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Ancient America New

Olmec, Maya, Aztec, Inca

Why were the Olmec able to build cities? The fertile soil allowed for successful farming, which led to cities
How were the Olmec similar to the Maya? They developed in the jungles, built large cities, traded, grew corn, played the ritual ball game, and developed a calendar
How was the rise of the Olmec civilization similar to the rise of the Egyptian civilization? They developed as a result of successful agriculture next to fertile river banks
All the Ancient American cultures Believed in many gods and goddesses.
Maya Achievements included steles (stone slabs with religious dates and ruler’s reign), zero and place value, 365 day calendar, glyphs (writing), pyramids (tombs and religious rituals)
Nazca Created lines in the ground of birds,plants, animals, humans, and geometric shapes on the plains of Peru.
Theories of why the Nazca lines were built 1.To please the gods 2.Show surface water entering the plain 3.Calendar or map 4.Routes of aquifers - underground water sources
Olmec 1st known MesoAmerican civilization
Olmec Built huge heads that were 9 feet tall and weighed 20 tons.
What the Olmec head could have represented Could have been gods or rulers or Could have been athletes
Olmec Worshiped nature gods and the jaguar spirit
Olmec MesoAmerica’s mother culture and had a large trade network
Maya Cities included Tikal, Copan, Palenque
Maya They abandoned their cities, but reasons are unknown
Theories to why the Maya abandoned their cities. War and Overcrowded and food shortage
Aztec Settled on Tenochtitlan
Aztec Founded the city of Tenochtitlan (Place of the Prickley Pear) - present day Mexico City.
Aztec Settled in swampy area
chinampas Raised garden beds on lake developed by the Aztec to adapt to their environment.
Montezuma II Aztec ruler who angered the Aztecs because of his harsh treatment and demands that people pay tribute
Hernan Cortez Spanish explorer who entered the Aztec Empire looking for gold and killed Montezuma
What Cortes and his men brought with them that killed many of the Aztec disease
Aztec Legacies codices (boooks that kept their writing), two different calendars
Cuzco Capital city of the Inca
Pachacuti Ninth Inca ruler who expanded the Inca empire to include all of Peru
How the Inca adapted to their environment Developed terraced farming and built irrigation systems
What the Inca did if the area was to cold and dry to raise crops? Raised llamas and alpacas
How the Inca were able to communicate throughout their large empire? chaquis (messangers), built roads, built bridges
Inca money system Inca didn't use money they had a barter system
Two main social classes in the Inca empire Noble and commoners
Atahualpa Inca ruler who defeated his brother in a civil war to become the Sapa Inca and was later killed by Francisco Pizarro
Francisco Pizarro Spanish explorer who fought the Aztec and killed Atahualpa
Aztec legacies quipu, roads, bridges, medicines and medical techniques
quipu Inca counting tool made from a cord with knotted strings attached. Was also used to tell messages or stories
Crop that the Olmec grew corn
How did the Maya develop into a great civilization? They founded farming villages and built ceremonial centers, which grew into cities
What agricultural technique did the Maya use? irrigation canals
What was the legend of how Tenochtitlan was started? The Aztec god told them to settle where they saw an eagle sitting on a cactus holding a snake
How did the Aztec build a powerful empire? They formed alliances with other cities and then used their warrior skills to conquer others
Created by: wiltsb
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