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Vocabulary for 8th Grade Language Art

What is the Definition for: Contribute To give or supply for a common purpose
What is the Definition for: Immigrate To enter and settle in a new country
What is the Definition for: Reaction A response to something
What is the Definition for: Relocate To move to a new place
What is the Definition for: Shifting Changing attitudes, judgments, or emphasis
What is the Definition for: Abnormal Not typical, usual, or regular; not normal
What is the Definition for: Feature A prominent or distinctive part, quality, or characteristic
What is the Definition for: Focus to direct toward a specific point or purpose
What is the Definition for: Perceive To become aware of something directly through any of the senses
What is the Definition for: Task An assignment or work done as part of one’s duties
What is the Definition for: Convention A practice or procedure widely used by a group
What is the Definition for: Predict To tell about in advance, especially on the basis of special knowledge
What is the Definition for: Psychology The study of mental processes and behaviors
What is the Definition for: Summary A condensed, or shorter report that includes the main points of a text or event
What is the Definition for: Technique The systematic or orderly procedure by which a task is accomplished
What is the Definition for: Complex Consisting of many interwoven parts that make something difficult to understand
What is the Definition for: Consume To buy things for your own or to take something in
What is the Definition for: Potential Capable of doing or being something; having possibility
What is the Definition for: Inadequate Not enough or sufficient to fulfill a need or meet a requirement
What is the Definition for: Interact To act upon each other
What is the Definition for: Stress To put emphasis on something
What is the Definition for: Valid Convincing or having a sound reason for something
What is the Definition for: Apprehension Suspicion or fear especially of future evil
What is the Definition for: Depravity A corrupt act or practice; moral corruption
What is the Definition for: Epilepsy Disorders marked by disturbed electrical rhythms of the central nervous system and typically recognized by convulsions usually with clouding of consciousness
What is the Definition for: Irony The use of words to express something other than and especially the opposite of the literal meaning
What is the Definition for: Profane Serving to insult what is holy
What is the Definition for: Redemption Freedom from the consequences of sin
What is the Definition for: Prudent Marked by wisdom; shrewd in the management of practical affairs
What is the Definition for: Sadist One who delights in cruelty
What is the Definition for: Sarcasm Words that mean the opposite of what you really want to say
What is the Definition for: Tacit Understood without being directly stated
What is the Definition for: Ebullience Enthusiastic expression of thoughts or feelings
What is the Definition for: Enmity Deep seated hatred
What is the Definition for: Recrimination The act of accusing in return after someone has accused you
What is the Definition for: Contemptuous Without respect with a bitter attitude
What is the Definition for: Inscrutable Difficult to understand
What is the Definition for: Tumult Commotion of a great crowd; disorder
What is the Definition for: Tirade A long angry or violent speech
What is the Definition for: Blatant Very obvious
What is the Definition for: Malevolent Having an ill will or wishing harm to others
What is the Definition for: Ludicrous obviously absurd; foolish
What is the Definition for: Peril Something that is dangerous
What is the Definition for: Condole Expressing sympathy or sorrow
What is the Definition for: Grimace Facial expression of pain or disgust
What is the Definition for: Credulity A tendency to believe too quickly; gullible
What is the Definition for: Avaricious Greedy
What is the Definition for: Compensation Something that is received as payment, like money
What is the Definition for: Phantasm Illusion, ghost, a product of fantasy, a mental representation of a real object
What is the Definition for: Revel A wild party or celebration
What is the Definition for: Sagacious Having or showing keen discernment, sound judgment, and farsightedness
What is the Definition for: Tranquil very calm
What is the Definition for: Alacrity eagerness
What is the Definition for: Dilapidated something that is falling apart
What is the Definition for: Contemplate think about something thoughtfully
What is the Definition for: Covet wanting something that you don’t have
What is the Definition for: Predicament An unpleasant situation from which it is difficult to free oneself
What is the Definition for: Irate Very angry
What is the Definition for: Contractor A person who agrees to provide services for a specific price
What is the Definition for: Stoop To bend forward and down from the waist
What is the Definition for: Feeble A person who is very weak
What is the Definition for: Groping When you reach about in an uncertain way
What is the Definition for: Ramble Talking at length in an aimless way
What is the Definition for: Astute ability to notice and understand things clearly
What is the Definition for: Apparent visible or obvious to understand
What is the Definition for: Incessant without interruption
What is the Definition for: Intrigue a secret scheme or full of mystery
What is the Definition for: Inexplicable unable to explain
What is the Definition for: Regime a government in power or a form of government
What is the Definition for: Punctual being on time
What is the Definition for: Abate lessen or decrease or reduce
What is the Definition for: Emigrate to leave one’s place of residence
What is the Definition for: Prejudice prejudgment before examination
What is the Definition for: Capitulation to surrender, to give up
What is the Definition for: Mercurial unpredictable
What is the Definition for: Unabashed not ashamed
What is the Definition for: Abruptly sudden, unexpected stop
What is the Definition for: Conspicuous very obvious
What is the Definition for: Peculiar a matter of special interest
What is the Definition for: Portly fat, unusually round or heavy
Created by: kzindler



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