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Organisms and the Environment

Adaptation Any characteristic that helps a plant or animal survive
Carnivore An organism that gets energy by eating only other animals
consumer An organism that gets energy from eating plants and animals
decomposer an organism that breaks down the remains of dead plants or animals without need for internal digestion
Ecosystem All living and nonliving things and all their interactions in an area
Herbivore an organism that gets energy by eating only plants
Living organisms all objects that have biological processes that keep them alive, such as plants and animals
nonliving a part of the ecosystem that is not living, such as sunlight, air including oxygen, and carbon dioxide, water, rocks and soil
Omnivore an organism that gets energy by eating both plants and other animals
organism a single living thing like a plant or animal
producer an organism that uses sunlight to make its own food for energy
symbiotic a long-term relationship between two different kinds of organisms where one or both receive benefit
Population All the interacting members of a species in a single area
Carrying Capacity The Maximum population size that can be sustained by a given environment
Environment The space, conditions, and all the living and nonliving things around an organism
Impact To directly affect or change
Overpopulation An increase in the number of individuals of a given species over what its ecosystem can sustain, often with both direct and indirect effects on other organisms in the ecosystem
Food web An interconnected set of food chains
Food chain A path of energy transfer from one organism to another
predator An organism that hunts and feeds on another organism
prey an animal that is hunted as food
interdependency when the well-being of tow or more things is linked together
interact objects that affect one another
habitat a place where an animal or plant lives
conserve to save or to prevent the loss of something
native population a group of organism of the same species that occurs naturally in a particular ecosystem
invasive species a species that enter an area from somewhere else and disrupts the native ecosystem
Created by: MillerC13
Popular Science sets




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