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GHS Literature Terms

Literature terms and descriptions

The reason a character behaves a certain way—why he or she does what he or she does Motivation
The main character in a story for whom the reader is rooting—is trying to accomplish a goal Protagonist
The character in a story who attempts to prevent the main character from achieving his or her goal Antagonist
The writer tells the reader plainly what a character is like. Direct Characterization
The writer gives clues about what a character is like; the reader uses inference to judge what the character is like. Indirect Characterization
The people in a story, poem, or play Characters
A character that has only one or two character traits, which can be described in one or two words Flat Character
A character that is fully developed with many different characteristics Round Character
A character who does not change during the course of a story Static Character
A character who serves as a contrast to the main character Foil
A character who seems to live and breathe, who grows and changes during the course of a story Dynamic Character
The series of events in a story Plot
Created when a person or outside force prevents the main character from achieving his or her goal External Conflict
Any scene that presents events that happened before the main time frame of a story Flashback
The part of a story in which the basic situation is outlined and the characters and main conflict are introduced Exposition
The chain of events that takes place as the main character struggles to achieve his or her goal Rising Action
The use of clues to hint at what is going to happen later in a story Foreshadowing
The feeling of uncertainty or anxiety about what is going to happen next Suspense
The point of highest emotional intensity in a story; sometimes the point at which we learn the outcome of the conflict Climax
Events following the climax in which any remaining issues are resolved Resolution
A struggle within a character’s own heart or mind Internal Conflict
The atmosphere of the story Mood
A single word or phrase consisting of sensory details (that appeal to one of our senses—sight, hearing, taste, touch, smell) Image
The messageThe moralThe meaningThe lesson about human life Theme
A centuries-old poetic form consisting of 14 lines following a regular meter and a regular rhyme pattern. Sonnet
A regular pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in each line Meter
The basic building block of meter—consists of one stressed syllable and one or more unstressed syllable. Foot
An unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable Iamb
Five iambs in a line of poetry Iambic pentameter
The speaker’s attitude—toward a subject or toward an audience Tone
Poem built on a list of images Catalog poem
A comparison between two unlike things WITHOUT using “like,” “as,” “than,” or “resembles” Metaphor
Metaphor that directly compares two things by the use of a verb such as is Direct Metaphor
Metaphor that implies or suggests a comparison between the two things without stating it directly Implied metaphor
A metaphor in which human qualities are given to something that is not human Personification
Rhyme that occurs at the end of a line of poetry End rhyme
The use of words that sound like what they mean Onomatopoeia
A metaphor that is developed over several lines or even a whole poem Extended Metaphor
Something that stands for itself and something else Symbol
Word choice Diction
Dictionary definition of a word Denotation
All the meanings, associations, or emotions suggested by a word Connotation
The voice talking to us in the poem Speaker
Repetition of sound patterns Rhythm
Analyzing a poem to show its meter—marking stressed and unstressed syllables Scanning a poem
The repetition of a sound Rhyme
The words repeat some sounds but they are not exact echoes. Approximate rhyme
Rhyme that occurs at the end of a line of poetry End rhyme
A regular pattern of rhyme Rhyme scheme
Poetry that is free of regular meter Free verse
Rhyme that occurs inside a line of poetry Internal rhyme
The use of words that sound like what they mean Onomatopoeia
Repetition of the same consonant sound in several words Alliteration
Repetition of the same vowel sound over several words Assonance
Created by: t33thandbones



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