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French Adjectives

Common French Adjectives

âgé old/elderly
amical friendly
ancien old, ancient, time-honored, antique; former, ex; senior
argenté/e silver
assuré confident
autre distinct, different; supplementary; other, remaining
beau beautiful (with masculine word), good-looking, handsome, lovely, fine; noble; nice, tidy, good
belle beautiful (with feminine person or noun)/ pretty
bizarre odd, peculiar, strange
blanc white; Caucasian; blank; innocent, pure
bleu blue
bon good, sound; valid; nice; right, correct; proper
bronzé tan
brun/e (or) marron brown
certain definite, positive, clear, certain
chaud warm, hot; ardent, keen; horny
cher dear, beloved; expensive
clair light, bright; clear; thin, sparse; obvious
confus embarrassed, confused, ashamed
content happy, glad, pleased
courageux brave
dernier last, final; previous; bottom; highest, top
désolé apologetic, contrite, sorry; disconsolate, sorrowful; desolate, bleak
désorienté confused
différent different
difficile difficult, hard, tough
doré/e gold
doux soft, smooth, sweet, milk
droit straight; upright, plumb; honest, sound, sane
drôle comical, funny, amusing; strange, funny, peculiar
du brouillard (il y a) foggy
du soleil (il y a) sunny
du vent (il y a) windy
effrayé scared
ennuyé annoyed
ennuyeux boring
entier whole, entire; absolute, complete; intact
épuisé exhausted
étrange strange, odd
fâché angry
facile easy
faible weak (person, object)
fatigué tired
faux wrong, untrue, false, mistaken; fake, forged, imitation, counterfeit
fort strong, sturdy, powerful, hard, weighty; big, thick, stout, large; intense
frais cool
français French
froid cold, chilly; insensitive, unfeeling; unfriendly; bleak
gèle freezing
gentil kind, nice, sweet
grand tall, big, large, long, great, full-grown; major, top, leading, important
grave grave, solemn; serious; major / totally (slang)
gris/e gray
gros large, big, thick; fat, heavy
haut high, tall; top; lofty, high-minded
heureux happy, glad, lucky, fortunate
humain human; humane
humide humid
impatient impatient
important important, significant, serious; substantial, large, sizeable, considerable
impossible impossible; unbearable; intolerable
inquiet worried
intelligent smart
intéressant interesting
jaune yellow
jeune young, green
joli pretty, lovely, nice, attractive
juste fair; just, legitimate; right
léger light, subtle, superficial
libre free; available; vacant
long, longue long
lourd heavy
malade ill, sick, unwell; bad, diseased; mentally ill
mauvais bad, poor; wrong, faulty; unpleasant, nasty
méchant mean
meilleur better, superior
même same
mince thin
moche, laid ugly
mort dead; buried, long-gone; lifeless, dull, stagnant
naïf naive
navré sorry
neige snowing
nerveux nervous
noir black; dirty, grimy; dark; gloomy, somber
nouveau new, young; latest; further; novel, original
nuageux cloudy
orageux stormy
orange orange
ouvert outgoing
pareil the same, alike, similar; such (a)
paresseux lazy
patient patient
patriotique patriotic
pauvre poor; humble, wretched
petit small, little, short; younger; brief; slight, minor
plein full; solid; busy (as in day or life)
pleut raining
pleut à verse pouring
possible possible, feasible
premier early; nearest; next, first; main; chief, leading; original, initial
pressé in a hurry
prêt ready
prochain next; imminent, near; immediate
propre clean, neat, tidy; own, private
ravi delighted
rose pink
rouge red
sale dirty, filthy, murky, grimy; nasty
sérieux serious, solemn, responsible; conscientious
seul alone, on one's own; lonely, lonesome; only, single, sole; mere
simple straightforward, simple, easy; mere; uncomplicated
solitaire lonely
sportif athletic
stupide stupid
super great, terrific
sympa nice
timide shy
tout all (the), the whole (of the); all; completely; only
tranquille quiet, peaceful, tranquil, calm. still
travailleur hard-working
triste sad, unhappy, sorrowful
vert green; inexperienced
vide empty; bare
vieille old (feminine)
vieux old (masculine), long-standing, ancient
violet purple
vivant living, alive; lively, spirited, bustling; vivid
vrai true; genuine, real; complete, utter; straightforward
Created by: Breadstand
Popular French sets




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