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Set #1

Human Anatomy weeks 1-5

superficial structures are closer to the body surface. skin is superficial to underlying structures
deep structures away from the body surface The bone of the thigh is deep to the surrounding skeletal muscles
proximal toward to the point of attachment to the trunk (torso)
distal away from the point of attachment to the trunk (torso)
lateral away from the midline
anterior anatomical position as seen from the front
cephalic region head
cervical region neck
trunk chest, abdomen, and pelvis
upper and lower extremities arms and legs
the diaphragm divides the anterior cavity into ________________ and __________________ thoracic and abdominopelvic
negative feedback loop where the response from the effector opposes or negates the original stimulus. most common mechanism to prevent the values or levels from going outside normal range. examples: blood sugar regulation, temperature regulation
positive feedback loop where the response enhances or increases the stimulus. very fun functions are regulated by this. examples: blood cutting, childbirth, release of breast milk
homeostasis this is what maintains our internal body temperature, PH, blood pressure, ions. This is all the chemical changes that go inside your body
the two membranes surrounding the lungs are called _________________ and ____________________ layers of the pleural membranes parietal and visceral
Plasma membrane surrounds the cell and regulates/protects chemicals going in or coming out of the cell
nucleus control gene expression and mediate replication of DNA during cell cycle control center of the cell; houses all genetic material (DNA) enclosed in a double layered nuclear envelope
mitochondria performs cellular respiration-takes in nutrients from cell and breaks it down then turns it into energy powerhouse of the cell; release energy
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum produces proteins
ribosome RNA is translated into proteins
lysosome digest excess or worn out organelles, food particles, viruses or bacteria "garbage disposals" of the cell; contains enzymes that breakdown nutrients, molecules, and foreign invaders
centrioles organizes cell division in animal cell, formatting of spindle fibers
golgi complex transport of lipids around the cell, creation of lysosomes. Modifies, sorts, and packages of proteins for secretion
there are three layers of cells of epithelial tissue simple, stratified, and pseudostratified
simple epithelial one layer of cells involved in filtration, secretion, and absorption
stratified epithelial more than one layer of cells. deepest layer of mitotic cells. Found on subjects to wear and tear
pseudostratified epithelial simple epithelium where all of the cells touch the basement membrane but not all extend to outside surface
connective tissue very diverse and contains blood vessels and nerves. composed of cells separated by non living material called matrix.
three types of connective tissue connective tissue proper, fluid connective tissue, supporting connective tissue
muscle tissue fibers that have the ability to contract and relax.
3 types of muscle tissue skeletal, cardiac, smooth
nervous tissue neurons and neuroglia
what type of tissue is capable of contraction and relaxation muscle tissue
what type of tissue generates impulses nervous/neural tissue
what type of tissue binds tissue together connective tissue
sagittal plane vertical cut separates right part from left. Just left and right parts.
transverse horizontal cut
superior Towards the head or above
inferior away from the head, towards the tail
posterior structures are toward the back of the body
medial toward the midline
What is the smallest unit that can carry out the functions of life? cells
This system in the human body returns proteins and fluid to blood. lymphatic
Which of the following structural level of organization is the most complex? organ system level
The acromial region is located top shoulder
The term Antebrachial refers to this area of the body forearm
What fluid is found around joints? synovial fluid
The term crural refers to the area of the body leg
atom The smallest unit of matter that retains the properties and characteristics of an element
H2O The most abundant and important inorganic compound found in living systems
organelles Intracellular structures which have specific shapes and functions
hydrophilic The phospho group head on a phospholipid
What organ system is responsible for delivering oxygen to the blood and removing the metabolic waste called carbon dioxide? respiratory
lipids are a group of nonpolar hydrophobic molecules composed primarily of carbon and hydrogen; include fats and oils.
ribose The structure of a nucleotide includes: a nitrogenous base, a phosphate, and
carpals form the framework of the hand
what is not a characteristic of life? balance
two major catagories of body membranes serous and cutaneous
Absorption passage of substances through certain membrance
What is metabolism physical and chemical changes that occur with in the body
Cardiovascular System transports gases, nutrients, hormones, and wastes EX: heart, arteries, veins, capillaries
Digestion System receives foods and breaks them down into simpler forms that can pass through the cell membranes and be absorbed EX: mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestines, large intestines
Endocrine System all glands that secrete chemical messengers called hormones, usually particular hormone affects particular group EX: Pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal glands, pancreas, ovaries, testes, pineal gland, thymus
Integumentary System skin and various organs EX: hair, sweat glands, oil glands, nails
Nervous System uses nerve impulses to communicate electrochemical signals EX: Brain, spinal cord, nerves, sense organs
List 3 body sections 1. sagittal 2. transverse 3. coronal
Coronal cut that divides the body into anterior and posterior portions
List the 3 major parts of a cell 1. nucleus 2. cytoplasm 3. cell membrane
Microfilaments and Microtubules found within microtuble; found within cytoplasm; form cytoplasm
Celia short hair-like structures wused for movement
List the 4 types of passive transport 1. diffussion 2. facilitated diffussion 3. osmosis 4. filtration
Diffussion movement of molecules from area of high concentration to area of low concentration
Facilitated Diffusion takes placce when molecules are too large to pass through the membrane
Osmosis special type of difussion, water diffuses from area of high concentration to area of low concentration
Filtration forces molecules through the membrane force comes from heart pounding
Exocytosis sending something outside the cell from low conetration to high concentration
Endocytosis bringing something inside the cell from low concentration to high concentration
3 types of endocytosis 1. pinocytosis 2. phagosytosis 3. receptor-mediated endocytosis
List 6 stages of cell cycle 1. interphase 2. prophase 3. metaphase 4. anaphase 5. telephase 6. cytokinesis
4 main types of tissues 1. epithelial 2. connective 3. muscular 4. nervous
Ligaments connect bone to bone
Tendons connect muscles to bones
List the 6 types of connective tissues 1. loose connective 2. adipose 3. dense connective tissure 4. cartilage 5. bone 6. blood
What is the function of loose connective tissue forms thin, delecate membranes throughout the body
Why is cartilage slow to heal because of the lack of blood supply
Interphase a cell duplicates
Prophase nuclear envelope disappears; chromosomes shorten and thicken
Metaphase chromosomes line up on the middle of the cell
Anaphase chromosomes pull apart
Telephase reverse of prophase, nuclear envelope appears
Cytokinesis two separate cells
List the 4 functions of adipose tissue 1. cushions joints and some organs such as kidneys 2. insulates beaneath the skin 3. stores energy in fat molecules 4. lies beneath skin in spaces between muscles, around kidneys, behind surface of heart and around some joints
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulim doesn't have ribosomes; contains enzymes important in lipid synthesis
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulim has ribosomes; site of protein synthesis
What type of tissue transports materials between interior body cells and the external environment? blood
Created by: randas14
Popular Science sets




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