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James College Y8

What is energy? The ability to make change happen; different forms include heat energy, light energy and sound energy. The standard (SI) unit of measure for energy is the Joule (J).
What are the different types of energy? Energy comes in six basic form: kinetic, heat, light, sound, electrical
What is heat transfer? The movement of heat from one substance or material to another. Heat transfer takes place through three principal mechanisms: conduction, radiation, and convection.
What is conduction? When heat moves from one object to another object through direct touch. For instance, one piece of metal could conduct heat from another piece of metal if the two are touching.
What is convection? When heat flows through liquids and gases, also what causes what heat to rise and spreads heat from a heater across the room. It also spreads heat through soup being heated in a saucepan
What is radiation? When heat radiates (spreads outward) from any hot object. Radiant heat is transferred through a wave that can travel through space thus why you can feel the radiation of the sun but it can be blocked by finding shade because the radiant heat can't reach
Photosynthesis The process in which green plants convert light energy is converted to chemical energy in the form of sugars.
Law of conservation of energy Energy cannot be created nor destroyed but can only be transferred from one object to another or transformed into another form of energy
What energy is wasted? For example with a lawnmower the type of energy you do want would be kinetic energy because you want the blades to spin but it also produces sound and heat which is wasted energy because its taking away from the kinetic energy we want in the blades.
Energy rating level A label showing a number of stars (usually from 1 to 10), which can be used to compare the energy efficiency of different appliances.
Why are modern day cars so good? Because modern cars these days are very quiet and produce much less heat than older models because the energy that is saved from sound and heat can be used to create more kinetic energy instead which is far more useful than sound and heat.
Echoes A sound wave being reflected
What are the properties of metals The properties of metal tend to be shiny or reflective (lustrous) or can be polished to be shiny, good conductors of heat and electricity, can be bent and hammered into sheets (malleable) and can be stretched into wires (ductile) .
What are the properties of non-metals Lower melting points, tend to be dull (opposite of shiny), do not conduct heat or electricity, break or crumble when bend (brittle/opposite of malleable)
What is sound and pitch? Sound is a type of energy that travels as vibrating waves and can be heard by our ears as sound. Pitch is how low/high the sound is, the faster the particles producing is sound vibrate, the higher the pitch
Electro magnetic radiation Energy released from the sun. The complete range of radiation released from the sun which always travels at the speed of light
Transparent, translucent, opaque Transparent can be seen clearly (almost all light passes through). Translucent is fuzzy/unclear some light can pass through but is scattered and the rest is reflected. Opaque cannot be seen through, all light is either reflected or absorbed.
Mirrors Most mirrors are flat. These are called plane mirrors which are just your ordinary mirrors that reflects the image normally
Convex mirrors A mirror that bulges outwards these mirrors produce smaller images however show a wider angle and field of view, examples include a rear view mirrors in cars or security cameras in order to see a bigger range.
Concave mirrors A mirror that bulges inward these mirror have a lower field of view but in return produces a bigger image similar to magnifying an object when used at a close distance. Therefore dentists use it to examine teeth.
How light travels Light like sound travels like a wave but is much faster than sound it also doesn't need any matter or material to carry its energy along meaning in travel through a vacuum—a completely airless space therefore light from the sun can travel through space
Convex lenses A convex lens bulges outwards in the centre. This type of lens bends light together. A convex lens can be used as a magnifying lens when placed close to an object however has a lower field of view. (Opposite to convex mirrors)
Concave lenses A lens that caves inwards. This type of lens spreads light apart. These lenses always produce small and upright images. (Opposite to concave mirrors)
Long sighted If your eyeball is too short, light is focused behind the retina or hyperopia
Short sighted If your eyeball is too long, light is focused in front of the retina or myopia
Different types of lenses for different eye issues A concave lens is used to treat short sightedness and a convex lens is used to treat long sightedness
Elements and structure of the eye Your eye forms an image using a convex lens which focuses light onto a point on the retina, which is found at the back of your eye
Characteristics of titanium Shiny, conductor of heat, shaped or hammered into sheets or wires
Elements in the periodic table 118 elements known, 98 elements are natural, 20 elements man-made
Where the names of the elements come from? Often the chemical symbol of an element comes directly from its letters in its name. But sometimes the symbol comes from other languages such as Latin or German.
Frequency The number of waves that travel past a given point per second and is measured in hertz (Hz)
Wavelength The length of one complete wave, measured in metres
Different types of lenses for different eye conditions A concave lens is for short sightedness, a convex lens is for long sightedness
ROGYBIV Red, orange, green, yellow, blue, indigo, violet are the colours of the visible spectrum. Red has the highest frequency which goes down to violet which has the lowest frequency.
Sound Production Sound is produced by vibrations and in order to make sound an object has to be vibrating such as our vocal cords vibrating to speak. Since vibration has kinetic energy the kinetic energy travels from each air particle. (but the air particles do not move)
Speed of sound The speed of sound is 343m per second or 761mph but sound tends to travel much faster through a solid because the vibration of sound can bounce of more particles and go faster rather than in air where there are less particles.
Created by: 136867
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