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Henle Latin

Vocabulary for Unit 1 and 2

cōpia, ae (sing.) supply, abundance
cōpiae, cōpiārum (pl.) troops, forces
Gallia, ae Gaul
glōria, ae fame, glory
grātia, ae favor, influence, grace
grātiae, ārum thanks
inopia, ae scarcity, want
Marīa, ae Mary
nauta, ae sailor
porta, ae gate
prōvincia, ae province
Rōma, ae Rome
silva, ae forest
terra, ae earth, land
via, ae road, way
victōria, ae victory
amīcus, ī friend
Chrīstiānus, ī Christian
Chrīstus, ī Christ
Deus, ī God
dominus, ī master, lord
filius, ī son
Gallus, ī a Gaul
gladius, ī sword
mundus, ī world
mūrus, ī wall
populus, ī people, nation
Rōmānus, ī a Roman
servus, ī slave, servant
bellum, ī war
caelum, ī sky, heaven
frūmentum, ī grain, (pl. crops)
imperium, ī command, power, empire
oppidum, ī town
perīculum, ī danger
praemium, ī reward
rēgnum, ī kingdom, royal power
signum, ī standard, signal, sign
castra, ōrum camp
impedimenta, ōrum baggage, baggage train
Caesar, is Caesar
clāmor, clāmōris shouting, shout
dux, ducis leader
eques, equitis horseman, (pl. cavalry)
frāter, frātris (frātrum) brother
homō, hominis man
imperātor, imperātōris commander in chief, general
legiō, legiōnis (f.) legion
lēx, lēgis law
lūx, lūcis light
māter, mātris (mātrum) mother
mīles, mīlitis soldier
pater, patris (patrum) father
pāx, pācis peace
prīnceps, prīncipis chief, leading man
rēx, rēgis king
salūs, salūtis safety, welfare salvation
virtūs, virtūtis courage, virtue
vōx, vōcis voice, cry
caedēs, caedis slaughter
collis, collis (m.) hill
gēns, gentis tribe
hostis, hostis enemy
mōns, montis (m.) mountain
pars, partis part
pōns, pontis (m.) bridge
urbs, urbis city
agmen, agmenis column (of soldiers), army (on the march)
corpus, corporis (n.) body
flūmen, flūmenis river
iter, itineris (n.) journey, march, route
nōmen, nōmenis name
vulnus, vulneris (n.) wound
adventus, ūs arrival, coming
equitātus, ūs cavalry
exercitus, ūs army
impetus, ūs attack
metus, ūs fear
portus, ūs harbor
senātus, ūs senate
spīritus, ūs breath, spirit
aciēs, aciēī battle line
fidēs, fideī faith, reliability, faithfulness
rēs, reī thing, affair
spēs, speī hope
vēritās, vēritātis truth
altus, a, um high, deep
angustus, a, um narrow
bonus, a, um good
Chrīstiānus, a, um Christian
cupidus, a, um eager, desirous
fīnitimus, a, um neighboring, next
longus, a, um long
magnus, a, um great, large
malus, a, um bad
multus, a, um much (pl. many)
plēnus, a, um full
prīmus, a, um first
reliquus, a, um remaining, the rest of
Rōmānus, a, um Roman
sānctus, a, um holy, saint
tūtus, a, um safe
brevis, e short
commūnis, e common
difficilis, e difficult
facilis, e easy
fortis, e brave, strong
gravis, e heavy, severe, serious
nōbilis, e noble, renowned
omnis, e all, every
similis, e like, similar
in, (prep. w. acc.) in, into, against, upon, on
post, (prep. w. acc.) after, behind
propter, (prep. w. acc.) on account of
cum, (prep. w. abl.) with
in, (prep. w. abl.) in, on
prō, (prep. w. abl.) in front of (before), on behalf of (for)
autem, (conj., postpositive) however
et, (conjunction) and
et . . . et both . . . and
itaque, (conjunction) therefore, and so
quod, (conjunction) because
sed, (conjunction) but
nōn, (adv.) not
nunc, (adv.) now
Jēsūs, ū Jesus
prīmā lūce at dawn
quid what?
Created by: LivMo
Popular Latin sets




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