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Mythology in English

NOTA BENE: This list is comprised of words whose origins are either Roman, Greek

martial (definition) relating to war
martial (connection) Mars, Roman god of war
ocean (definition) vast expanse of water
ocean (connection) Oceanus, Roman/Greek Titan god born to Uranus and Gaia, ruler of water on Earth until Poseidon/Neptune took over the seas
echo (definition) repetition of sound
echo (connection) Echo, nymph cursed by Hera to only be able to repeat the most recent words spoken to her
Sisyphean (definition) difficult and endless, often in a repetitive way
Sisyphean (connection) Sisyphus, cursed by the gods to repeatedly roll a heavy boulder up the hill, only to have it roll back down again each time
cereal (definition) breakfast food made of grains
cereal (connection) Ceres, Roman goddess of grain and harvest
terrain (definition) a tract of land, especially as considered with reference to its natural features
terrain (connection) Terra, Roman goddess of the earth
lunar (definition) having to do with the moon
lunar (connection) Luna, the Roman embodiment of the moon (i.e. the mythological being of the moon itself rather than a goddess of the moon)
iridescent (definition) displaying bright, strong shifting colors of the rainbow
iridescent (connection) Iris, Greek/Roman goddess of the rainbow
chaos (definition)` a state of confusion or disorder
chaos (connection) Chaos, the void state preceding the creation of the universe or cosmos in the Greek creation myths, or to the initial "gap" created by the original separation of heaven and earth
mercurial (definition) rapidly changing or unpredictable in emotion/mood
mercurial (connection) Mercury, the Roman messenger god who had to travel incredibly fast
furious (definition) extremely angry or frenzied
furious (connection) Furies, the Greek goddesses of vengeance
psychology (definition) the science of behavior and mental processes
psychology (connection) Psyche, the Greek personification of the soul, mind and spirit
mentor (definition) a wise and trusted counselor or teacher
mentor (connection) Mentor (in reality, Athena disguised), tutor to Telemachus, Odysseus' son
tantalize (definition) to torment by teasing
tantalize (connection) Tantalus, doomed for eternity to hunger and thirst for food and drink just out of his reach
fortunate (definition) lucky
fortunate (connection) Fortuna, Roman goddess of luck
atlas (definition) book of maps
atlas (connection) Atlas, Greek god who held the heavens or the world on his shoulders as punishment for having led the Titans in revolution
music (definition) art based on the organization of sounds in time
music (connection) Muses, Greek goddesses of art, poetry and music
Created by: JennaJG
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