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Envi Test 2

Prokaryotic Cell bacteria, enclosed by membrane, no nucleus, have DNA
Eukaryotic Cell all other life besides bacteria, enclosed by membrane, nucleus, specialized internal structures
3 Domains bacteria, archaea, eukarya
6 Kingdoms eubacteria, archaebacteria, protista, fungi, plantae, animalia
Order of Taxonomic Classification domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species
Species Diversity the number and abundance of the different kinds of species living in an ecosystem
Species Richness the number of different species in a community
Species Evenness a measure of the comparative abundance in an ecosystem, roughly equal numbers of individuals within each species
Where do we see high Species Diversity? tropical areas, coral reefs, ocean bottom zones
What is Genetic Diversity and why is it good? variety of genes within a population or in a species, it gives a greater chance of surviving and adapting within an environment
Major Biomes tropical forests, savanna, temperate grasslands, desert, scrublands, temperate forest, conifer forest, and tundra
Ecological Niche the total use of biotic and abiotic resources for a species in its environment, includes water, sunlight, space, what it feeds on, how it reproduces, temperatures and conditions it can tolerate
Habitat place or type of ecosystem where a species lives and obtains what it needs to survive
Generalist broad niches, can live in many different places, eat anything, tolerate wide range of conditions, Ex: flies, cockroaches, coyotes, humans
Specialist narrow niches, more prone to extinction, Ex: panda
Native Species naturally occur in a region where they evolved
Nonnative Species species that migrate or are introduced accidentally or deliberately into an ecosystem - not all are invasive
Invasive Species a species that causes ecological or economic harm to a new environment where it is not native
Non-Invasive but Non-Native Species honey bees
Indicator Species provide early warning of changes in environmental conditions, their presence, absence, or abundance provides information on the health of an ecosystem
Keystone Species has a large effect on the types and abundance of other species in an ecosystem, usually relative to the size of their population
What is the result of the loss of a Keystone Species? population crashes and extinctions
Yellowstone National Park Wolf Reintroduction Summary - wolves were exterminated from the park, elk populations rise - elk population rises caused vegetation decreases - wolves are reintroduced to the park, elk populations decrease - vegetations increases, aspen trees also increase, trees not grow taller
Trophic Cascade when top consumers reduce the biomass of the next trophic level and this reduction cascades down the food chain
Popular Ecology sets




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