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Question | Answer |
Abstract | adj. not easy to understand; theoretical |
acclaim | n. loud approval; applause |
acquiesce | v. agree or consent to an opnion |
adamant | adj. not yielding; firm |
adversary | n. an enemy; foe |
abstract | adj. not easy to understand; theoretical |
acclaim | n. loud approval; applause |
acquiesce | v. agree or consent to an opinion |
adamant | adj. not yielding; firm |
adversary | n. an enemy; foe |
advocate | v. to plead in favor of; n. supporter; defender |
aesthetic | adj. showing good taste; artistic |
alleviate | v. to lesson or make easier |
aloof | adj. distant in interest; reserved; cool |
altercation | n. controversy; dispute |
altruistic | adj. unselfish |
amass | v. to collect together; accumulate |
ambiguous | adj. not clear; uncertain; vague |
ambivalent | undecided |
ameliorate | v. to make better; to improve |
amiable | adj. friendly |
amorphous | adj. having no determinate form |
anarchist | n. one who believes that a formal fov't is unneccessary |
antagonism | n. hostility; oppostion |
apathy | n. lack of emotion or interest |
appease | v. to make quiet; to calm |
apprehensive | adj. fearful; aware; conscious |
arbitrary | adj. based on one's perference or whim |
arrogant | adj. acting superior to tohers; conceited |
articulate | v. to speak distinctly; to connect; to convey; to express effectively; adj. fluent; capable of speech |
assess | v. to estimate the value of |
astute | adj. cunning; tricky; crafty |
atrophy | v. to waste away through lack of nutrition |
audacious | adj; fearless; bold |
augment | v. to increase or add to; to make larger |
austere | adj. harsh; severe; strict |
authentic | adj. real; genuine; trustworthy |
banal | adj. common; petty (little unimportant); ordinary |
belittle | v. to make small; to think lightly of |
benefactor | n. one who helps others; a donor |
benevolent | adj. kind; generious |
benign | adj. mild; harmless |
biased | adj. prejudiced; incluenced; not neutral |
blasphemous | adj. irreligious; away from acceptable standards |
blithe | adj. happy; cheery; merry |
brevity | n. briefness; shortness |
candid | adj. honest; truthful; sincere |
capricious | adj. changeable; fickle |
caustic | adj. burning; sarcastic; harsh |
censor | v. to examine and delete objectionable material |
sensure | v. to criticize or disapprove of |
charlatan | n. an imposter; fake |
coalesce | v. to comine; come together |
collaorate | v. to work together; cooperate |
compatible | adj. in agreement; hamonious |
complacent | adj. content; self-satisfied; smug |
compliant | adj. yielding; obedient |
concede | v. to acknowledge; admit; to surrender; to abandon one's position |
concise | adj. in fewe words; brief; condensed |
aondescend | v. to com down from one's position or dignity |
condone | v. to overlook; to forgive |
conspicuious | adj. easy to see; noticeable |
consternation | n. amazement or terror that causes confusion |
consummation | n. the completion; finish |
contempt | n. scorn; disrespect |
contrite | adj. regretful; sorrowful |
conventional | adj. traditional; common; routine |
cower | v. bend down in fear or shame |
defamation | n. any harm to a name or reputation; slander |
deference | n. a yielding to the opinion of another |
deliberate | v. to consider carefully; weight in the mind; adj. intentional |
denounce | v. to speak out against; condemn |
depict | v. to portray in words; present a visual image |
deplete | v. to reduce; to empty |
depravity | n. moral corruption; badness |
deride | v. to ridicule; laugh at with scorn |
desecrate | v. to violate aholy place or sanctuary |
detached | adj. separated; not interested; standing alone |
deter | v. to prevent; to discourage; hinder |
didactic | adj. instructive; dogmatic (unflexible) ; preachy |
digress | v. stray from the subject; wander from topic |
diligence | n. hard work |
discerning | adj. distinguishing one thing from another |
discord | n. disagreement; lack of harmony |
discriminating | v. distinguishing one thing from another; v. demonstrating bias; adj. able to distinguish (tell between or different) |
disdain | n. intense dislike; v. look down upon; scorn |
disparage | v. to belittle; undervalue |
disparity | n. difference in form, character, or degree |
disperse | n. to scatter; separate |
disseminate | v. to circulate; scatter |
dissent | v. to disagree; differ in opinion |
dissonance | n. harsh contradiction |
dogmatic | adj. stubborn; biased; opionion |
dubious | adj. doubtful; uncertain; skeptical; suspicious |
eccentric | adj. odd; peculiar; strange |
efface | v. wipe out; erase |
effervescence | n. liveliness; sprirt; enthusiasm; bubbliness |
egocentric | adj. self-centered |
elaboration | n. the act of clarifying or adding details |
eloquence | n the ability to speak well |
elusive | adj. hard to catch; difficult to understand |
emulate | n. to imitate; copy; mimic |
endorse | v. support; to approve of ; recommend |
engender | v. to create; bring about |
enhance | v. to improve; compliment; make more attractive |
enigma | n. mystery; secret; perplexity (confusion) |
ephemeral | adj. temporary; brief; short-lived |
equivocal | adj. soubtful; uncertain |
erratic | adj. unpredictable; strange |
erroneous | adj. untrue; inaccurate; not correct |
esoteric | adj. incomprehensible; obscure |
euphony | n. pleasant sound |
execute | v. put to deaf; kill; to carry out ; fulfill |
exemplary | adj. serving as an example; outstanding |
exhaustive | adj. thorough; complete |
expedient | adj. helpful; practical; worthwhile |
expedite | v. speed up |
explicit | adj. specific; definite |
extol | v. praise; commend |
extraneous | adj. irrlevant; not related; not essential |
facilitate | v. make easier; simplify |
fallacious | adj. misleading |
fanatic | n. enthusiast; extremist |
fastidious | adj. fussy; hard to please |
fervor | n. passion; intensity |
fickle | adj. changeable; unpredictable |
fortuitous | adj. accidental; happening by chance; lucky |
frivolity | n. giddiness; lack of seriousness |
fundamental | adj. basic; necessary |
furtive | adj. secretive; sly |
futile | adj. worthless; unprofitable |
glutton | n. overeater |
grandiose | adj. extravagant (wasteful) ; flamboyant (colorful) |
gravity | n. seriousness |
fuile | n. slyness; deceit |
hackneyed | adj. commonplace; trite (lack of interest) |
hamper | v. interfere with; hinder (delay) |
haphazard | adj. disorganized; random |
hedonistic | adj. pleasure seeking |
heed | v. obey; yild to |
heresy | n. opinion contrary to popular belief |
hindrance | n. blockage; obstacle (barrier) |
humility | n. lack of pride; modesty |
hypocritical | adj. two faced; deceptive |
gypothetical | adj. assumed; uncertain |
illuminate | v. make understandable |
illusory | adj. unreal; false; deceptive (not honest) |
immutable | adj. unchangeable; permanent |
impartial | adj. unbiased; fair |
impetuous | adj. rash;impulsive; forcible; violent |
implication | n. suggestion; inference |
inadvertent | adj. not on purpose; unintentional |
incessant | adj. constant; continual |
incidental | adj. extraneous; unexpected |
inclined | adj. apt to; likely to angled |
incoherent | adj. illogical; rambling (wordy) |
imcompatible | adj. disagreeing; disharmonious |
incredulous | adj. unwilling to believe; skeptical |
indfferent | adj. unconcerned |
indolent | adj. lazy; inactive |
indulgent | adj. lenient (not harsh); extravagant (wasteful) |
inevitable | adj. sure to happen; unavoidable |
infamous | adj. having a bad reputation; notorious |
infer | v. form an opinion; conclude |
initiate | v. begin;admit into a group n. a person who is in the process of being admitted into a group |
innate | adj. natural; inborn |
innocuous | adj. harmless; innocent |
innovate | v. introduce a change; depart from the old |
insipid | adj. uniteresting; bland (plain) |
instigate | v. start; provoke (angry) |
intangible | adj. incapable of being touched; immaterial |
irrational | adj. not locial |
jeopardy | n. danger |
kindle | v. ignite; arouse |
languid | adj. weak; fatiqued |
laud | v. to praise |
lax | adj. careless; irresponsible |
lethargic | adj. lazy; passive |
levity | n. silliness; lack of seriousness |
lucid | adj. shinning; easily understood |
magnanimous | adj. forgiving; unselfish |
malicious | adj. spiteful; vindictive |
marred | adj. damaged |
meander | v. wind on a course; go aimlessly |
meticulous | adj. exacting; precise |
minute | adj. extremely small; tiny |
miser | n. penny pincher; sting person |
morose | adj. moody; despondent |
mitigate | v. alleviate; lesson; soothe |
negligence | n. carelessness |
neutral | adj. impartial; unbiased |
nostalgic | adj. longing for the past; filled with biteersweet memories |
novel | adj. new |
nullify | v. cancel; invalidate |
objective | adj. open-mided; impartial (fair); n. goal |
obscure | adj. not easily understood; dar |
oboslete | adj. out of date; passe |
ominous | adj. threatening |
optimist | n. person who hopes for the best; sees the good side |
orthodox | adj. traditional; accepted |
pagan | n. polytheist; adj. polytheistic |
partisan | n. supporter; follower; adj. biased; one sided |
perceptive | adj. full of insight; aware |
peripheral | adj. marginal; outer |
pernicioius | adj. dangerous; harmful |
pessimism | n. seeing only the gloomy side; hopelessness |
phenomenon | n. miracle; occurrence |
philanthropy | n charity; unselfishness |
pious | adj. religious; devout; dedicated |
placate | v. pacify |
plausible | adj. probable; feasible |
pragmatic | adj. matter of fact; practical |
preclude | v. inhibit; make impossible |
predceesor | n. one who has oppcupied an office before another |
prodigal | adj. wasteful; lavish |
prodigious | adj. exceptional; termendous |
profound | adj. deep; knowledgeable; thorough |
profusion | n. great amount; abundance |
prosaic | adj. tiresome; orginary |
provincial | adj. regional; unsophisticated |
provocative | adj. tempting; irritating |
prudent | adj. wise; careful; prepared |
rectify | v. correct |
redundant | adj. repitioius; unnecessary |
refute | v. challenge; disprove |
relegate | v. banish; put to a lower position |
repudiate | v. reject; cancel |
rescind | v. retract; discard |
resolution | n. proposal; promise; determination |
respite | n. recess; rest period |
reticent | adj. silent; reserved; shy |
reverent | adj. respectful |
rehtorical | adj. having to do with verbal communication |
rigor | n. severity |
sagacious | adj. wise; conning |
saturate | v. soak thoroughly; drench |
scanty | adj. inadequate; sparse (very little or thin) |
scrupulous | adj. honorable; exact |
scrutinize | v. examine closely; study |
servile | adj. slavish; groveling |
skeptic | n. doubter |
solemnity | n. seriousness |
solicit | v. ask; seek |
stagnant | adj. motionless; uncirculaating |
stanza | n. group of lines in a poem having a definite pattern |
static | adj. incative; changeless |
stoic | adj. detached; unruffled; calm |
sublety | n. understatement; propensity for understatement; sophistication |
superficial | adj. on the surface; narrow-minded; lacking depth |
superfluous | adj. unnecessary; extra |
surpass | v. go beyond; outdo |
symmetry | n. correspondence of parts; harmony |
taciturn | adj. reserved; quiet; secretive |
tedious | adj. time-consuning; burdensome; uniteresting |
temper | v. soften; pacify; compose |
tentative | adj. not confirmed; indefinite |
thrifty | adj. economical; pennywise |
tranquility | n. peace; stillness; harmony |
trepidation | n. apprehension; uneasiness |
trivial | adj. unimortant; small; worthless |
tumid | adj. swollen; inflated |
undermine | v. weaken; ruin |
unobtrusive | adj. inconspicuous; reserved |
unprecedented | adj. unheard of; exceptional |
unpretentious | adj. simple; plain; modest |
vacillation | n. fluctuation |
valid | adj. acceptable; legal |
vehement | adj. intense; excited; enthusiastic |
venerate | v. revere |
verbose | adj. wordy; talkative |
viable | adj. capable of maintaining life; possible; attainable |
vigor | n. energy; forcefulness |
vilify | v. slander |
virtuoso | n. highly skilled artist |
virulent | adj. deadly; harmful; malicious |
vital | adj. important; spirited |
volatile | adj. changeable; undependable |
vulnerable | adj. open to attack; unprotected |
wane | v. grow gradually smaller |
whimsical | adj. fanciful; amusing |
wither | v. wilt; shrivel; humiliate; cut down |
zealot | n. believer; enthusiast; fan |
zenith | n. pint directly overhead in the sky |