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Simonds CH. 18

Virus and Bacteria Review

capsid part of virus made of protein, outside coat
core inside part of virus that is made of nucleic acid
nucleic acid genetic material, DNA or RNA
Lytic and Lysogenic cylce cylce that viruses use to replicate
envelope an extra protective coating that some virus have on the outside of the capsid
spikes or tail fibers part of a virus that helps it attach to the host cell
host cell cell that a virus infects (can be any living thing)
vaccine weakened form of a virus that is injected into an organisms to help build immunity
bacteria living organisms that is unicellular, prokaryotic, and can be a producer or consumer
Archaebacteria and Eubacteria the two kingdoms of Bacteria
unicellular made of only one cell
multicellular made of more than one cell
prokaryotic does not have a nucleus or membrane bound organelles, bacteria ONLY
eukaryotic has a nucleus
endospore extra protective coat that forms around a bacteria when they are in harsh conditions
Archaebacteria bacteria that live in extreme conditions
Eubacteria bacteria that live in common environments, like strep throat
Nitrogen Fixation a benefit of bacteria, they live on the roots of plants and help them absorb nutrients
Benefits of bacteria food, medicine, nitrogen fixation, decomposers
True or False, bacteria have a cell wall TRUE
True or False, viruses are living False- they need a host to replicate
True or False, flagella help a bacteria to move True, a flagella is a long whiplike structure used to move.
True or False, bacteria and viruses have nucleic acid True, both have DNA or RNA
Antibiotic medicine taken to kill bacteria, is NOT affective in getting rid of a virus
Lytic Cycle replication cycle of virus, take over host immediately. (cold, flu, etc)
Lysogenic Cycle replication cycle of virus, contains a provirus that hides in the host until stimulated to take over and use the host cell to replicate (HIV, chicken pox)
provirus part of the virus DNA that inserts itself into the host DNA and replicates when the host replicates. Part of the lysogenic cycle
Can bacteria reproduce sexually and asexually YES, binary fission (asexual) and conjugation (sexual)
prion type of virus that only contains protein in the core (instead of the usual RNA or DNA core)
retrovirus a type of virus, such as HIV, that contains a RNA core that replicates from RNA to DNA (instead of the usual DNA to RNA)
viroid a virus that only infects plants that is made of pure RNA, no protein
vaccine a injection of a weakened form of a virus that enables the organism injected to build up immunity
type of virus cycle that the common cold and the flu follow Lytic Cycle, you know immediately when you have the flu or cold and your body can immediately start to fight back.
type of virus cycle that HIV follows Lysogenic Cycle, HIV can remain dormant in your cells until stimulated, then all cells rupture at the same time letting out too many viruses for your body to combat
are viruses living or non-living Non-living, they must have a host to replicate.
2 main parts of every virus Core and capsid
material that is usually found in the core DNA or RNA
material that the capsid is usually made of protein
bacteriophage a virus that infects a bacteria cell
extra coating on some animal viruses that adds extra protection to the virus envelope
function of spikes on some viruses to help attach to the host cell
order the following in the correct order for the lytic cycle: entry, attach, release, assembly, replicate Attach, Entry, Replicate, Assembly, Release
order the following in the correct order for the lysogenic cycle: entry, attach, release, assembly, replicate, provirus formation, cell division Attach, Entry, Provirus formation, cell division, replication, assembly, release
heterotroph organisms that can not make its own food and must consume it instead.
autotroph organisms that can automatically make their own food (plants can perform photosynthesis)
archabacteria prokaryotic, unicellular organisms that live in extreme environments
eubacteria prokaryotic, unicellular organisms that live in common environments
binary fission asexual reproduction in bacteria, chromosomes are replicated and the cell divides
conjugation sexual bacteria reproduction, process of exchanging genetic material through cell to cell contact
3 good uses of bacteria decomposers, nitrogen fixation in plants, used in food & medicine
what bacteria and viruses have in common they can both be pathogens(cause disease)
pathogen something that causes a disease or illness
Created by: ssimond1
Popular Biology sets




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