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India studystack


reincarnation the process of re birth
karma both
dharma Hinduism
nirvana Buddhism
Hinduism Hinduism one of the world’s oldest religions. Today nearly 900 million people follow the Hindu religion. Hinduism means “the religion of the people”.
Hinduism It is the 3rd largest religion in the world. Largest religion in India today Scholars call the religion of the Vedic Age “Brahmanism”
Hinduism-Vedas Aryan religion was based on the Vedas There are four Vedas, each contain different songs and poems. A total of 1,000 songs are written in the Vedas. Oldest Veda–Rigveda (written before 1000 BC)
Hinduism-Vedas Upanishads are the sacred writings that dealt with questions about life, death, the right and wrong that concern all people. The Mahabharata and Ramayana are epic poems that deal with moral values.
Hinduism- Later Vedic Texts Aryan leaders wrote down their thoughts about the Vedas, these became the Vedic texts. Vedic texts describe Aryan religious rituals and writings about the Vedas. The Vedas and Vedic texts were the basis of Indian religion for many centuries.
Hinduism Develops Hinduism started when the Aryan religion blended with other cultures. Hinduism has no founder, single teacher or any prophets, instead it was founded by many wise Aryan men and women.
Hindu Beliefs Hindus believe in 3 main gods: Brahma- the creator Vishnu- the preserver Shiva- the destroyer **Each god is part of Brahman, just represent different aspects of the world.
Hindu Beliefs Hindu’s believe: Everyone has a soul called an atman People’s souls are reincarnated many times before they can join Brahman. Reincarnation: process of rebirth Hindu’s believe their soul is reborn into a new body many times.
Other Hindu Beliefs Karma- the effects that good or bad actions have on a person’s soul. A person with good Karma will be born into a higher caste A person with bad Karma will be born into a lower caste. Having good Karma will help a person reach Moksha
Other Hindu Beliefs *Everyone, including untouchables, can be reborn into a higher caste by following Karma and Dharma. *People are rewarded in their lives by living good lives through reincarnation.
Hindu Beliefs Striving for well being or earning a living with dignity is the second goal. Final Goal of Hinduism: reach Moksha- a peaceful escape from reincarnation. Where the soul joins Brahman.
Caste System the levels that people were put in by birth. 1 Brahmin 2 Kshatriyas 3 Vaisyas 4 sudras untouchables/dalits
Siddhartha Gautama Prince that was born wealthy but when he has 29 got out of the castle walls and saw people suffering and wanted to find the truth so he fasted and suffered. he discover Buddhism and became the first bhudah
eightfold path 1 resist evil 2 free ur mind of evil 3know the truth 4control ur thoughts 5 respect life 6 meditate 7 say nothing hurtful 8 work 4 the good of others
4 nolble truths !duhkaa @samudaya #nirodha $Magga
buhdism Buddhism is a religion based on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama.
buhdism Today there are more than 400 million Buddhists, making it the fourth largest religion in the world.
Life and Story of Buddha A Hindu prince, Siddhartha was a wealthy prince. A prophet predicted he would be a wandering holy man. His father, the king wanted him to become a ruler.
buhdism To keep him from becoming a holy man, the king kept Siddhartha sheltered from the outside world.
buhdism This also kept him from seeing the poor, sad, or sick people of the city.
buhdism When Siddhartha was about 30 years old, he rode his horse without any guards. As he traveled he saw the sick, poor, and sad people for the first time.
buhdism He decided to give up his throne and all that came with it to search for truth about life, suffering, and death.
buhdah Buddha means “the enlightened one.” Enlightenment means?A state of perfect wisdom
Basic Beliefs Buddha accepted the Hindu idea of karma. To gain enlightenment the Buddha advised people to follow the middle way, a way of accepting the four truths.
Four Noble Truths Dukkha- suffering is a part of life. Samudaya- suffering is caused by desires. - -getting what you want does not guarantee happiness. Nirodha- suffering will stop if you give up your desires. Magga- the eightfold path will stop the suffering.
Eightfold Path 1. Right belief –strive to clearly understand the Four Noble Truths. Strive to understand your own mind. 2. Right purpose- think kindly of others and avoid dwelling on the past or future. 3. Right speech- speak kindly and truthfully.
Eightfold Path 4. Right conduct- act kindly towards all living things. Do not be attached to the results of actions. 5. Right livelihood – have a job (vocation) that does not harm others. 6. Right effort- be determined to cleanse the mind.
Eightfold Path 7. Right mindfulness- be fully aware of what you are doing, always with concern for others. 8. Right meditation- intensely concentrate during meditation to focus on being one with any situation.
Reaching Nirvana Nirvana is a state of perfect peace. The goal is to reach nirvana by following the eightfold path.
Reaching Nirvana The first two steps involve preparing one’s own mind.
Reaching Nirvana The next three steps involve taking charge of one’s own behavior.
Reaching Nirvana the last three steps help train the mind to gain enlightenment.
The 5 Precepts Do not harm any living things.
The 5 Precepts Do not steal, take only what is given.
The 5 Precepts Avoid overstimulation.
The 5 Precepts Do not say unkind things.
The 5 Precepts Do not take drugs or alcohol.
buhdists Do not take drugs or alcohol.
How did Buddhism spread? Word of mouth from missionaries.
Aryans Wise men and women founded the Hinduism religion - polytheistic religion
Aryans Noble ones in their language
Aryans A group of people living in the Indus River Valley
Aryans Introduced the social structure - the Caste System
Aryans Expressed their beliefs in Vedas
Buddha Siddhartha Gautama - Hindu prince who gave up his wealthy way of life to find truth about life - poor, sick and death.
Buddha Buddhism religion he started
Buddha 4 Noble Truths, 5 Precepts, 8 Fold Path
Ashoka Chandra Gupta’s grandson - Bindusara was his dad
Ashoka Ashoka Maurya emperor who went to war for 8 years until... Kalinga - lost 100,000 men were killed and felt saddened. Causing him to change to Buddhism. -Improved life - set up hospitals, dug wells, road systems, promoted trade. Expanded Buddhism
Ashoka Ruled for 40 years
Chandra Gupta First Gupta Ruler
Chandra Gupta Expanded territory across the Ganges Basin
Chandra Gupta Exterminator of kings as he conquered lands to the south and west.
Chandra Gupta Conquered the west coast and tried to bring peace and prosperity.
According to the Vedas, people move in a cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. This cycle is called reincarnation
Each reincarnation is a punishment or reward for the life one led before. To be rewarded in your next life a person must have good karma
who was the bhuddah siddartha guttama
Created by: user-1762969
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