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AP US Notecards

An amalgamation of goodness - AP United States History

Federalist political party 1792-1816; strong and fiscally sound government;supported national bank and Hamiltonian policies; founded by Alexander Hamilton
Anti-Federalist political party late 18th, early 19th centuries; supported states rights and weak government; opposed Hamiltonian Policy; supporters of Thomas Jefferson
Democratic-Republican political party 1792-1824; originally created by Thomas Jefferson to oppose Federalists; strict construction of the Constitution
National Republican political party 1825-1833;formed after the split of the Democratic-Republicans, supporters of John Adams; anti-Jacksonites, run by Henry Clay; backed the American System of internal improvements and a protective tariff; succeeded by the Whig party
Republican Founded in 1854 by anti-slavery expansion activists, the Republican Party surpassed the Whig Party as opposition to the Democratic Party; came to power in 1860 with Abraham Lincoln and presided over the American Civil War and Reconstruction
Free Soil active in the 1848 and 1852 presidential elections; anti-slavery third party, opposed to western expansion of slavery; nominated Van Buren in 1848; were absorbed by Republican Party in 1854
Greenback political party 1874-1884; opposed shift from paper money back to species-based on grounds of private business control; supported income tax, eight-hour work day, womens suffrage, and assistance to farmers
Bull Moose Also known as Progressive party; formed by Theodore Roosevelt after he lost Republican nomination to Taft; possibly allowed Woodrow Wilson to win due to the Republican splintering
Dixiecrat Also known as the States' Rights Democratic Party; segregationist, socially conservative political party in the United States; split from Democratic Party in 1948; nominated Strom Thurmond as candidate; slogan was "Segregation Forever!"
Socialist Formed in 1901; nominated Eugene Debs as candidate; support from trade unionists, progressive social reformers, populist farmers, and immigrant communities
Democratic Following the Democratic-Republican Split, formed in the 1830's as followers of Andrew Jackson
Whigs political party from 1833 - 1856; opposed Jacksonian Democracy; supported supremacy of Congress over executive branch
Liberty political party in 1840's; broke away from American Anti-Slavery Society due to conflicts with William L. Garrison's leadership; nominated James Birney; succeeded by the Free Soil Party
Know-Nothing political movement in 1840's and 50's; nativist and anti-Catholic; strove to curb immigration and naturalization; was absorbed into Republican Party
Populist political party late 19th century; popular among Western farmers, mainly for opposition to gold standard; favored a silver standard; nominated W. J. Bryan in 1896, who gave his "Cross of Gold" speech
Progressive (1924) political party of 1924; nominated La Follette to run against Calvin Coolidge; continuation of the 1912 Party known as the Bull Moose Party
American Independent political party of 1968; nominee was George Wallace, who took the Deep South, due to his support of Segregation. Strongest ever third party showing.
1800 Election Thomas Jefferson defeats John Adams; Aaron Burr becomes Vice-President; first transfer of power between parties from Federalist to Democratic-Republican.
1824 Election "Corrupt Bargain"; John Q. Adams defeats Andrew Jackson, Crawford, and Henry Clay. Decided in the House of Representatives after noone got a majority; Andrew Jackson had popular vote, but lost when House leader favored Adams
1860 Election Abraham Lincoln defeats Breckinridge, Bell, and Douglas. The Democratic Split allowed the Republican Party to gain a victory.
1876 Election Hayes defeated Tilden after an electoral count of 184 Tilden to 165 Hayes, with 20 votes uncounted. These all went to Hayes after much dispute, in return for his word to withdraw troops from the Reconstruction South.
1896 Election William McKinley defeats William Jennings Bryan; first "modern campaigning" election - Mark Hanna; realigning election, Western states became important to a win; issues included Gold standard and tariffs.
1912 Election Wilson defeated Roosevelt and Taft; Teddy Roosevelt splits to Independent (Bull Moose) Party to run for third term; Socialist Party (Eugene Debs) also had a large showing.
1932 Election Franklin Delano Roosevelt defeats Herbert Hoover; Roosevelt promised reform with New Deal; 1932 Stock Market led to lack of faith in Hoover
1948 Election Greatest election upset in history; Truman defeats Dewey and Thurmond despite a 3-way party split; Chicago Tribune was so confident it published "Dewey defeats Truman" the day prior, only to have Truman win the election.
1960 Election John F. Kennedy defeats Richard Nixon; closest popular vote in history; both candidates born in 20th Century; Kennedy was first Roman-Catholic president
1980 Election Ronald Reagan defeats Jimmy Carter; aided by Iran hostage crisis and the worsening economy
Samuel Adams
John Hancock
Thomas Gage
Charles Cornwallis
Benedict Arnold
Ethan Allen
John Locke
Horatio Gates
Alexander Hamilton
Benjamin Banneker
Henry Knox
Edmond Charles Genet
Eli Whitney
Robert Livinston
William Gregg
Zebulon Pike
Aaron Burr
Henry D. Thoreau
Margaret Fuller
Washington Irving
John James Audubon
William H. Harrison
Andrew Jackson
John Fitch
Denmark Vesey
Daniel Webster
John Calhoun
Thomas Hart Benton
Martin Van Buren
Robert Owen
Emma Willard
Dorothea Dix
George Caleb Bingham
William Lloyd Garrison
Frederick Douglass
John Rolfe
William Bradford
King Philip
George Calvert
John Berkeley
John Winthrop
David Rittenhouse
James Oglethorpe
Cadwallader Colden
George III
Edmond Burke
Patrick Henry
George Washington
John Adams
John Dickinson
Thomas Hutchinson
John Burgoyne
William Howe
Nathan Hale
Thomas Paine
Nathanael Greene
Francis Marion
James Madison
John Jay
Edmond Randolph
John Singleton Copley
John Marshall
Lewis and Clark
Robert Fulton
John Randolph
James Wilkinson
Francis Scott Key
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Walt Whitman
Edgar Allen Poe
Stephen Austin
Oliver Perry
Samuel Slater
Richard Arkwright
John Quincy Adams
William Crawford
Henry Clay
Nicholas Biddle
Nat Turner
Mary Lyon
Samuel Howe
Horace Mann
Benjamin Lundy
Theodore Weld
Louis Agassiz
James Polk
Zachary Taylor
Harriet Beecher Stowe
James Buchanan
Stephen Douglas
John Bell
Abraham Lincoln
Alexander Stephens
Salmon P. Chase
Thaddeus Stevens
James Mason
Albert S. Johnston
George McClellan
Ambrose Burnside
George Meade
Philip Sheridan
Thomas Jackson
Andrew Johnson
Ulysses S. Grant
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Thomas Edison
Edward Bellamy
Thorstein Veblen
Booker T. Washington
Cornelius Vanderbilt
J.P. Morgan
John D. Rockefeller
Oliver Kelley
Alexander Graham Bell
Samuel Gompers
Jacob Riis
James Weaver
Henry Barnard
Charles Darwin
William Sumner
Charles Pierce
Mark Twain
William Dean Howells
Frederick Jackson Turner
Tom Watson
Alfred Mahan
George Dewey
Louis Sullivan
John Dewey
William R. Hearst
Frank Boas
Lincoln Steffens
Upton Sinclair
Herbert Croly
Frederic Remington
Richard Ballinger
William Taft
Woodrow Wilson
Victoriana Huerta
John Pershing
Winfield Scott
Franklin Pierce
Harriet Tubman
Roger Taney
John Breckinridge
Jefferson Davis
William Seward
Charles Sumner
Clement Vallandigham
John Slidell
Henry Halleck
John Pope
Joseph Hooker
William Tecumseh Sherman
Matthew Brady
Robert E. Lee
William T. Fessenden
Susan B. Anthony
Helen Hunt Jackson
Henry George
Henry Demarest Lloyd
Roscoe Conkling
W.E.B. DuBois
Jay Gould
Andrew Carnegie
Mark Hanna
Red Cloud
Uriah Stephens
Terence Powderly
Dwight Moody
Jane Addams
Washington Gladden
William Jennings Bryan
Herbert Spencer
Lester F. Ward
William James
Bret Harte
Winslow Homer
Jacob Coxey
Mary B. Lease
Thomas Reed
Charles Eliot
Mary Cassatt
Joseph Pulitzer
Theodore Roosevelt
Ida Tarbell
Frank Norris
Joseph Cannon
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
Robert La Follette
Gifford Pinchot
Louis Brandeis
Francho Villa
Venustiano Carranza
Ferdinand Foch
Toleration Act of 1649
Wool Act
Sugar Act
Declaratory Act
Intolerable or Coercive Acts
Judiciary Act of 1789
Northwest Ordinance
Alien and Sedition Acts
Bernard Baruch
Charles Evans Hughes
Alice Paul
Herbert Hoover
A. Mitchell Palmer
Jackson Pollock
Andrew Mellon
Harry Sinclair
Charles Forbes
Marcus Garvey
John Scopes
Robert and Helen Lynd
Ernest Hemingway
Countee Cullen
Langston Hughes
Carl Sandberg
William Foster
Franklin Roosevelt
Father Charles Coughlin
Harold Ickes
Harold Rugg
Robert Frost
Eugene Debs
Charles and Mary Beard
John M. Keynes
Margaret Sanger
Warren Harding
Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti
Edward Doheny
Albert Fall
Calvin Coolidge
Charles Lindbergh
Charles Chaplin
H.L. Mencken
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Sinclair Lewis
Frank L. Wright
Grant Wood
Norman Thomas
Huey Long
Dr. Francis Townsend
Harry Hopkins
Albert Einstein
John Steinbeck
Frances Perkins
Walt Disney
George Marshall
Chester Nimitz
Harry S. Truman
Alger Hiss
Strom Thurmond
Dwight Eisenhower
Thurgood Marshall
John Foster Dulles
Malcolm X
Lyndon B. Johnson
Betty Freidan
Robert McNamara
Hubert Humphrey
George Wallace
Andy Warhol
Henry Kissinger
Geraldine Ferraro
Gloria Steinem
Shirley Chrisholm
Jerry Falwell
Jimmy Carter
George Bush
Norman Schwarzkopf
George Patton
Douglas MacArthur
Arthur Vandenberg
Joseph McCarthy
Dean Acheson
Adlai Stevenson
Jonas Salk
J.D. Salinger
John F. Kennedy
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Dean Rusk
Richard Nixon
Spiro Agnew
Leonard Bernstein
Barbara Jordan
Gerald Ford
Billy Graham
Cesar Chavez
Eldridge Cleaver
Jesse Jackson
Ronald Reagan
Colin Powell
James Baker
Missouri Compromise
1832 Tariff
Gag Rule
Personal Liberty Laws
1851 Policy Concentration
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Pacific Railway Act
Wade-Davis Bill
Timber and Culture Act
1882 Exclusion Act
Interstate Commerce Act
Sherman Anti-Trust Act
Sherman Silever Purchase Act
Elkins Act
Meat Inspection Act
Mann-Elikins Act
Federal Trade Commission Act
Clayton Anti-Trust Act
Adamson Act
Smith-Lever Act
Sedition Act
National Origins Act
Reconstruction Finance Corporation Act
Glass-Steagall Act
National Industrial Recovery Act
Tennessee Valley Act
Social Security Act
Fair Labor Standards Act
Smith Act
Elementary and Secondary Education Act
1964 Civil Rights Act
1968 Civil Rights Act
Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Act
Navigation Acts
Hat Act
Proclamation Act
Stamp Act
Townshend Acts
Quebec Act
Land Ordinance
Hamilton's Financial Program
Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
1828 Tariff of Abominations
Force Bill
Compromise Tariff of 1833
Compromise of 1850
Dawes Severalty Act
Homestead Act
Morrill Land Grant Act
Bland-Allison Act
Timber and Stone Act
Pendleton Act
McKinley Tariff
Dingley Tariff
Hepburn Act
Pure Food and Drug Act
Payne-Aldrich Act
Federal Reserve Act
Keating-Owen Act
Smith-Hughes Act
Espionage Act
Fordney-McCumber Tariff
McNary-Haugen Bill
Hawley-Smoot Tariff
The Federal Securities Act
1st Agricultural Adjustment Act
Works Progress Administration
Wagner Act
2nd Agricultural Adjustment Act
Taft-Hartley Act
National Defense Education Act
Voting Rights Act
War Powers Act
1st Amendment
2nd Amendment
3rd Amendment
4th Amendment
5th Amendment
6th Amendment
7th Amendment
8th Amendment
9th Amendment
10th Amendment
11th Amendment
12th Amendment
13th Amendment
14th Amendment
15th Amendment
16th Amendment
17th Amendment
18th Amendment
19th Amendment
20th Amendment
21st Amendment
22nd Amendment
23rd Amendment
24th Amendment
25th Amendment
26th Amendment
Treaty of Paris 1763
Jay Treaty
Treaty of Ghent
Adams-Onis (Transcontinental) Treaty
1846 Treaty with Great Britain
Clayton-Bulwer Treaty
Treaty of Paris 1899
Treaty of Versailles
Camp David Accords
XYZ Affairs
Non-Intercourse Act
Monroe Doctrine
Ostend Manifesto
Pan-American Conference
Teller Amendment
Roosevelt Corollary
Platt amendment
Missionary Diplomacy
Washington Conference
Young Plan
London Naval Conference
Stimson Doctrine
Neutrality Acts
Cash and Carry
Lend-Lease Act
Casablanca Conference
Yalta Conference
Potsdam Conference
Containment Policy
Marshall Plan
Treaty of Paris 1783
Pinckney Treaty
Rush-Bagot Agreement
Webster-Ashburton Treaty
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
Treaty of Washington
Hay-Pauncefote Treaty
1978 Treaty with Panama
Washington's Farewell Address
Embargo Act
Macon's Bill, No. 2
Panama Conference
Seal Controversy
New Manifest Destiny
Open Door Policy
Big Stick Diplomacy
Dollar Diplomacy
Fourteen Points
Dawes Plan
Kellogg-Briand Pact
Clark Memorandum
Good Neighbor Policy
Panay Affair
Atlantic Charter
Dunbarton Oaks Conference
United Nations
Cold War
Truman Doctrine
Eisenhower Doctrine
Peaceful Coexistence
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
Desert Storm
Geneva Accords
Domino Theory
Alliance for Progress
SALT Talks
Great Awakening
Committees of Correspondence
Second Continental Congress
Yazoo Land Frauds
Erie Canal
"54'40'' or Fight"
Cooper Unions
John Brown's Raid
Fort sumter
Trent Florida
Congressional Reconstruction
Comstock Lode
Crime of '73
The Grange
Murchison Letter
American Federation of Labor
Atlanta Compromise
Peabody Fund
Court Packing
Black Panthers
American Indian Movement
Albany Plan of Union
Stamp Act Congress
Annapolis Convention
Hartford Convention
Second Great Awakening
Seneca Fals Meeting
Brook Farm
Popular Sovereignty
Freeport Doctrine
Presidential Reconstruction
Custer's Last Stand
Promontory Point
Robber Baron
Farmers Alliance
Mulligan Letters
Wounded Knee
Homestead Strike
Slater Fund
Wisconsin Idea
Montgomery Bus Boycott
Black Muslims
Sons of Liberty
First Continental Congress
Essex Junto
National Road
Lyceum Movement
Young America
Emigrant Aid Society
Crittenden Compromise
Chivington's Massacre
Black Codes
"Bloody Shirt"
Bourbon Democrats
Chautauqua Movement
Knights of Labor
Pullman Strike
New Deal Program
Congress for Racial Equality (CORE)
National Organization for Women
Southern Christian Leader Conference (SCLC)
Marbury v. Madison
Gibbons v. Ogden
Cherokee Nation v. Georgia
Prigg v. Pennsylvania
Ex parte Milligan
Wabash, St. Louis and Pacific Railway Company v. Illinois
United States v. EC Knight Company
Plessy v. Ferguson
Lochner v. New York
Hammer v. Dagenhart
Schecter v. United States
Korematsu v. United States
Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka
Gideon v. Wainwright
Miranda v. Arizona
McCulloch v. Maryland
Dartmouth College v. Woodward
Comonwealth v. Hunt
Dred Scott v. Sandford
Munn v. Illinois
Reagan v. Farmers' Loan and Trust Co.
Muller v. Oregon
Schenk v. United States
United States v. Butler
Ex parte Endo
Yates v. United States
United States v. Richard M. Nixon
Roe et al v. Wade
Appalachians to Mississipi
Mexican Cession
Puerto Rico
Panama Canal Zone
Louisiana Purchase
Gadsden Purchase
American Samoa
Virgin Islands
Peggy Eaton Affair
Whiskey Ring
Teapot Dome Scandal
Sherman Adams
Credit Mobilier
Tweed Ring
Veterans' Bureau
Created by: tonydelg
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