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AICEmarine ch9 vocab

2022-2023 q1

Abyssopelagic Zone The zone of the ocean between 4000 and 6000m deep with near-freezing water temperatures and intense pressure
Bathypelagic Zone The zone of the ocean between 1000 and 4000m deep which receives no sunlight
Benthic Zone The lowest depth region in any body of water including the surface of the substrate
Benthos The community of organisms found in the benthic zone
Carbon Sink A natural environment that absorbs carbon dioxide from the atmosphere faster than it releases it
Coriolis Effect A force that results from the Earth's rotation that causes objects or particles in motion to deflect to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere
Current A continuous physical movement of water caused by wind or density
Downwelling The downward movement of water in the sea due to density differences
Ecosystem Services Benefits people obtain from ecosystems, including food, flood regulation, climate control, and water purification
El Niño A warm current that develops off the coast of Ecuador and around December, which can cause widespread death within local food chains
Epipelagic Zone The zone of the ocean between 0 and 200m deep which receives enough light for photosynthesis
Global Ocean Conveyor Belt Constantly moving systems of deep-ocean water driven by thermohaline circulation
Humboldt Current A coldwater current with low salinity levels that flows north along the western coast of South America; A.K.A. the Peru Current
La Niña A cold current that develops off the coast of Ecuador and spreads across the Pacific, reducing sea surface temperatures for extended periods of time
Mesopelagic Zone The zone of the ocean between 200 ad 1000m deep which receives very little light
Thermohaline Circulation Large-scale ocean circulation caused by density differences due to temperature and salinity changes in the world's ocean
Upwelling The movement of cold, nutrient-rich water from deep in the ocean to the surface
World Ocean The combination of all major oceans into one large, interconnected body of water that encircles the world's continents
Created by: christina:P
Popular Science sets




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