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Spanish Adjectives

Disparatado Crazy
Tópico Cliche
Trillado Overrused
Acorralado Cornered
Postrimera Last
Despreciable Negligible
Desgarrador Heartbreaking
Encaminado Direct
Caudaloso Abundant
Deleitoso Delightful
Leve Mild
Lisonjero Flattering
Pudoroso Bashful
Enajenado Alienated
Desdichado Wretched
Ameno Enjoyable
Soñoliento Sleepy
Compungido Remorseful
Reacio Reluctant
Soez Profane
Risueño Smiling
Ensimismado Lost
Escandalizado Shocked
Ocioso Idle
Ajeno Unaffiliated
Al corriente de To be aware of
Engarruñado Crooked
Peliagudo Sticky
Dadivoso Generous
Sobresaliente Outstanding
Paulatino Gradual
Impostergable Cannot be postponed
Apremiante Urgent
Insatisfecho Unsatisfied
Desbordado Overflowing
Agudo Acute
Esbelta Slender
Vigente Current
Hastiado Jaded
Llevadero Bearable
Perspicaz Insightful
Acongojado Distraught
Estridente Shrill
Estar a rebosar To be packed (a location)
Miope Short-sighted
Zurdo Left-handed
Repugnante Disgusting (food)
Tacaño Stingy
Cohibido Self-concious
Espeluznante Terrifying
Entrañable Endearing
Enrevesado Convoluted
Ardiente Burning
Rasgado Torn
Alborotado Disorderly
Airoso Successful
Enrojecido Reddened
Grasiento Oily
Plano Flat
Conmovedor Moving
Cálido Warm
Precipitado Sudden
Cauteloso Careful
Created by: izzirowell
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When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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