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Session 2 CM derm13

CM- Derm -13- Pediatric Derm

has a childhood phase 4-10yrs of age of dry papular intensely pruritic papules and plaques affecting flexural surfaces atopic dermatitis
Apart from pruritis and dryness of flexural surfaces what else do you see cracking dryness scaling of hands and feet
when does atopic dermatitis generally improve improves during the warm moist months
how many pediatric patients get over their contact dermatitis or improve and what percent develops a chronic dermatitis 75% improve 25% develop chronic condition
what do you generally see with adults with atopic dermatitis on flexural surfaces lichenification and hyperpigmentation
what are some of the associated findings with pediatric atopic dermatitis xerosis-dry skin ichthysosis vulgaris keratosis pilaris hyperlinearity of palms
What family history is present with most pediatric atop dermatitis patients fam hx of allergic rhinitis, asthma, food allergies, and migraines
What external factors may make atopic dermatitis worse in a pediatric wool, soaps, dry skin, food, infectious agents
what would be the treatment for ped atopic derm mild soap, hydration/moisturizer, hydrocortisone, antipruritics, avoidance of ext factors
marked by honey colored crust is often complication of atopic dermatitis can be caused by staph aureus or group A strep or both Impetigo
Where is impetigo most commonly found face, extremities, hands and neck
How does impetigo spread impetigo is often pruritic so patient scratches and moves bacteria to new areas autoinnoculation
When does impetigo peak peaks in warm months with increased exposure to insect bites and injury
caused by group a strep begins as a papule that develops into a small vesicle surrounded by erythema Non bullous impetigo
type of impetigo generally caused by staph bullous impetigo
small thinned walled pustules or large bullae rupture to leave shallow erythematous base sourrounded by superficial peeling may coalesce or form satelite lesions Bullous impetigo
occurs mostly in kids >36months can be caused by insect bites or local trauma, or infection that spreads such as conjunctivitis, hordeolum, lacrimal system infections or impetigo Periorbital cellulitis
What is a major problem with periorbital cellulitis it can cause blindness
what secondary infection can hematogenous spread of bacteremia from a nasopharyngela pathogen cause periorbital cellulitis
what secondary infection can sinusitus causing venous and lymphatic congestion cause periorbital cellulitis
what are the s/sx associated with periorbital cellulitis erythema, swelling, tenderness of the eyelids, without evidence of orbital congestion, fever, vesicles if w/ hsv and violaceous if concurrent h flu infection
what is the treatment for patient with periorbital cellulitis admit pt for IV abs and watch for septicemia
a bacterial infection of the lymph vessels with inflammation of a channel of lymph vessels acute lymphangitis
what are the s/sx of acute lymphangitis and what additional s/sx may a child present with causes painful, red streaks, may get enlarged lymph nodes often called blood poisoning by lay person Child may present with- fever and tachycardia
what usually causes acute lymphangitis strep
how do you dx acute lymphangitis CBC with blood culture
What is the Tx for acute lymphangitis oral abs or systemic abs
what is an exanthem rash or red spot
What are the 7 examples of viral exanthems 1-chickenpox 2-rubeola 3-rubella 4-pityriasis rosea 5-fifths disease/ erythema infectiousum 6-hand, foot and mouth disease 7-roseola (sixths disease)
Also known as english measles and morbilli caused by paramyxovirus morbillivirus rubeola
how is rubeola transmitted transmitted via airborne droplets
what are the s/sx of rubeola fever, dry cough, runny nose, inflammed eyes, sensitivity to light, tiny red spots with bluish white centers found inside the mouth on inner lining of cheek a skin rash made up of large flat blotches that often flow into one another
What are koplik's spots and when do the occur they are tiny red spots with a bluish white center found on inner lining of cheek inside the mouth. Appears before skin rash in rubeola
what would be the concern with a women who contracts rubeola while pregnant it is associated with spontaneous abortions and premature delivery
Also known as the german measles or 3 day measles caused by togavirus rubella
How is rubella transmitted airdroplets
what are the s/sx of rubella generally very mild and often hard to notice mild fever headache stuffy or runny nose inflamed red eyes enlarged tender lymph nodes a fine pink rash that begins on face and quickly spread to the trunk and then the arms and legs before disappearing
How long does rubella generally last 2 to 3 days
since rubella seems to be so mild what is the major problem with it if a pregnant women is infected with rubella it is teratogenic and can cause congenital rubella syndrome
What are the characteristics of congenital rubella syndrome glaucoma, cataracts, hearing deficits, microphthalmia, psychomotor, retardation, congenital heart defects, oranomegaly, and a rash. Earlier fetus is infected the worse the defects and has a high mortality rate
Most commonly in adolescents and young adults may have flu like symptoms before rash which is "herald patch" a large isolated oval lesion that is usually pink and scaly pityriasis rosea
What do you generally get 5-10 after the pink scaly rash in pityriasis get a small lesions on the trunk shaped like a christmas tree (oval erythematous papules with an inner collarette of scales)
found in school aged kids also called slapped cheek, erythema on face with lacy, reticulated blanching erythema on trunk and extremities with fever and arthralgias usually fades in 2-3weeks Fifths disease/ erythema infectiousum, parvo B-19
Benign self limited viral disease highly contagious caused by coxsackievirus a16 spread by direct contact you get thin walled gray vesicles especially on tongue, palate, buccal mucosa, fingers, toes, palms and soles hand-foot-mouth disease
HOw long does it take for hand-foot-mouth disease to resolve 10-14 days
caused by HHV-6 primarily occurs in kids 6months to 2yrs incubates for 5-15 days followed by an abrupt onset of a high fever cervical lymphadonapthy and mild URI symptoms Roseola infantum (sixths disease)
What are the secondary more visible symptoms that follow the high fever in roseola infantum you get a rapid onset of a nonpruritic rose pink blanching rash consisting of discrete macule and papules first on trunk then spreads to neck and extremities
Common fungal infection of children w/ pruritic annular lesions with central clearing and active vesicular border Tinea Corporis
How do kids generally get tinea corporis generally get it from pets or direct human contact
how do you dx tinea corporis KOH prep looking for hyphae
What is the Tx for tinea corporis Rx of topical antifungal or griseofulvin for widespread lesions
Most common cause of hairloss in kids you can have two types dry type and black dot type tinea capitis
what is the dry type of tinea capitis like lesion may be dry and scaly simulating dandruff of the scalp, psoriasis and lichen planus
What is the black dot type of tinea capitis like usually the lesion is dry where the hair is cut short from the stumps and bases of infected hairs are prominent. You get some erythema and pruritis
What is tinea capitis infection gone bad called kerion- with a boggy inflammation of the scalp
what is the treatment for tinea capitis/kerion oral griseofulvin or lamasil as topical antifungals are not effective
the scalp has a special mouse smell with a characteristic solid crust formed over the infected area which may spread to cover the whole scalp. Condition is chronic and may end with scarring alopecia Favus
Most commonly in adolescents and young adults may have flu like symptoms before rash which is "herald patch" a large isolated oval lesion that is usually pink and scaly pityriasis rosea
What do you generally get 5-10 after the pink scaly rash in pityriasis get a small lesions on the trunk shaped like a christmas tree (oval erythematous papules with an inner collarette of scales)
found in school aged kids also called slapped cheek, erythema on face with lacy, reticulated blanching erythema on trunk and extremities with fever and arthralgias usually fades in 2-3weeks Fifths disease/ erythema infectiousum, parvo B-19
Benign self limited viral disease highly contagious caused by coxsackievirus a16 spread by direct contact you get thin walled gray vesicles especially on tongue, palate, buccal mucosa, fingers, toes, palms and soles hand-foot-mouth disease
HOw long does it take for hand-foot-mouth disease to resolve 10-14 days
caused by HHV-6 primarily occurs in kids 6months to 2yrs incubates for 5-15 days followed by an abrupt onset of a high fever cervical lymphadonapthy and mild URI symptoms Roseola infantum (sixths disease)
What are the secondary more visible symptoms that follow the high fever in roseola infantum you get a rapid onset of a nonpruritic rose pink blanching rash consisting of discrete macule and papules first on trunk then spreads to neck and extremities
Common fungal infection of children w/ pruritic annular lesions with central clearing and active vesicular border Tinea Corporis
How do kids generally get tinea corporis generally get it from pets or direct human contact
how do you dx tinea corporis KOH prep looking for hyphae
What is the Tx for tinea corporis Rx of topical antifungal or griseofulvin for widespread lesions
Most common cause of hairloss in kids you can have two types dry type and black dot type tinea capitis
what is the dry type of tinea capitis like lesion may be dry and scaly simulating dandruff of the scalp, psoriasis and lichen planus
What is the black dot type of tinea capitis like usually the lesion is dry where the hair is cut short from the stumps and bases of infected hairs are prominent. You get some erythema and pruritis
What is tinea capitis infection gone bad called kerion- with a boggy inflammation of the scalp
what is the treatment for tinea capitis/kerion oral griseofulvin or lamasil as topical antifungals are not effective
the scalp has a special mouse smell with a characteristic solid crust formed over the infected area which may spread to cover the whole scalp. Condition is chronic and may end with scarring alopecia Favus
Created by: smaxsmith
Popular Science sets




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