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German Clep Review


Word in GermanWord in English
anfangen to begin
ankommen to arrive/ succeed/ matter
antworten to answer, reply
arbeiten to work
atmen to breathe
aufhalten to stop, delay, arrest
auskommen to come out; have enough of, make do; get along with
backen to bake
baden to bathe
beben to tremble, quake
sich beeilen to hurry
befehlen to order, command
begegnen to meet
beginnen to begin
begleiten to accompany
beissen to bite
bejahen to answer in the affirmative, agree, assent
bekehren to convert
bekommen to get, recieve / to agree with
beleben to enlieven, animate; cheer, brighten
beleidigen to insult, offend
besitzen to possess, own
bestellen to order (goods); arrange; deliver (as a message)
besuchen to visit, attend
betrügen to deceive, cheat
biegen to bend
binden to bind, tie
bitten to ask (for), request, beg, intercede
bleiben to remain, stay
blicken to look, glance
blühen to bloom, flower, flourish
bluten to bleed
braten to roast
brauchen to need
brechen to break
brennen to burn; distill
bringen to bring, convey
brüllen to roar, shout
buchen to book (as a hotel room); enter (into the books)
sich bücken to stoop, bend
bürsten to brush
dämpfen to muffle, damp, quench, attenuate, smother
dampfen to steam; fume; reek
danken to thank
decken to cover; set (a table)
denken to think
drucken to print
drücken to squeeze, push, press; oppress
ducken to stoop; duck; humble; bring down
dürfen to be permitted, be allowed, may
dürsten to thirst, be thirsty
empfangen to receive
empfehlen to reccommend
entfernen to remove; make distant
entgegnen to reply, retort, answer
enthalten to contain, hold
entschuldigen to excuse; apologize
erfinden to invent; discover; find out
erhalten to obtain, receive; preserve
sich erkälten to catch a cold
erklären to explain, declare, announce
erlöschen to become extinguished, dim, go out
errichten to erect, establish
erschöpfen to exhaust, drain
erschrecken to be startled/frightened
ersticken to choke, stifle
erwägen to consider, ponder
erzählen to tell, relate
essen to eat
fahren to travel; drive; ride; go
fallen to fall
falten to fold
fangen to catch, capture
fassen to grasp seize, contain, conceive
fechten to fight, fence
finden to find
flicken to patch, repair
fliegen to fly
fluchen to curse, swear
fluten to flood, surge
folgen to follow
fragen to ask (a question)
fressen to eat; feed; devour (used for animals and humans who eat ravenously)
frieren to freeze; feel cold
frühstücken to eat breakfast
fühlen to feel; perceive
führen to lead
füllen to fill
fürchten to fear
geben to give
gebrauchen to use
gefallen to be pleasing; like
gehen to go; walk
geschehen to happen; to take place; to come to pass
gewinnen to win, gain
glauben to believe
gleichen to be like, resemble, equal
gleiten to slide, glide
glotzen to gawk, stare
grüssen to greet, salute, send regards or compliments
gucken to look, peep
haben to have
halten to hold; stop; keep; consider
handeln to act; trade, traffic, deal (in goods)
hängen to hang
hassen to hate
heben to lift; raise; heave
heiraten to marry
heissen (heißen) to be called or named; command
heizen to heat
helfen to help, aid, assist
herzen to hug, embrace; press to one's heart
hetzen to hunt; rush about; incite
hoffen to hope; expect
hören to hear
kämpfen to fight, struggle
kauen to chew
kaufen to buy
kennen to know (by acquaintance), be familiar with
kleben to paste; stick
klingen to ring, sound
klopfen to knock; beat
kochen to cook; boil; seethe
kommen to come
können to be able (can), to know (a language or how to do something)
kosten to cost; taste, try
kotzen to vomit, puke
kühlen to cool; refresh; refrigerate
kürzen to shorten, abbreviate
lächeln to smile
lachen to laugh
laden to invite; cite, summon, load
lassen to let; leave; allow; abandon; have something done
laufen to run; walk
leben to live
lecken to lick; leak
legen to lay, put, place, deposit
lehren to teach
leiden to suffer
lernen to learn; study
lesen to read; gather
lichten to thin out, lighten
lieben to love
kiegen to lie; be situated
lügen to tell a lie
machen to make, to do
malen to paint, portray
meinen to be of the opinion, think; mean
messen to measure
mieten to rent, hire
müssen to have to, must
nehmen to take
nennen to name, call
nicken to nod, doze
öffnen to open
packen to pack; sieze, grab
passen to fit, be suitable
passieren to happen, take place
pfeifen to whistle
pflanzen to plant
putzen to clean, groom
räumen to clear away, clean; evacuate
raunen to whisper
rechnen to count, calculate, reckon
regnen to rain
reisen to travel
reissen (reißen) to tear, rip
reiten to ride (on a horse)
rennen to run; race
rollen to roll
rufen to call; shout
ruhen to rest
sagen to say; tell; speak
schicken to send, dispatch
schliessen (schließen) to close; conclude; shut; lock
schmecken to taste; taste good
schneiden to cut
schneien to snow
schreiben to write
schwimmen to swim; float
sehen to see; realize
sein to be; have
senden to send; transmit
singen to sing
sinken to sink
setzen to sit
spazieren to walk, stroll
spielen to play
spinnen to spin
sprechen to speak, talk
stellen to put, place
sterben to die
stinken to stink
studieren to study; be at college
tanzen to dance
töten to kill
tragen to carry; bear; wear
träumen to dream
treffen to meet; hit
treten to step; go; kick
trinken to drink
tun to do
vergessen to forget
verkaufen to sell
verlieren to lose
vermehren to increase
verstehen to understand
verweilen to stay, stop, linger, tarry
vorstellen to set in front of; introduce
wachen to be awake; keep watch; guard
wachsen to grow
waschen to wash
weken to wake, rouse
werden to become; shall or will; be
werfen throw, hurl, fling
wiederholen to repeat
wissen to know (a fact)
wohnen to reside, live, dwell
wollen to want; intend
zahlen to pay
ziehen to pull; go
Created by: nicodemus_smith
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