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Vocabulary for 7th Grade Language Arts

What is the Definition for: Affect To have an influence on or effect a change in something
What is the Definition for: Element A part or aspect of something
What is the Definition for: Ensure To make sure or certain
What is the Definition for: Participate To be active and involved in something or to share in something
What is the Definition for: Specify To state exactly or in detail what you want or need
What is the Definition for: Aspect A characteristic or feature of something
What is the Definition for: Cultural Of or relating to culture or cultivation
What is the Definition for: Evaluate To examine something carefully to its value of worth
What is the Definition for: Resource Something that can be used for support or help
What is the Definition for: Text A literary work that is regarded as an object of critical analysis
What is the Definition for: Abnormal Not typical, usual or regular
What is the Definition for: Feature A prominent or distinctive part, quality or characteristic
What is the Definition for: Focus To direct toward a specific point or purpose
What is the Definition for: Perceive To become aware of something directly through any of the senses
What is the Definition for: Task An assignment or work done as part of one's duties
What is the Definition for: Interact To act upon each other
What is the Definition for: Potential Capable of doing or being something
What is the Definition for: Specify To state exactly or in detail what you want or need
What is the Definition for: Stress To put emphasis on something
What is the Definition for: Valid Convincing or having a sound reason for something
What is the Definition for: Moderate Something kept within a certain limit
What is the Definition for: Prowess The strength and courage someone has
What is the Definition for: Frantic Do something quickly and nervously
What is the Definition for: Anxiety A worried and uneasy feeling
What is the Definition for: Obstinate Stubborn and unyeilding
What is the Definition for: Inundate To give a huge amount of something
What is the Definition for: Precaution An action taken to avoid possible danger
What is the Definition for: Sarcasm Words that mean the opposite of what you really want to say
What is the Definition for: Tacit Understood without being directly stated
What is the Definition for: Ebullience Enthusiastic expressions of thoughts or feelings
What is the Definition for: Elude Escape either physically or mentally
What is the Definition for: Contemptuous Without respect with a bitter attitude
What is the Definition for: Implore The use of words to express something other than and especially the opposite of the literal meaning
What is the Definition for: Inscrutable Difficult to understand
What is the Definition for: Tumult Commotion of a great crowd; disorder
What is the Definition for: Tirade A long angry or violent speech
What is the Definition for: Blatant Very obvious
What is the Definition for: Malevolent Having an ill will or wishing harm to others
What is the Definition for: Ludicrous Obviously absurd; foolish
What is the Definition for: Cynic A person who has negative opinions about other people and what they do
What is the Definition for: Overt Something that is obvious
What is the Definition for: Covert Something done secretively
What is the Definition for: Maroon To abandon or leave someone in a place that is hard to get away from.
What is the Definition for: Judicious Characterized by sound judgment
What is the Definition for: Recrimination Accusing in return after someone has accused you
What is the Definition for: Introspective An examination of one's own thoughts and feelings
What is the Definition for: Unconscious Not knowing or perceiving
What is the Definition for: Shrew An ill-tempered angry woman
What is the Definition for: Impaired Disabled or functionally defective
What is the Definition for: Amnesia Loss of memory due usually to brain injury
What is the Definition for: Adroit Quick or skillful or adept in action or though
What is the Definition for: Coalesce Fuse or cause to come together
What is the Definition for: Cynical Believing the worst of human nature and motives
What is the Definition for: Deleterious Harmful to living things
What is the Definition for: Euphemism An inoffensive expression substituted for an offensive one
What is the Definition for: Juxtapose Place side by side
What is the Definition for: Lethargic Deficient in alertness or activity
What is the Definition for: Paradoxical Seemingly contradictory but nonetheless possibly true
What is the Definition for: Platitude A trite or obvious remark
What is the Definition for: Repress Conceal or hide
What is the Definition for: Cower Crouch or curl up
What is the Definition for: Waver Pause or hold back in uncertainty or unwillingness
What is the Definition for: Usurp Seize and take control without authority
What is the Definition for: Lethal Deadly
What is the Definition for: Docile Easily handled or managed
What is the Definition for: Perplex Be a mystery or bewildering to
What is the Definition for: Symbiosis Relationship between two living things that benefit them both
What is the Definition for: Decompose Decay or rotting away
What is the Definition for: Pronounced Observable, evident
What is the Definition for: Epicurean Related to the enjoyment of food
What is the Definition for: Toxicology The study of poisons
What is the Definition for: Meager A small amount or quantity
Created by: kzindler



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