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Disabled & The Young

how many registered disabled people in the UK ? 8-10 million
‘An umbrella term covering impairments, activity limitations and participation restrictions.’ (World Health Organization) is known as ? disability
examples of disability include blindness, deafness, down syndrome, stroke obesity, arthritis, mental health, cancer, HIV, limb loss, Fibromyalgia (pain all over body + tiredness), cerecral palsy
A problem in body function or structure is known as ? Impairment
A difficulty encountered by an individual in executing a task or action is known as ? Activity limitation
A problem experienced by an individual in involvement in life situations is known as ? Participation restriction
Impairment A problem in body function or structure
Activity limitation A difficulty encountered by an individual in executing a task or action
Participation restriction A problem experienced by an individual in involvement in life situations
Legislation: Service providers must anticipate the needs of disabled clients & make reasonable changes to accommodate these is which 2010 act ? Equality Act 2010
what 3 considerations should be used when working with disabled clients Exercise selection - Teaching style - Health & Safety
which disability disorder is - condition worsens over time eg multiple sclerosis PROGRESSIVE DISORDERS
with progressive disorders like multiple sclerosis why would careful monitoring be needed during an exercise program ? to ensure the program does not cause the condition to worsen
which disability related condition results in a difference in strength between left/right sides of the body eg stroke. cerebral palsy ? Asymmetrical weakness
with Asymmetrical weakness conditions like strokes or cerebral palsy what should be the aim of your exercise program to improve the affected side as much as possible without neglecting the unaffected side
which disability related condition leaves the persons muscles very tight or rigid Spasticity
with Spasticity flexibility training is important, However, before they incorporate any flexibility into a program why should advice be sought from a suitably trained medical authority ? to check how to stretch a spastic muscle without causing injury
which Disability-related disorder effects the CNS central nervous system eg muscular distrophy ? Neuromuscular disorders
what can happen to muscles as a result in with a decline in the CNS central nervous system Muscles can become progressively weaker
Muscles can become progressively weaker with a decline in the CNS central nervous system with conditions such as muscular distrophy, this can sometimes be offset by working an a persons what ? Generasl fitness levels
which Disability-related condition can occur with many types of physical disabilities, eg pressure sores due to inability to detect pressure against the skin (eg wheelechair bound) Sensory nerve damage
which disability related condition can sometimes be a secondary condition resulting from the physical and psychological challenges of living with a disability ? Depression
which disability related condition can sometimes reduce a persons motivation & energy levels plus contribute to dropping out of programs ? Depression
why is it advisable to seek further training on working with adolescents (14-16yo) ? to gain understanding of the physiological and psychological changes that affect this age group
what is the weakest area of the growing skeleton the growth plate (epiphyseal plate)
Most healthy 14-16-year-olds can be accommodated within a regular exercise session with basic what ? modifications
Growth plate fractures account for what % of all childhood fractures, 15%
Growth plate fractures account for up to 15% of all childhood fractures, with the highest level of incidence among what age boys/girls 14-16yo boys + 11-13yo girls
A serious injury to a joint is more likely to damage the growth plate than the what around it ligaments
Preventative measures to avoid growth-related injuries include: excessive training (one sport all the time) - too much high impact activity etc
Flexibility - in young people which tissue growth doesnt keep up with bone growth ? muscle
Flexibility - in young people, there is an increased injury risk because the soft tissue around the joints is already stretched, why as muscle growth does not keep up with bone growth
Flexibility - in young people what should be the aim in teaching any stretching exercise ? stretch only to the point of mild tension and to avoid overstretching
Limb Length - what causes young people to be biomechanically out of balance and potentially less coordinated young people have disproportionately long legs
Technique- young people generally haven't developed what, hence they require closer supervision to ensure correct alignment ? ‘body awareness’ and coordination
Technique- when training young people how is it best to reduce the risk of injury exercise wise. by beginning with no complex low resistance exercises & using patterns that replicate everyday activities.
Technique- when training young people when should progression be only applied when technique is correct
Gymnasium equipment - when training young people what should be considered when using resistance machines most gyms are designed for adult users and the weight increments are generally too great for young people
Gymnasium equipment - when training young people why are free weights the better choice ? they allow smaller weight increases and their safe and effective use is not dependent on the size of the exerciser
Cardiovascular considerations - what heart considerations should be remembered when working with young people Young adults have smaller heart chambers and lower heart volumes these are increased with growth
Cardiovascular considerations - if Young people have smaller heart chambers and lower heart volumes this results in lower what ? lower stroke volume at rest and during exercise
Cardiovascular considerations - The lower stroke volume in young people is counterbalanced by higher what maximal heart rate
Cardiovascular considerations - in young people higher heart rates cannot fully compensate for the lower stroke volume and so cardiac output (volume of blood pumped from the left ventricle in one minute) is lower or higher ? lower
Cardiovascular considerations - as younger people have not been exposed to the risk factors affecting blood pressure for so long (longevity effects) is their blood pressure lower or higher ? lower
Cardiovascular considerations - how many breaths per minute does have a child/young adult take per minute as opposed to an adult for the equivalent exercise young person/child = 60 --- Adult = 40 breaths per minute
Cardiovascular considerations - what is the maximum ventilation in L/min for a 5 year old child as opposed to an adult 5yo child = 40L/min --- Adult = 110L/min
Cardiovascular considerations - The measure of the amount of ventilation (passage of air in and out of the lungs) required for each litre of oxygen consumed (VE/VO2) is also higher in young people, which means that children have inferior pulmonary functions
Cardiovascular considerations - how do young people compensate for their lower stroke volume (SV) a higher percentage of their cardiac output goes to the working muscles than for an adult
the volume of blood pumped from the left ventricle per beat is known as (SV) ? Stroke volume
The amount of blood the heart pumps through the circulatory system in a minute is known as ? Cardiac output
Aerobic capacity considerations - how is VO2 max measured ? L/min
Aerobic capacity considerations - At what age does a a boy (young persons) VO2 max increase ages of 6-18 for boys
Aerobic capacity considerations - At what age does a a girl (young persons) VO2 max increase 6-14 for girls
Aerobic capacity considerations - Why is there a slight decline in VO2 max for a young girl after puberty ? because of the increase in body fat rather than muscle mass
Aerobic capacity considerations - Why is there a slight increase in VO2 max for a young boy during puberty ? as a result of the growth in muscle mass
Aerobic capacity considerations - In young people why does Any absolute difference in VO2 max not limit endurance performance Young people more often lack technique and coordination and end up with poor economy of movement in activities such as running.
Anaerobic exercise considerations - At what age is anaerobic capacity fully developed ? age 20
Anaerobic exercise considerations - which energy storage do young people have less of per gram of muscle compared to adults Glycogen
Anaerobic exercise considerations - which "high energy" storage do young people have less stores of than adults creatine phosphate
Anaerobic exercise considerations - As young people have a lower anaerobic work level what intensity is best advised low to medium
Anaerobic exercise considerations - name some activities best avoided for young people until they reach skeletal & physical maturity bodybuilding, power lifting & maximal resistance lifting
body temp & dehydration considerations - young people have a inferior cooling mechanism due to which two things ?? Low blood volume & high skin temperature
body temp & dehydration considerations - why are young people more sensitive to heat stress than adults during exercise ? they expend more energy per kilogram of bodyweight than adults
body temp & dehydration considerations - why are young people more at risk of dehydration during exercise ? overheating
body temp & dehydration considerations - young people more at risk in the cold & lose heat more quickly than adults why ? due to their relatively large surface area compared to their mass
Lower impact and intensity (fewer repetitions, less resistance) and avoid overtraining. when working with what group of specialized people ? Young people
FIIT "FREQUENCY" Requirements (young people) - "Aerobic" how many times a week Everyday
FIIT "FREQUENCY" Requirements (young people) - "Strength" how many times a week 3 days a week
FIIT "FREQUENCY" Requirements (young people) - "Bone strengthening" how many times a week 3 days a week
FIIT "INTENSITY" Requirements (young people) - Intensity of exercise ? Moderate to vigorous intensity aerobic exercise
FIIT "TIME" Requirements (young people) - length of exercise in mins ? 60
FIIT "TYPE" Requirements (young people) - Types of CV exercise swimming, dancing, cycling, running or walking
FIIT "TYPE" Requirements (young people) - Types of Strength exercise climbing trees, games (e.g. tug of war) and resistance exercises
FIIT "TYPE" Requirements (young people) - Types of Bone Strengthening exercise jumping, running, skipping, hop scotch and games (basketball, tennis, etc.)
TRUE/FALSE young people are more prone to DEHYDRATION & HEAT stress than adults TRUE
TRUE/FALSE In absolute terms do younger people have a higher or lower aerobic capacity than adults HIGHER
TRUE/FALSE young people higher heart/respiratory rates than adults TRUE
Created by: LeeNelson
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