 granted full US citizenship to America's indigenous peoples, called "Indians" in this act.
Thurgood Marshall Chief Counsel for NAACP during the Brown vs. Board case; First African American man on the Supreme Court
Billy Graham Influential evangelical Christian minister and adviser to several presidents during the later 20th Century
Barry Goldwater 1964 Republican candidate for President, and first candidate of the Conservative Movement.
Sandra Day O'Connor First female Supreme Court Justice
Hillary Clinton Former First Lady; Senator from New York; Former Secretary of State in Barack Obama's administration
Beat Generation Young poets and artists of the 1950s who were rebelling against the consumer culture of their parents
Chicano Mural Movement out-growth of Chicano civil rights movement; developed into full artistic movement in the paintings of large murals on the walls of buildings, etc.
Dolores Huerta Civil Rights activist who worked with Cesar Chavez to improve conditions for Hispanic farm workers in California
Sonia Sotomayor First Hispanic Woman on the Supreme Court
Oprah Winfrey Successful African American female businesswoman and found of a media empire
"In God We Trust" America's motto added to our coins and money in the 1950s to distinquish us from Russia, which outlawed religious practices
"E Pluribus Unum" "From many, one." indicates how our culture and society is a product of many peoples coming together and unifying
Roy Benavides Vietnam war soldier and Congressional Medal of Honor winner
Created by: bcford



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