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2015 Seasons Wthr
2015 Seasons and Weather Vocabulary
Spanish | English |
¿Qué tiempo hace ahora? | What's the weather like out now? |
¿Qué tiempo hace? | What's the weather like out? |
ahora | now |
el buen tiempo | good weather |
el invierno | winter |
el mal tiempo | bad weather |
el otoño | autumn, fall |
el sol | sun |
el tiempo | weather |
el verano | summer |
está despejado | it's clear out |
está lloviendo | it's raining |
está nevando | it's snowing |
está nublado | it's cloudy |
está templado | it's warm out |
hace buen tiempo | it's nice out |
hace calor | it's hot |
hace fresco | it's cool |
hace frío | it's cold |
hace mal tiempo | the weather is bad out |
hace mucho calor | it's very hot |
hace mucho frío | it's very cold |
hace sol | it's sunny |
hace viento | it's windy |
hay niebla | it's foggy |
hay nubes | it's cloudy |
hay sol | it's sunny |
hay tormenta | it's stormy |
hay viento | it's windy |
la estación | the season |
la primavera | spring |
llueve | it's raining |
nieva | it's snowing |
no está lloviendo | it's not raining |
no está nevando | it's not snowing |
no está nublado | it's not cloudy |
no está templado | it's not warm |
no hace calor | it's not hot |
no hace fresco | it's not cool |
no hace frío | it's not cold |
no hay niebla | it's not foggy |
no hay nubes | it's not cloudy |
no hay sol | it's not sunny |
no llueve | it's not raining |
no nieva | it's not snowing |