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L3 IntegratedChinese
Lesson 3
Hanzi | Pinyin | English |
医学院 | yīxuéyuán | medical school |
管理学院 | guǎnlǐ xuéyuán | school of management |
专业 | zhuānyè | major |
文科 | wénkē | humanities |
双学位 | shuàng xuéwèi | double major |
不过 | búguò | however |
学期 | xuéqí | semester |
选 | xuǎn | to choose |
门 | mén | (MW classes) |
指导教授 | zhǐdǎo jiàoshòu | academic advisor |
觉得 | juéde | to feel that |
建议 | jiànyì | to suggest |
要不然 | yào bu rán | otherwise |
身体 | shēntǐ | body |
争论 | zhēnglùn | to argue, debate |
标准 | biāozhǔn | standard, criteria |
赶紧 | gǎnjǐn | right away, hurriedly |
稍微 | shāowēi | slightly |
熟悉 | shúxī | to be familiar with, know well |
挑剔 | tiāoti | picky |
想法 | xiǎngfǎ | idea, thoughts |
讨论 | tǎolùn | to discuss |
健康 | jiànkàng | health |
好处 | hǎochù | advantages |
水电 | shuǐ diàn | water and electricity |
包 | bāo | to include |
搬 | bān | to move (something) |
价钱 | jiàqián | price |
合适 | héshì | suitable |
浴室 | yùshì | bathroom |
出租 | chūzū | to rent out |
新 | xīn | new |
厨房 | chúfáng | kitchen |
家具 | jiājù | furniture |
毕业 | bì yè | to graduate |
这样 | zhèyàng | this way |
钱 | qián | money |
省下来 | shěng xialai | save (money, time, etc.) |
翻 | fān | turn (over); translate |
报纸 | bàozhǐ | newspaper |
广告栏 | guǎnggào lán | classified ads |
履历 | lǚlì | résumé, CV |
实习 | shíxí | to intern |
经验 | jīngyàn | experience |
考虑 | kǎolǜ | to consider, think over |
研究所 | yánjiū suǒ | graduate school |
愿意 | yuànyì | to be willing |
环境 | huánjìng | surroundings |
后面 | hòumian | the back, behind |
房子 | fángzi | house |
每次 | měicì | every time |
比赛 | bǐsài | competition |
球迷 | qiúmí | fan |
大喊大叫 | dà hǎn dà jiào | to yell and scream |
受影响 | shòu yǐngxiǎng | to be affected |
购物中心 | gǒuwǔzhōngxīn | shopping center |
隔壁 | gébì | next door |
开玩笑 | kāi wánxiào | to joke around |
打折 | dǎzhé | to give a discount |
结束 | jiéshū | to end |
理想 | lǐxiǎng | ideal |
名牌 | míngpái | name brand |
租金 | zūjīn | rent money |
贵 | guì | expensive |
同屋 | tóngwū | roommate |
楼梯 | lóutī | stairs |
衣服 | yīfu | clothing |
睡不好觉 | shuì bu hǎo jiào | to not sleep well |
最好 | zuìhǎo | the best |
差不多 | chà bu duō | roughly, about |
设备 | shèbèi | facilities |
校内 | xiàonèi | on-campus |
校外 | xiàowài | off-campus |
近 | jìn | nearby |
篮球 | lánqiú | basketball |
球场 | qiúcháng | ball court |
河 | hé | river |
房租 | fángzū | rent (for a house, apartment, etc.) |
安静 | ānjìng | quiet, calm |
交通 | jiāotōng | transportation |
方便 | fāngbiàn | convenient |
开学 | kāixué | to start school |