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A&P 10

Chapter 10

1. A nerve impulse that originates in the precentral gyrus of the cerebrum a. allows you to see. b. helps you analyze the meaning of speech. c. increases respiratory rate. d. causes skeletal muscle contraction and movement. d. causes skeletal muscle contraction and movement.
2. The medulla oblongata is called (the) a. vital center because it plays an important role in the control of respirations and cardiovascular function. b. emotional brain. c. primary somatosensory area d. Broca’s area because it controls speech a. vital center because it plays an important role in the control of respirations and cardiovascular function.
3. Which of the following describes the structure/function of the precentral and postcentral gyri? a. right and left hemispheres b. motor and sensory c. neuronal and glial d. depolarization and repolarization b. motor and sensory
4. The central sulcus, lateral fissure, and longitudinal fissure a. separate or divide cerebral lobes. b. are brain stem structures. c. are located only on the right side of the brain. d. separate the cerebrum from the cerebellum. a. separate or divide cerebral lobes.
5. The frontal, parietal, occipital, and temporal lobes a. are cerebral structures. b. comprise the brain stem. c. are parts of the diencephalon. d. perform only sensory functions. a. are cerebral structures.
6. Which of the cerebral lobes is referred to as the somatosensory area? a. brain stem b. parietal c. basal ganglia d. precentral gyrus b. parietal
7. A rapid influx of sodium (Na+) into a neuron a. makes the inside of the neuron more negative than resting membrane potential. b. causes repolarization. c. causes depolarization. d. prevents the firing of an action potential. c. causes depolarization.
8. What is the result of damage to Broca’s area? a. paralysis of all the extremities b. respiratory depression c. blindness d. impaired motor speech d. impaired motor speech
9. A staggering gait and imbalance are most descriptive of a. damage to the occipital lobe. b. impaired function of the medulla oblongata. c. cerebellar dysfunction. d. stimulation of the CTZ. c. cerebellar dysfunction.
10. Repolarization of a neuron occurs in response to a. a rapid influx of sodium. b. a rapid efflux of potassium. c. an influx of K+. d. an influx of calcium. b. a rapid efflux of potassium.
11. The medulla oblongata, pons, and midbrain are a. parts of the brain stem. b. cerebral lobes. c. dopamine-secreting nuclei. d. auditory association areas. a. parts of the brain stem.
12. What happens at a synapse? a. saltatory conduction b. formation of CSF c. chemical transmission of information d. synthesis of myelin sheath c. chemical transmission of information
13. The choroid plexus is most concerned with a. memory. b. formation of CSF. c. drainage of CSF. d. the integrity of the blood-brain barrier. b. formation of CSF.
14. Saltatory conduction refers to the a. flow of the CSF. b. “leaping” movement of the nerve impulse along an axon. c. pH of the CSF. d. blood flow through the brain. b. “leaping” movement of the nerve impulse along an axon.
15. Which of the following is most descriptive of ganglia? a. cells of the blood-brain barrier b. cells that comprise the corpus callosum c. clusters of cell bodies d. myelinated fibers c. clusters of cell bodies.
16. The meninges a. include the pia, arachnoid, and dura maters. b. cover the axons of all peripheral nerves. c. form the blood-brain barrier. d. are mucous membranes. a. include the pia, arachnoid, and dura maters.
17. The threshold potential is a. the degree of depolarization that must be achieved in order to fire an action potential b. a repolarizing event c. observed only in glial cells d. caused by an efflux of K+ a. the degree of depolarization that must be achieved in order to fire an action potential
18. Which of the following is least descriptive of the primary auditory cortex? a. hearing b. temporal lobe c. precentral gyrus d. sensory c. precentral gyrus
19. What is the usual cause of impaired mental functioning in older adults? a. loss of frontal lobe neurons b. deterioration of Broca’s area c. demyelination of neurons d. age-related diseases of the blood vessels such as atherosclerosis d. age-related diseases of the blood vessels such as atherosclerosis are the usual cause of impaired mental functioning in older adults.
20. With which structure is a motor homunculus associated? a. Broca’s area b. Wernicke’s area c. limbic system d. precentral gyrus d. precentral gyrus
21. This diencephalon structure controls endocrine function because of its anatomical relationship to the pituitary gland. a. medulla oblongata b. corpus callosum c. hypothalamus d. cerebellum c. hypothalamus
22. What classification of drug is used to “quiet” the CTZ? a. antibiotic b. antiemetic c. skeletal muscle blocker d. anticoagulant b. antiemetic
23. Which of the following is most descriptive of cerebral lateralization? a. white matter/gray matter b. right brain/left brain c. sensory/motor d. neuronal/glial b. right brain/left brain
24. This cerebral lobe controls motor activity, contains Broca’s area, and is the CEO (a reference to its executive function). a. frontal b. cerebellum c. brain stem d. corpus callosum a. frontal
25. Which of the following is the exit point of the brain from the cranium? a. central sulcus b. foramen magnum c. coronal suture d. arachnoid villus b. foramen magnum
1. The precentral gyrus is a. located in the parietal lobe. b. the primary motor cortex. c. the primary visual cortex. d. a brain-stem structure. b. the primary motor cortex.
2. Which of the following is not descriptive of Broca’s area? a. Located in the frontal lobe b. Concerned with motor speech c. Most often located in the left cerebral hemisphere d. Concerned only with sensory functions d. Concerned only with sensory functions
3. Which of the following statements is true? a. The medulla oblongata is a cerebral structure. b. The hypothalamus is a brain-stem structure. c. The medulla oblongata descends as the spinal cord. b. The hypothalamus is a brain-stem structure.
4. Which of the following is not descriptive of the medulla oblongata? a. It is a brain-stem structure. b. It is called the vital center. c. It is sensitive to the effects of narcotics (opioids). d. It performs the “executive” functions. d. It performs the “executive” functions.
5. The postcentral gyrus a. is located in the parietal lobe. b. controls all voluntary motor activity. c. is the home of Broca’s area. d. contains the primary visual cortex. a. is located in the parietal lobe.
6. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) a. drains out of the subarachnoid space into the choroid plexus. b. circulates within the subarachnoid space. c. looks like blood. b. circulates within the subarachnoid space.
7. Which of the following relationships is accurate? a. Temporal lobe: vision b. Frontal lobe: somatosensory (touch, pressure, pain) c. Occipital lobe: vision d. Parietal lobe: hearing c. Occipital lobe: vision
8. Neuroglia a. are classified as sensory and motor. b. include astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, Schwann cells, and ependymal cells. c. fire action potentials when stimulated. d. contain dendrites and axons. b. include astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, Schwann cells, and ependymal cells.
9. Depolarization and repolarization a. are both caused by the movement of Na+ into the neuron. b. are phases of the action potential. c. occur only in the neuroglia. d. are both caused by the movement of K+ out of the neuron. b. are phases of the action potential.
10. Activation of the emetic center or CTZ a. elevates blood pressure. b. lowers body temperature. c. causes diaphoresis. d. induces vomiting. d. induces vomiting.
11. Characteristics of the hypothalamus include which of the following? a. Part of the diencephalon b. Synthesizes hormones (antidiuretic hormone and oxytocin) c. Controls pituitary gland activity d. All of the above d. All of the above
12. Schwann cells a. line the ventricles and help in the secretion of cerebrospinal fluid. b. are found in all glial cells. c. produce myelin sheath for neurons located within the peripheral nervous system. c. produce myelin sheath for neurons located within the peripheral nervous system.
13. The nodes of Ranvier a. are cells that secrete cerebrospinal fluid. b. are glial cells. c. are axonal sites covered by fatty insulation. d. are areas of the axonal membrane that are not covered by a myelin sheath. d. are areas of the axonal membrane that are not covered by a myelin sheath.
14. Which of the following is true with regard to the nerve impulse? a. The outward leaky diffusion of K+ and trapped anions within the cell are responsible for the resting membrane potential. a. The outward leaky diffusion of K+ and trapped anions within the cell are responsible for the resting membrane potential.
15. Which of the following describes the precentral and postcentral gyri? a. Right and left hemispheres b. Motor and sensory c. Supratentorial and infratentorial d. Vision and hearing" b. Motor and sensory
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