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Permanent teeth that replace primary(incisors, canines, premolars)
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4 anterior teeth(used for cutting food)
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Oral cavity exam

Basic terminology, Landmarks or teeth, supporting structures, oral cavity

Permanent teeth that replace primary(incisors, canines, premolars) Succedaneous teeth
4 anterior teeth(used for cutting food) Incisors(central,lateral)
before the molars(2-3 cusps) Premolars
20 teeth total(8 incisors,4 canines, 8 molars) Primary Dentition
32 teeth total(8 incisors, 4 canines, 8 premolars, 12 molars Permanent Dentition
outer covering of crown Enamel
2nd layer found in crown and root Dentin
softest tissue in crown/root; blood/nerves supplied here Pulp
large area of soft tissue in crown Pulp Chamber
Skinny areas of soft tissue in root Pulp canals
outer root covering Cementum
Dentin meets enamal in crown(internal line) Dentoenamel junction
Cementum meets enamel Cementoenamel Junction
the whole crown Anatomical Crown
The whole root Anatomical Root
The visible part of crown Clinical Crown
The visible part of root Clinical Root
hole in bottom of root(apex) where blood/nerve enters tooth Apical Foramen
sides of tooth that make box(facial/lingual mesial/distal) Axial Surfaces
2 surfaces come together and meet Line Angles
3 surfaces come together Point Angles
Apical, Middle, Cervical Root divided into thirds
Facial, Middle, Lingual Proximal surface divided into thirds
Mesial, MIddle, Distal Facial surface divided into thirds
A bulge or prominence of enamel found on the cervical third of the lingual surface of an anterior tooth Cingulum
a pronounced elevation on the ooclusal surface of a tooth terminating in a conical or rounded surface; any crown elevation which begins calcification as an independent center. A cusp is considered to have an apex and four ridges Cusp
The "fifth" cusp located on the lingual surcae of amny maxillary first molars Cusp of Carabelli
A fault occurring along a developmental groove caused by incomplete or imperfect joining of the lobes. Wehn two fissures cross they form a pit Fissure
A rounded or angular depression of varying size on the surface of a tooth Fossa
a broad, shallow depression of varying size on the lingual surface of an incisor or cuspid. Lingual Fossa
a relatively broad, deep angular valley in the central portion of the occlusal surface of a maxillary molar. Central Fossa, Maxillary molars
a relatively broad, deep angular valley in the central portion of the occlusal surface of a mandibular molar. Central Fossa, Mandibular molars
A comparatively shallow pyramid-shaped depression on the occlusal surcaes ot hthe posterior teeth located just within the confines of the mesial and or distal marginal ridges Triangular Fossa
A small linear depression on the surface of a tooth. Groove
A groove formed by the union of two loves during development of the crown. Developmental groove
An indistinct linear depression, irregular in extent and direction, which does not demarcate major divisional portions of a tooth. These often give the occlusal surface a wrinkled appearance. Supplemental Groove
Formed by the junction of the linguoincisal surfaces of an anterior tooth. This edge does not exist until occlusal wear has created a surface linguoincisally. This surface forms an angle with the labial surface. Incisal edge
A developmental segment of the tooth. As lobes develpp they coalesce to form a single unit. Lobe
A rounded or conical prominence on the incisal ridge of a newly erupted incisor. They are usually three in number, and soon disappear as the result of wear. Mamelon
A linear elevation on the surface of a tooth. It is named according to its location or form. Ridge
An elevation which extends in a mesial and distal direction from the cusp tip. Cusp ridges form the buccal and lingual margins of the occlusal surfaces of the posterior teeth Cusp Ridge
the incisal portion of a newly erupted anterior tooth Incisal ridge
Elevated crests or rounded folds of enamel which form the mesial and distal margins of the occlusal surfaces of the posterior teeth and the lingual surfaces of the anterior teeth. Rim of the tooth where sides meet top. Borders around crown Marginal Ridges
Elevated prominences on the occlusal surfaces of maxillary molar extending obliqely from the tips of the mesiolingual cusp to the distobuccal cusp Oblique Ridges
Prominent elevations, trianglar in cross-section, extend from tip of cusp towar the central portion of the occlusal surface of a tooth. Ridges decend from tip of cusps and widen toward the central area of the occlusal surface Triangular Ridges
Made up of the triangular ridges of a buccal and lingual cusp which joion to form a more or less continuous elevation extending transversely across the occlusal surface of a posterior tooth. Run from 1 cusp to another on post. teeth Transverse Ridges
an elongated valley in the surface of a tooth formed by the inclines of adjacent cusps or ridges which meet at an angle Sulcus
Provides attachment for periodontal ligament; soft tissue that covers root Cementum
Fibrous connective tissue surrounds/attaches root of tooth(cementum) to Alveolar bone Periodontal Ligament
to support/suspend tooth in the socket(alveolus) Funtion of Perio.Lig
cementum, Periodontal ligament, alveolar process, gingival The periodontium
Created by: oceanrescue6
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