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Acilim 1 review

Günaydın good morning
Merhaba hello
iyi günler good day
iyi akşamlar good evening
iyi geceler good night
Hoşça kalın good bye
Güle güle Bye
Görüşürüz See you
Hoş geldiniz welcome
Hoş bulduk. thanks for welcome
Ben I
Sen you
Senin adın ne? what is your name?
O he / she / it
benim adım my name is
Biz we
memnun oldum Nice to meet you
Siz you (formal or plural)
Onlar they
ben de me too
Onlar voleybol oynuyorlar They are playing volleyball
Biz okula gidiyoruz We are going to school
O düşünüyor He is thinking
sen kitap okuyorsun You are reading a book
O soru soruyor He is asking a question
Ben cevap veriyorum I am answering
Ben oturuyorum I am sitting
O resim çiziyor She is drawing
mutlu happy
Sinirli mad
Hasta sick
Yorgun tired
Kızgın angry
iyi good
Heyecanlı excited
üzgün sad
eğlenceli fun
Dinle listen
Oku read
Yaz write
Tekrar et repeat
Bak look
Kapat close
Kalk stand up
Otur sit down
Al take
Ver give
Anlamadım I do not understand
Gel come
Git go
Sessiz ol be quiet
Yardım et help
lütfen Please
teşekkürler / sagol Thanks
bilmiyorum I don't know
aferin good job
ne what
nerede where
neden/niçin why
nasıl how
kim who
kaç how many
one bir
first birinci
two iki
second ikinci
three üç
third üçüncü
four dört
fourth dördüncü
five beş
fifth beşinci
six altı
seven yedi
eight sekiz
ten on
twenty yirmi
thirty otuz
forty kırk
fifty elli
Sixty altmış
seventy yetmiş
eighty seksen
ninety doksan
hundred yüz
thousand bin
2014 iki bin on dört
günler days
pazartesi Monday
salı Tuesday
çarşamba Wednesday
perşembe Thursday
cuma Friday
cumartesi Saturday
pazar Sunday
ders subject
fen bilgisi Science
matematik Math
bilgisayar Computer
coğrafya Geography
tarih History
ingilizce English
resim Art
beden eğitimi Physical education
biyoloji Biology
kimya Chemistry
fizik Physics
var there is
yok there is not
hangi which
Ocak January
Şubat February
Mart March
Nisan April
Mayıs May
Haziran June
Temmuz July
Ağustos August
Eylül September
Ekim October
Kasım November
Aralık December
doğum günüm My birthday
nerede doğdun where were you born
doğdum i was born
ne zaman when
gel come
al take
ver give
Masa Table
Sandalye Chair
Kitap Book
Kitaplık bookshelv
Tahta Board
Bilgisayar Computer
Defter notebook
Kalem Pencil
Silgi Eraser
öğretmen Teacher
Öğrenci Student
Bu ne? What is this?
Bu kitap This is a book
Bu kim? Who is this?
çanta bag
kapı door
sınıf classroom
Amerika Birleşik Devletleri United States of America
Fransa France
Almanya Germany
İspanya Spain
Avustralya Australia
Rusya Russia
Kanada Canada
İngiltere England
Meksika Mexico
Çin China
Kenya Kenya
Japonya Japan
Türkiye Turkey
anne mother
baba father
abi/ağabey older brother
abla older sister
kız kardeş sister
erkek kardeş brother
dede grandfather
nine/büyükanne grandmother
Popular Turkish sets



Use these flashcards to help memorize information. Look at the large card and try to recall what is on the other side. Then click the card to flip it. If you knew the answer, click the green Know box. Otherwise, click the red Don't know box.

When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

If you've accidentally put the card in the wrong box, just click on the card to take it out of the box.

You can also use your keyboard to move the cards as follows:

If you are logged in to your account, this website will remember which cards you know and don't know so that they are in the same box the next time you log in.

When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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