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Genetic Test

What does a cell make during the synthesis stage of the cell cycle? A copy of DNA
. The gap 1, gap 2, and synthesis stages of the cell cycle make up what? Interphase
3. During which stage shown in Figure 5.1 does cytokinesis take place? Mitosis
4. Is it true that left and right halves of the chromosome shown in Figure 5.2 carry identical genetic information? Yes
5. Multicellular organisms use mitosis for growth, development, and what? Repair
31) If a tumor is malignant, then cancer cells from the tumor will do what? Form more tumors
32) One difference between a cancer cell and a normal cell is what? Cancer cells divide in the absence of growth factors
33) Offspring that are genetically unique are the result of which process? Meiosis
34) In Mendel's monohybrid cross of a purebred white-flowered plant and a purebred purple-flowered plant, what was the genotype and phenotype of the F generation? Genotype – Pp; Phenotype - purple
35) Describe the function of meiosis. To reduce chromosoe number by half, and produce gametes
36) What human cell is haploid? sperm and egg
37) The fusion of haploid gametes is called fertilization
38) All of the genetic material that makes up an organism is called its what? genome
39) What term would you use to describe different forms of the same gene on homologous chromosomes? (homozygous, heterozygous) heterozygous
40) Mendel's law of segregation states what? Organisms inherit two copies of each gene and that organisms donate copies to offspring in predictable ratios.
Which pair of genes in Figure 6.2 would be most likely to have a genetic linkage? C and D
42) What was a key factor in the success of Mendel's experiments? He started with self-pollinating purebread plants
43) In a genotype for plant height, such as Tt, what does each letter represent? One allele
44) When is a recessive allele expressed in offspring? Only when two copies are present
45) What human cell type could have 22 autosomes and a Y chromosome? Sex cells; sperm & egg
46) If someone is heterozygous for a recessive allele that causes a disorder, what phenotype will be expressed? Will not have the disorder but can be a carrier
The Punnett square in Figure 7.1 shows a cross between two parents who are heterozygous for an autosomal genetic disorder caused by a recessive allele. People with which genotype will have the disorder? “ss” offspring
48) One parent is homozygous for a recessive allele and one parent is heterozygous for a recessive allele in an autosomal dominant genetic disorder. What is the chance that a child of those two parents will have the disorder? 50%
49) A female is born with attached earlobes, which is a recessive phenotype. What are the possible genotypes of her parents? parents have recessive alleles
50) Suppose a person is homozygous recessive for a recessive genetic disorder. This genotype means that the person will express what phenotype? He has the genetic disorder
51) If more males than females in a family have a recessive sex-linked disorder, what can you infer about patterns of inheritance in that family? Only females would be carriers of the disorder
The gene linkage map shown in Figure 7.2 shows the order of genes A, B, and C. Which of the genes would most likely be inherited together? C and A
53) Why do sex-linked disorders appear more often in males? Because they are not masked by another X, because males have an X and a Y
54) Down syndrome is characterized by having an extra copy of at least a portion of chromosome 21. What method of genetic study would quickly identify the disorder? karyotypes
55) What is the process below? Name the four stages and describe each stage Mitosis; Prophase (chromosomes condense, spindle fibers form), Metaphase (chromatids line up at the equator), Anaphase (sister chromatids separate and move to either pole), Telophase (two new nuclei are formed)
30) What process is shown in diagram 2 of Figure 6.3? How do you know? Meiosis; because there are 2 cell divisions
Write the genotype and phenotype of the parental generation pea plants shown in figure 7.3 RR – red; rr - white
What method of studying genetic inheritance is shown in Figure 7.4? pedigree chart
) What do the shaded circles represent? females with the particular phenotypes
Created by: morbidloner66
Popular Biology sets




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