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unit 3 task 5


亚洲 Yà zhōu, Asia
zhōu continent
艺术节 Yì shù jié, Art Festival
春田市 Chūn tián shì, Springfield City
公共 Gōng gòng, public 公共汽车:bus
一年一度 Yī nián yī dù, Once every year
dù time
一度 yī dù one time
Yú, at e.g. 于星期六下午 on Saturday afternoon 于: formal word for 在
举办 Jǔ bàn, to hold, to host
本地 Běn dì, local
Běn self
dì ground, floor
艺术家 Yì shù jiā, artist 家: here refers to someone mastering in sth. 画家, 书法家
Xiàng, to, toward
展示 Zhǎn shì, to display, to reveal
艺术品 Yì shù pǐn, artwork
pǐn work, product
制作 Zhì zuò, to make, to manufacture formal for 做
技艺 Jì yì, skill
比如 Bǐ rú, such as, for instance
印度 Yìn dù India
日本 rì běn Japan
韩国 hán guó, Korea
泰国 tài guó Thailand
手绘花布 Shǒu huì huā bù, hand painted floral cloth
huì formal for paint
剪纸 Jiǎn zhǐ, cut paper
玩偶 Wán'ǒu, doll
以及 Yǐ jí, as well as, and. formal for “和”, and
另外 Lìng wài, in addition
邀请 Yāo qǐng, to invite. Formal word for 请.
各自 Gè zì, self’s
Gè ,everyone
布片 Bù piàn, cloth piece, a piece of fabric
一面彩旗 Yī miàn cǎi qí, a colorful flag
彩色 colors
formal for 脸, Liǎn, face Here is used as a measure word for the flag.
建市一百周年 Jiàn shì yī bǎi zhōu nián, found
...的时候 De shí hòu, when… V+ 的时候 e.g. 我打球的时候下雨了。
悬挂 Xuán guà, to hang
大厅 Dà tīng, big hall
踊跃 Yǒng yuè, actively
参加 Cānjiā, to join, to participate
Created by: babystarkatiez
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